Well the opening of Scream 5 looked like death for sure, but wasn't... So yeah. Guess this is in theme.
Paramount+ eh?
Something else to watch besides Picard, yay. Maybe I'll get to it this weekend if the wife goes to bed early one night.
I watched Evil Dead Rise. Apparently they used 1700 gallons of blood in the production of it, and yeah. That is a sticky, gory movie. Also, an excellent one.
I watched Evil Dead Rise. Apparently they used 1700 gallons of blood in the production of it, and yeah. That is a sticky, gory movie. Also, an excellent one.
I thought that Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive (aka Braindead) might still hold the record for fake blood but google says that the 2013 Evil Dead used upwards of 70,000 gallons, 50k of which was just in one scene.
Alien Love Gardener wrote:I watched Evil Dead Rise. Apparently they used 1700 gallons of blood in the production of it, and yeah. That is a sticky, gory movie. Also, an excellent one.
I thought that Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive (aka Braindead) might still hold the record for fake blood but google says that the 2013 Evil Dead used upwards of 70,000 gallons, 50k of which was just in one scene.
Peter Jackson walked so Evil Dead could run.
The original Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 both preceded Dead Alive.
Alien Love Gardener wrote:I watched Evil Dead Rise. Apparently they used 1700 gallons of blood in the production of it, and yeah. That is a sticky, gory movie. Also, an excellent one.
I thought that Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive (aka Braindead) might still hold the record for fake blood but google says that the 2013 Evil Dead used upwards of 70,000 gallons, 50k of which was just in one scene.
Project Wolf Hunting may give those films a run for their money for the amount of blood used - although I haven't seen Rise yet. But was kinda comical how much blood was flowing in Project Wolf Hunting.
On Hoopla if you have access to that.
The original Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 both preceded Dead Alive. :D
I was wondering about that, but didn't have a moment to look it up.
Evil Dead Rise was pretty good. Lots of good kills. Lots of good callbacks. Lots of good camera work. The opening title was great. Just a total bloodbath.
I give the move 9 swallowed souls out of 10.
I did finally do Scream 6 over the weekend but forgot to post. 5 is still better but this one was fun. Definitely better than 3 or 4. I thought they were going to really twist things after the opening kill. But then they did, but in a different way. Very nice.
Crawley was right, the Core 4 had plot armor. But screw it, I like them. And Randy's relatives deserve to survive a sequel.
I really thought a certain returning character died in their movie. But it was cool to see them again.
Also a nice callback to the original with the
fake death of one of the killers.
And of course I figured the movie would be set on Halloween or that weekend. Only way to do multiple people in masks in the city like that. Otherwise the one nut in a "Stab" mask becomes obvious.
Watched the first episode of From and thought it was pretty. So far it is a people trapped in a town with monsters that come out at night. Couple of gnarly kills. Mystery is interesting. The acting is cool.
I think someone will start yelling for Walt and a Smoke monster might show up. We shall see.
Yeah the comparisons are really fun for Lost fans like myself.
I watched Clock on Hulu. Man, I am torn on this movie. There are very specific things that it did which were great, but overall it wasn't awesome. If you need a quick horror-fix, it is only 90 minutes, so I guess that is a plus. But I wouldn't recommend it.
My wife and I just finished the second season of From, and we loved it as much as the first one. In case you know nothing about the show (I don't see anyone talking about it anywhere), imagine Lost, but written by Stephen King. Now, King doesn't actually write the show, but it has that same vibe, and it stars Harold Perrineau... and I'll leave it at that. If you think that sounds awesome, do yourself a favor, check out the first episode, and let me know what you think!
I'm 8 episode into Let the Right one in series and think it is great so far. The show has the same themes as the movies but took it into a different direction. Unfortunately the show did get canceled. I'm not sure if it wraps up cleanly or not.
I'll be curious to hear what you think of From, Higgledy.
I watched The Others forever ago and really enjoyed it, but I remember absolutely nothing about it. I should watch it again!
My wife and I just finished the second season of From, and we loved it as much as the first one. In case you know nothing about the show (I don't see anyone talking about it anywhere), imagine Lost, but written by Stephen King. Now, King doesn't actually write the show, but it has that same vibe, and it stars Harold Perrineau... and I'll leave it at that. If you think that sounds awesome, do yourself a favor, check out the first episode, and let me know what you think!
