If you got space for woodworking building the body would be super doable for sure. I wouldn't do the neck myself just due to the sheer precision needed there, but I've not done a ton of research there
"Hmm I wonder what acoustic electric guitars are like these days I should look into tha~ahh shit this is how I end up spending $600 a year on instruments I never have time to play I don't need to do this to my self again"
~me, right before doing the thing
I have been researching reverb pedals as of late just because I knew very little of them (and I haven't made a purchase in long time and the GAS is starting to kick in) and I've found two things:
1. You can either get a pedal that do regular reverb things really well, but doesn't do weird things or vice versa.
2. Pedals are expensive but man, there are some cool ones. Death by Audio Room's is amazeballs.
While doing research I dug into the stereo hole and for any of you that run your music gear in stereo I have a question: So the guitar is a mono instrument. The signal then travels to a pedal which does it's magic and turns it into a stereo signal. If you then route it into another pedal which is mono output, which half of the signal is discarded? Or does it sum the signal?
Second question: I read that you need TSR cables to run a stereo rig. I don't understand why since from what I understand stereo is basically just two mono signals, right? One for left and one for right?
1. You can either get a pedal that do regular reverb things really well, but doesn't do weird things or vice versa.
Definitely. I run a digital multi-reverb, weird reverb/delay, simple analog delay, and digital weird modulated delay to cover all the sounds I like to play around with.
I have been researching reverb pedals as of late just because I knew very little of them (and I haven't made a purchase in long time and the GAS is starting to kick in) and I've found two things:
1. You can either get a pedal that do regular reverb things really well, but doesn't do weird things or vice versa.
2. Pedals are expensive but man, there are some cool ones. Death by Audio Room's is amazeballs.While doing research I dug into the stereo hole and for any of you that run your music gear in stereo I have a question: So the guitar is a mono instrument. The signal then travels to a pedal which does it's magic and turns it into a stereo signal. If you then route it into another pedal which is mono output, which half of the signal is discarded? Or does it sum the signal?
Second question: I read that you need TSR cables to run a stereo rig. I don't understand why since from what I understand stereo is basically just two mono signals, right? One for left and one for right?
Researched a bit more today and it seems it sums the signals together if you go from stereo to mono.
Also, two regular ts cables seem to work fine to create a stereo track. I am guessing tsr cables can carry a stereo signal through one cable maybe.
Thirdly i learned that mac os allows you to chain together two or more interfaces and use the secondary interfaces as inputs. Very cool!
I do want to start building a pedal board but I need a good power supply first and it's hard to get excited about spending a chunk of change on a power supply for the thing I really want in this context
I do want to start building a pedal board but I need a good power supply first and it's hard to get excited about spending a chunk of change on a power supply for the thing I really want in this context
Unless you are playing gigs, I'd just start out with a daisy chain, IMO it doesn't add that much noise to your signal and will get you far enough along to treat yourself to a power supply later. Something like this:
Agreed. You also don't need a board until you have a few pedals and start tripping over them.
That is the smart thing to do yes. But alas *gestures at extremely pricey guitar I barely know how to play*
Having said that a friend has a bunch of spare power supplies so it's a moot point.
Also my local guitar shop Big Dudes Music is having a pedal swap meet tomorrow so I might stop by that for the hell of it
Bass players all need a precision for anything written before 1975, a jazz for slap and tap, and a stingray for active pickups to cut through with that thump when you want to solo over a drum set.
Beyond that, you need a 5 string for metal and funk and a fretless for classical or art rock.
That and a honking big amp.
Ditto on this one. I picked up a Dark ray 5 string (basically a Stingray Special with darkglass electronics preamp onboard) last year for use in Spirit bomb and I absolutely love it! It's very versatile and I love being pedal board free to switch between clean/driven with the flick of a pickup switch. In this band, we do everything since Anime intros/outros have it all (funk, pop, metal, etc) . I love the simplicity for live playing and killer sound.
You can see & hear me rocking it here in this live concert video
Y'all play MAGFest, yet? Check it out!
Y'all play MAGFest, yet? Check it out!
Not yet but it's on the list. It looks awesome!
Mixolyde wrote:Y'all play MAGFest, yet? Check it out!
Not yet but it's on the list. It looks awesome!
It's a blast, you'll fit right in.
No. If you leave them out in sunlight for 10 years, you'll get a bit of fade in color.
The finish can yellow over time. The front of my metallic blue guitar is now green.
Everyone I know that works with sheet music uses Musescore, it's free and featureful.
Bought a little cheapy parlor acoustic bass - out for delivery now. Looking forward to noodling around with it!
I am lacking the capacitor I need to finish this wiring job but I did get a photo of the wild mess that is my home wiring:
Had a pretty good dad moment yesterday.
My 11-year old has been asking to start playing guitar a lot lately, so i surprised her with a new electric guitar waiting in her room after school and signed her up for lessons. It's a punk rock squire jazzmaster(very much her style). She came running downstairs crying and gave me the tightest hug i think she has ever given.
Came downstairs at 6 am today to start practicing - and already has a G rock chord down.
That's a good memory for ole Sally.
Heck yea! Thats a huge win!
Let me know if you need help picking out extremely expensive after market parts for that Jazzmaster it's something of a specialty of mine. And as a bonus I'm local to you!
Sorry I just have a Yamaha amp from about 10 years ago that I've never felt the need to replace. Might splurge for a full bass amp at some point though the Bass setting on it feels like it lacks some punch but that may well be a skill issue
That's so cool! She'll be G-C-Ding her way to a record contract before you know it!
Let me know if you need help picking out extremely expensive after market parts for that Jazzmaster it's something of a specialty of mine.
And as a bonus I'm local to you!
Oh! Another KC guy? Where at? I am up north.
I have an apartment in North KC! Not far from Mainstreet.