I just got Death! Woohoo! This is on top of getting Thor on Friday.
We now know what the CL cap is.
Well, only 2 years to go to get there!
Some people have to much money or a serious lack of self control…
Happenstance? I was playing an Agatha deck and unlocked the title "Playing Agatha"
Friend battles are added. When are we starting the tournament?
Friend battles are added. When are we starting the tournament?
Totally in
I will get crushed but I am in.
Where is Chisey to start a poll and rule vote?
I'd be interested in participating. Probably more fun to lose to goodjers rather than the general public.
I'm probably in, but I'm sure it'll be one of those nights like tonight, when the game draw just says "No, you don't get to win."
Love to, but timezone won’t allow it…
I'm in! Maybe a discord or something with a room where we can meet and exchange codes?
I can organize a tournament once work settles down towards the end of this week. Depending on interest we could choose a format. Looks like there's 10 people or so split across this thread and the discord so a double elimination bracket could work without taking a month
sad about the Leader nerf in this update, I’ve been running a Destroyer deck for the last week and my favorite part was seeing opponents drop Leader on turn 6 and destroy all their own cards.
Hey I never forum post but here I am for the SNAPs!
Snap tourney is gonna happen!! Is everyone interested here on the forums OK to use Discord to share game codes/results? Should be very convenient that way
Says I'm 'new'.. wonder how many posts I gotta make for that to go away! I'm not new!
Hey I never forum post but here I am for the SNAPs!
Snap tourney is gonna happen!! Is everyone interested here on the forums OK to use Discord to share game codes/results? Should be very convenient that way
Sorry.. I don't really use discord, but if someone can post the schedule of times / matches on here I'll be fine.
I’m in the 60’s and getting really annoyed by how people have started to retreat at the slightest setback and don’t seem to be willing to just roll with things. Scarlet Witch turns a bad location into the Superflow, but her being there means you can’t benefit from it? Retreat. You get a match with locations that restrict what cards you can play there? Retreat. Opponent plays Cosmo or Armor at the same location you played Deadpool? Retreat. Opponent plays Moon Knight and discards your Shang Chi? Retreat. I’m struggling to complete missions or gain CL because half the matches I’ve played this week end before turn 5 and only give 1-2 cubes.
I’m in the 60’s and getting really annoyed by how people have started to retreat at the slightest setback and don’t seem to be willing to just roll with things. Scarlet Witch turns a bad location into the Superflow, but her being there means you can’t benefit from it? Retreat. You get a match with locations that restrict what cards you can play there? Retreat. Opponent plays Cosmo or Armor at the same location you played Deadpool? Retreat. Opponent plays Moon Knight and discards your Shang Chi? Retreat. I’m struggling to complete missions or gain CL because half the matches I’ve played this week end before turn 5 and only give 1-2 cubes.
This is part of the reason why once I hit 80 I stopped trying to gain cubes and just played fun/annoying decks. I lost down to 45 and have won back to around 65. I never snap or retreat anymore. It actually makes loses sting less. That's probably just from lack of caring about cubes though.
Played the battle mode with my mate last night, while it was fun playing with him think it still needs a bit of work. Not being able to swap decks or at least have a sideboard restricts it, if one of you just so happens to choose a deck that completely shuts down the other.
Also I thought of it afterwards, and although it won't happen, a draft mode would be way more fun and balanced when playing a mate.
I’m in the 60’s and getting really annoyed by how people have started to retreat at the slightest setback.
I've been precipitously close to 50 for about a week and a half now, but I've also been on the other side of that, sort of. Less the slightest setback, and more being absolutely screwed by draws, locations, or both at once, which is extra fun. I spent most of lunch retreating, trying to do a Win w/4 mission using my Negative deck, and it was comical how often Jane got discarded, or my opponent's random X Mansion card just so happened to be Infinaut, I lost count. But I did count how often Iron Man shouldered his way past Mr. Negative and drew first: 6 to 2. Additionally, Tony started in my hand 3 times, while Jane Foster, Psylocke, or Mr. Negative combined only managed 5. I didn't count how often Iron Man made it to my hand before I could Negative him. Rest assured, I will be taking these credible stats to reddit to complain, and f*ck Iron Man, I'm glad he's dead.
The only time I’ll retreat is if it’s turn 6 and there is absolutely no way I’ll be able to pull off a victory. I’ve been boned by bad draws, bad locations, and bad discards, but dealing with that stuff and trying to find a solution is like half of the fun of game for me.
It depends, some of my decks are more adaptable than others, and some I have a pretty good idea by turn 3 or 4 if it's worth anyone's time to continue, and sometimes someone with a dog-whistley name lays down Iceman, Scorpion, and Green Goblin, and I decide not to give them the satisfaction.
It's by a similar logic that I think the Spider-Man/Absorbing Man or Double Spider-Mans turn is a bad idea: I'm not sticking around just to see after that.
I'm around 2100CL and rank 65 at the moment, and I haven't seen many opponents retreating based on a location flip. It's most common to see retreats before playing out turn 6.
I’ve been counting since last night and I’m seeing about 1 out of every 3 matches ending with retreat, usually on turn 3 or 4. Maybe it’s just the deck I’m playing causing people to nope out (my main has evolved into a hybrid control/destroy deck)
I can sure understand getting spooked, especially if you don't have the cards you're counting on in hand.
Huge day or two: I got Arnim Zola late last night, Sera with tokens just now, and my final cache of the night had Maximus in it. Maximus is a bit whatever, I'm sure he has a place somewhere in some deck I have, but I don't quite know which just yet, but with Zola and Sera, the last really big Pool 3 card I don't have is Doom. And I guess arguably Cerebro.
I made a pretty hefty destruction deck around Zola (with the extremely 90s name "Venom X"), and funnily enough, even though I only got the chance to play Zola once, but couldn't complain because I was still crushing it with massive Venoms and Wolverines and cheap Deaths.
Super Skrull just showed up for me in a Reserve, but I have no idea what to do with it yet. Seems pretty situational, but might be fun in a deck designed to mess with others.
Invisible Woman, Modok, Hela feels pretty powerful right now. Throw in Morbius and MoonGirl and you have something pretty hard to beat.
Invisible Woman, Modok, Hela feels pretty powerful right now. Throw in Morbius and MoonGirl and you have something pretty hard to beat.
A well-placed Cosmo pretty effectively neuters this combo. Add Rogue and you can either defang Morbius or blow up their deck by hitting Invisible Woman and flipping Modok early. First match of the new season was against someone trying a Modok/Hela combo and it did not go well for them.
Leech would also completely wreck this deck but I personally don’t like playing Leech because it just feels like too dickish of a card to use.
It's got the same problem as Cerebro or Patriot decks. The strongest play is putting all your buff cards in one lane which makes it vulnerable to Enchantress.