Making my way filling out the altar.
This weeks challenge rift is definitely among the easiest ones. Kinda fun too. I had no idea what I was doing but ended up blowing through with minutes to spare.
The next thing I need to do is Ancient Hellfire Amulet. But the sacrifice before was 250 molten thingies. So I don't have any to make amulets. I have tons of the other mats (regret, fright, putridness, and the other one)
I have like 400-500 death breaths so that isn't a problem either.
I wanted to make a Tal Rasha build this season since it is stronger than Typhons. But I am loaded to the gills with my Typhon build. Echoing Fury is cubed. I have an above average ancient Serpent Sparker in the main hand and an ancient winter flurry in the off. I am using guardians bracer and belt. I lost the witching hour belt but gained Tasker and Theo in the cube because I found a pretty good ancient magistrate.
Higher GR I've done is 92 so far in around 8 minutes. And my shield hasn't dropped during a GR ever. I am not even using the double shields bracer because I need it for guardians.
I've stayed away from Squirts since in the past it made me very squishy. But since my shield never drops, I may as well go for it. Right now elite packs die in 3-4 seconds and bosses in not much more than 5 seconds. That will change as I have just unlocked the "bosses take 50% more damage" altar node.
I would normally quit after not much longer but there is a lot more to do this season
Still trying to push forward. Would normally have stopped at this point.
But cleared a 145 yesterday, haven't been up there before. Cant stop so "close" (well, ~120% dmg increase away) to the end :S
Quickly running out of meaningful ways to increase dmg that doesn't translate to "grind thousands of paragon lvls" however.
Nice Shadout!
Are you a Tal Rasha build?
I figure if I wanted to push right now, I could do 115. That is 10 levels higher than I have ever been!
How is the primal farming going? Any better at GR 145?
How many more nodes till you finish the altar? (are you done?) What paragon are you? (I'm ~600)
UE multishot is supposed to be the meta meta build this season. If I slow down some more on my wiz, I may fire one up.
Yeah, Tal Rasha, it is absolutely insane.
Weirdly enough I have gotten most of my Primals from Kadela. But afaik the chance to get primals is no different from around GR 90 and upward, so for those it is just a matter of fast clears. I have found the ones I needed for the Altar, which is finished + crafting a weapon with the new ashes, so I don't specifically look for more primals. The chance of finding a useful primal seems too low to matter unless you farm a lot.
At paragon 1400.
Managed to finish a 146 with a few seconds left, but it took about 5 tries, so very long way to go if I have to depend on lucky GRifts. Probably should try the Starpack build. It is supposedly better for very high density GRifts. It just feels annoying to play.
I managed to clear GR80 comfortably last night on my Necro. The increase in Legendary/Set drops around GR70 is really quite noticeable.
In terms of the Altar I need a Challenge Cache for the next sacrifice, but that's not too bad cause the new one starts today.
The last challenge rift was not difficult at all. I hope this one is not too tough either.
I can comfortably do the GR 110s with my current "fun" Meteor Wizard, but she's really squishy. I gotta find a way to incorporate Captain Crimson's or something.
Tal's has so many additional pieces, you might be able to do both Guardians and Cpt Crimsons
New challenge today is horrible. Totally broken Tals build.
Side note. Anyone else suddenly have issues creating a game? I keep getting code 1 and can't play any longer.
There is now a notice on BNET saying they are investigating a problem creating games. Yay me for being an early adopter!
New challenge today is horrible. Totally broken Tals build.
I thought it was a piece of cake? Took me 2 tries, but once I had an idea of the layout I skipped most of the first floor, hit the pylons and champs, and burned through it with 2 mins to spare.
Now I need a level 125 whisper of atonement. Got 121 yesterday... so close! Think I can push my way to GR130 and upgrade it...
This is my second season maining a Meteor wizard and I have to say that was the worst setup ever. It's not just the lack of Teleport, but I'd argue that Electrocute actively hinders moving somewhat. I managed it in three or four attempts, but damn.
Well, if you mean whoever put together that build should be taken out behind the shed and shot, I agree with you there
Perfect example of the overly RNG dependent GRifts in D3, I farm most of the evening trying to get through a GRift 150, without success, sitting at anywhere between 16-25 min clear times depending on layouts and pylons. Run out of keys, change build to find some, then when I go back to Grifts I forget to change my follower back, resulting in some massive DPS loss due to no Oculus ring, as well as a big defensive loss from templar heals, and then finish it in 14:40. Everything is about whether you get the right pylons at the right moment. Which is a shame. Kinda doesn't feel like it matters what you do yourself (although it of course does matter somewhat).