I knocked out the first episode a couple of weeks ago. I was immediately impressed that while From has some very SyFy level of acting at times, the production value is pretty impressive and the directing is very engrossing. I looked and it appears that the director (for at least all of the first episodes) is a veteran who has done some great episode of Game of Thrones, Lost, and The Sopranos.
That finale was a little better than I expected although I have so many questions.
Ok. Saw Evil Dead Rise and yes the buckets of blood at the end give Project Wolf Hunting a run for its money.
Did enjoy Rise whereas I didn't care of the remake. Think I just liked the change of scenery. And liked it was pretty no holds bar on who could die.
Looks like on Paramount + they merged everything with Showtime now, so they are no longer separate services. So can finally see Pearl and Men.
Looks like on Paramount + they merged everything with Showtime now, so they are no longer separate services.
And increased the price of Paramount+.
From S2 finale
I’m higher on the finale as I get more distance from it:
We were following three characters leading up to credits, Boyd, Tabitha, and Jade. Boyd’s quest to destroy the music box was pretty much what I expected. I did love the nod to the audience when he nearly gets taken out by a red shirt and he shouts “C’mon!” (this is ridiculous). Of course we get a few minutes of Boyd roughing it out with an arm full of shell fragments and getting the deed done. I needed more from Jade, the way he finished out the episode with neither an interesting resolution nor an exciting cliffhanger was a bit of a miss. But loved Tabitha waking up in the “real world” (some people are debating this). I was panicking at first when she looks over because I thought we might see the rest of the Matthew’s family in a coma. And the whole of From is some shared dream. Which we didn’t. Somehow I want the place of From to be real even if it is some kind of magical alternate dimension.
Crawley wrote:Looks like on Paramount + they merged everything with Showtime now, so they are no longer separate services.
And increased the price of Paramount+.
Yup. Saw that. But they give out free month codes so frequently there's almost no reason to pay for it - and the codes can always be used for commercial free tier. I did finally pay for a year of commercial free service when they offered it for $70 but that just ran out. And sure enough about 3 days after my service expired they had a free month code which I used. Then offered me 2 more free months after that month ran out.
If they did the $70 annual fee I'd still be paying but they have seemed to be clueless on competitive pricing and giving away free service. Even when it was CBS All Access they were giving out free month codes almost every month.
merphle wrote:Crawley wrote:Looks like on Paramount + they merged everything with Showtime now, so they are no longer separate services.
And increased the price of Paramount+.
Yup. Saw that. But they give out free month codes so frequently there's almost no reason to pay for it - and the codes can always be used for commercial free tier. I did finally pay for a year of commercial free service when they offered it for $70 but that just ran out. And sure enough about 3 days after my service expired they had a free month code which I used. Then offered me 2 more free months after that month ran out.
If they did the $70 annual fee I'd still be paying but they have seemed to be clueless on competitive pricing and giving away free service. Even when it was CBS All Access they were giving out free month codes almost every month.
I subbed for a year last November, for $90ish I think. I still have a few months to decide if I want to stick with it.
Just started season 2 of Chucky. So far so good. Wacky and murderous just like season 1. The actors have better chemistry this season. Still packed full of callbacks to the movies. Good stuff.
I haven't watched The Babadook since it came out. I've now got 7yo and 4yo boys. Last night, I got the hankering to watch it again.
Let me tell you, that movie hits VERY differently now than I remember it doing when I first watched it pre-kids. It addresses so many of the fears and frustrations that come with being a parent that the creature itself was kind of the least frightening thing in the movie.
Watched Hello Mary Lou Prom Night 2 which wasn't what I expected. I thought it was going to be slasher but it was more ghost demon or nightmare on elm street mixed with a splash of Carrie. I don't really dig these types of movies because there is no limit to what the ghost demon can do. Then if the demon ghost can do anything why don't they just make a plane fall out of sky and land on people or make a bomb pop out of nowhere and blow up people.
So the story was dumb. The movie has nothing to do with the first movie except they both have prom in the title. I did like seeing young versions of classic actors. Some nice classic full frontal nudity. The kills were forgettable. I did like one moment that I wouldn't call a kill considering how it ended. If you seen the toys from this movie I now know what that is from.
I give the movie 5 dudes I slept with and enjoyed every minute of it out of 10. Time to confess my sins now.