AUs_TBirD wrote:The shape of the score...uh...board?
It's called a score bug. Because that's not dumb at all.
Thanks! That's so logical that I'm sure I'll never forget it.
AUs_TBirD wrote:The shape of the score...uh...board?
It's called a score bug. Because that's not dumb at all.
According to the wife, who worked on the chyron for various channels, The Bug was an ESPN thing and Fox called theirs the Fox Box.
Both stupid names.
I am learning so much from you guys...
Another shot of the current game:
It's a fantasy football RTS.
I mean, it's a football fantasy RTS.
Wait, that's misleading too.
It's an RTS version of a football-like league sport with a chaotic fantasy coating.
It's also the source of great color commentary such as "I hope that pitch isn't fattening...because he's eating a lot of it!" and "Tossed him like a flesh pancake!"
Some kind of Blood Bowl thing?
Since I don't have any more shots that are notably different and everyone seems stumped, I'll refrain from killing the thread.
It's an RTS version of a football-like league sport with a chaotic fantasy coating.
It's Chaos League.
Free play.
This one just got it's 1.0 release earlier this week, and it's got sky lighthouses!
Black Skylands, and it's pretty darned fun.
Free play, assuming my eyes aren't lying to me.
Merphle, you are correct!
That's giving me some serious top down Skies of Arcadia vibes. As if Skies of Arcadia were running on a high-res GBA or something.
That's giving me some serious top down Skies of Arcadia vibes. As if Skies of Arcadia were running on a high-res GBA or something.
Little bit of that, yeah, mixed with some Hotline Miami-style combat, and maybe a bit of Stardew Valley character art aesthetic in cutscenes? I'm digging it so far.
I want to say Wizball, but that's not how I remember it looking.
Is it the ZX Spectrum version?
I want to say Wizball, but that's not how I remember it looking.
Is it the ZX Spectrum version?
You are correct! I think it was some kind of weird DOS version.
Only ever played the c64 version and the 2010 (or so) remake. I remember the c64 version had a fantastic title theme - though most games by Ocean had great music back then.
Here's a pretty darned good live version of it.
There is a lot to unpack with that screenshot.
Maybe this completely normal second screenshot will clear things up?
Oh yeah, totally. I know exactly what game it is now.
But maybe other people can answer and prove that they know?
It's totally Big Wiz Nuts Musical Trippy Dream Adventure
It's totally Big Wiz Nuts Musical Trippy Dream Adventure
Well, PART of that title is correct.
Ok, to help jog "other people"'s memories, a few more shots of this critically acclaimed early 90's game for home computers. It is a Monty-Python-esque sequel to a critically acclaimed game from the 80's.
Fun fact: the background music for this section is a version of "How Much for that Doggy in the Window?" ....which is also the tune the ice cream truck in my neighborhood uses. The lady in the background is barking along with the dogs in the song.
I just reverse-image-searched it. Would never have guessed the title. I don't think I've ever heard of the game before.
Is that some sort of vampiric Kate Bush as a background?
Alright, the game is Wizkid: The Story of Wizball II, which is an utterly insane package.
Certainly worth watching a longplay of.
And a very positive recent review in addition to the very positive reviews of the time: The Games We Never Talk About: Wizkid: The Story Of Wizball II
Actually, "Wizteroids".
Is that some sort of vampiric Kate Bush as a background?
The resemblance is certainly there, and 1992 is near the peak of her career...
Free play!
It was on the Amiga! How did I miss this I thought I played every Amiga game going.
Alright, the game is Wizkid: The Story of Wizball II, which is an utterly insane package.
Certainly worth watching a longplay of.And a very positive recent review in addition to the very positive reviews of the time: The Games We Never Talk About: Wizkid: The Story Of Wizball II
merphle wrote:Pacsteroids
Actually, "Wizteroids".
bbk1980 wrote:Is that some sort of vampiric Kate Bush as a background?
The resemblance is certainly there, and 1992 is near the peak of her career...
Free play!
When I reverse-image-searched it, the first hit was for a game called Revenge of the Mutant Camels, which just goes to show that Google didn't know the answer either.
...a game called Revenge of the Mutant Camels
One of Jeff Minter's more famous creations
The guy has been making arcade-style games for over 40 years now! That makes me feel old too...
Man, I didn't even know that wizball got a sequel. Amazing.
This is a little different, but can someone tell me where this music comes from in this youtube i just watched? I actually don't know, but it's driving me crazy not being able to figure out what it is from. I also feel that i was annoyed playing whatever game has this music. given as a link because youtube button doesnt allow time stamps.
Can't help you with the music, but I agree that Return of the King was a pretty amazing movie adaptation for the time. I also agree that Shelob's Lair is a real PITA.
It's been a month, but it's still Free Play!
This is a little different, but can someone tell me where this music comes from in this youtube i just watched? I actually don't know, but it's driving me crazy not being able to figure out what it is from. I also feel that i was annoyed playing whatever game has this music. given as a link because youtube button doesnt allow time stamps.
Around the 15:20 mark, the music calls back to the main theme from The Legend of Zelda, so there's the first clue. It sounds orchestrated & like chaotic fight music, so that tells me it's from a more recent Zelda.
While that helps narrow it down, I've had no luck after some cursory listening around with pinning down the exact track.