Oh well, a clear is a clear. I still really liked the Altar system in the season.
And his assumption was that Halos of Karini fall off trees, which they definitely do not. Also there is the assumption that Karinis drop more often than primals which is definitely not true in my experience. (by about 5 or 6 to 1)
Might have to agree more with this after all. It was the only item where I never never got an ancient to equip. I managed to get one through crafting, but it was too badly rolled to use.
Well, if you mean whoever put together that build should be taken out behind the shed and shot, I agree with you there ;-)
Also Agreed. Took me many tries and barely eked it out with a few seconds to spare.
I've pushed my Necro to GR105 and can definitely do higher. Haven't found a single primal except the guaranteed one though.
I think I need to create a dedicated Nephelem Rift farmer to stockpile keys, since this necro build is powerful but kinda slow. Maybe a wizard with that infinite teleport legendary...
I'm running a Crusader and having fun but I know I will struggle getting to GR90.
I am annoyed I've only gotten a single primal at GR70 and none since and I definitely have hit a 100 legendaries since.
I've pushed my Necro to GR105 and can definitely do higher. Haven't found a single primal except the guaranteed one though.
I think I need to create a dedicated Nephelem Rift farmer to stockpile keys, since this necro build is powerful but kinda slow. Maybe a wizard with that infinite teleport legendary...
I have a farming wizard setup like this.
Mine's a little different, but you can play with it on your own to see what works. And my gear is trash and it still kills T16s in minutes so don't worry about that. Teleport is the only ability you use, so load up your follower with the +Keystone and +DB gear and watch it rain.
I have a Crusader that stands back and fills the screen with lightning and I have a Necromancer that gets all up in the enemy's face and swings a scythe around. That's probably the most "you're doing it wrong" that I've managed yet; a fitting way to spend the season before D4 rolls in.
Is there not a Diablo IV thread? I feel like there should be a Diablo IV thread. But starting one feels like an awful lot of responsibility...
Cool. I stopped looking once the threads got old enough that they were all marked "read."
Created a Wizard and got a near-complete Tal Rasha Meteor kit; missing the Halo of Karini of course. Still can do GR90s at ~3 minutes though.
I completed the Season Journey and am on the Staff of Herding level of the Altar. Have only found two primals thus far, so unlocking those extra potion effects seems... distant.
Because Rifts can get boring, I've also been doing some Set Dungeons. Mastered all the Necro and Wizard ones so far. Getting them all done is a good goal before D4, right? Of course right.
I wanted to give D3 one last hurrah before D4 comes out, and see if I could make top 1000 on the hardcore charts again. It took a little while, but: success!
My character's stats aren't as impressive as some of you, but that's just part of playing hardcore - slow and steady and all that. I did manage GR 117 and Paragon 1000, which is more than I've ever done before. Also finished out the altar, that was a fun mechanic.
Anyway, I've got a ton of mileage out of D3 over the past ten (!!) years, but on to new things. I'll be tackling HC mode in D4 as well, but... probably not right away See y'all there!
Anyone going to play Season 29? I'll be giving it a spin (to win!).
I will. Been here for all of them, gotta be here for last new content one.
Spin to win and a bone armor necro.
Talking about season 29, how active is the guild? My current one with friends is almost dead so I’m looking for some folks to run with in the new season.
There is definitely 6+ people on most nights when a new season hits.
Looking forward to this season. Though it is bittersweet
edit: also of note, I've uninstalled Diablo 4 from my computer. Diablo 3 has always been installed. Diablo 2 was on my computer for 10 years before it was uninstalled. And it probably hasn't been off my computer for longer than 3-6 months until D2:R was released.
Talking about season 29, how active is the guild? My current one with friends is almost dead so I’m looking for some folks to run with in the new season.
Fang might say it best. There are a few at early season. After a week it will be desolate again. S29 might be an exception but I doubt it.
My wife and I have will be playing but we coop on Switch.
6 more hours! Cannot wait to get home
It is really going to be interesting with the capped and unlocked paragon points.
Raxx lists wizard as top class this season and has hydra as one of the best builds. I am guessing it is going to be attack speed based with captain crimson. Or it could be LOD hydra with attack speed and mammoth hydras since attack speed boosts damage over time.
Prior seasons 50 points into attack speed was a 10% boost right? So that means 200 points = a 40% boost?