Not having much luck this evening.
Trying to start up the game for another go...
"In queue: 499 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
"In queue: 899 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
In queue: 999 players ahead of you"...
... And so on...
... Error...
1999 players...
Possibly PS5 the issue. All the forum post replies was people saying the merging of PC/console account and loosing their loot. None that I saw was from PC players.
Blizzard posted they were investigating so hopefully you get your loot back soon.
Not having much luck this evening.
Trying to start up the game for another go...
"In queue: 499 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
"In queue: 899 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
In queue: 999 players ahead of you"...
... And so on...
... Error...
1999 players...
For some, and myself included, I have had to switch to Asia region to be able to log in. I get the same error if I use the Americas currently. Asia region has allowed me to log in np.
Clicking the little globe icon next to play on B.net launcher on PC at least has worked.
Not having much luck this evening.
Trying to start up the game for another go...
"In queue: 499 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
"In queue: 899 players ahead of you"...
Error unable to login.
In queue: 999 players ahead of you"...
... And so on...
... Error...
1999 players...
Same this afternoon. I got in once this morning.
Managed to get in... And it hadn't saved what little progress I made earlier, 5 games not recorded so the few characters I had unlocked were locked again. Ha.
I think I'm leaving it until it's all fixed and hopefully everyone gets their stuff and unlocks back. Which is a shame because I had the Overwatch itch.
I think one important thing is that they called it overwatch 2. At this state it's really not. It's Overwatch 1.5 (at best). It's as if they took a bunch of work on Overwatch that they did over the past two years but didn't release any of it. Just saved it up for all that time and then dumped it out all at once. I'm not saying that's bad or that I'm unhappy. But it's totally understandable that people look at this and wonder why it's got a 2 behind it because in reality it's an expansion pack. There's nothing wrong with that. Calling it 2 has brought a lot of new players in (and made a fair number of current players unhappy with some issues they've had) so that's great and I'll enjoy it. At the same time it's a bit underwhelming.
It may help some but it also opens up an easy avenue for smurfs and griefers to bring their old accounts over to OW2. The point of that system was to remove those accounts so it's frustrating to see that they've already given up on that after one day.
Since a lot of people use pre paid cell plans and most of those don't work with the system, it's likely to help many more people then it hurts.
It may help some but it also opens up an easy avenue for smurfs and griefers to bring their old accounts over to OW2. The point of that system was to remove those accounts so it's frustrating to see that they've already given up on that after one day.
The bad and toxic people were always going to find a way to circumvent the system. It’s not that hard. This is a very pro consumer move. Let everyone who owned OW1 bring their account over and play OW2. Bulk up your reporting and enforcement tools to deal with the bad apples quickly.
I think this shows that Blizzard isn't blindly taking orders from Activision. Because with their other games they don't give AF. I've felt that they had been completely swallowed by the Activision machine for the past 6 months or so. Or maybe it's possible future daddy MS giving them guidance.
Bulk up your reporting and enforcement tools to deal with the bad apples quickly.
But that costs time and money, so I’m not gonna hold my breath on that.
It may help some but it also opens up an easy avenue for smurfs and griefers to bring their old accounts over to OW2. The point of that system was to remove those accounts so it's frustrating to see that they've already given up on that after one day.
This is one of the things I was kind of looking forward to. Online gaming is so toxic I'm in favor of pretty much any hall monitor protocols to clean it up.
EvilHomer3k wrote:It may help some but it also opens up an easy avenue for smurfs and griefers to bring their old accounts over to OW2. The point of that system was to remove those accounts so it's frustrating to see that they've already given up on that after one day.
The bad and toxic people were always going to find a way to circumvent the system. It’s not that hard. This is a very pro consumer move. Let everyone who owned OW1 bring their account over and play OW2. Bulk up your reporting and enforcement tools to deal with the bad apples quickly.
I disagree. Sure, people who are dedicated enough can/will find a way to circumvent the system. But the system in OW1 was ridiculously easy to circumvent and many people in comp had at least two accounts. Many had significantly more. Those accounts are all now active and viable so someone who is toxic, throwing, smurfing, etc can just swap accounts and ruin games without any interruption. Unless there are permanent bans the problem will persist for OW2. Judging by how they backtracked so fast despite not being able to handle the current load of players I don't see permanent bans as something they'll actually do. The only way they can fix it (and by fix I mean fix it for casual griefers) is by instituting some type of cell phone/IP requirement for ALL accounts, not just new ones.
I think they dug themselves into a no win situation. Not surprised they walked back the SMS to some degree with the amount of flaming that is being dumped on them with some valid gripes. This is not a new game after all and being one who can now not play a FTP game that you paid for already would be infuriating. The games have been much more competitive than anything the last year plus of the last version of OW so hopefully this doesn't greatly impact the enjoyment in the immediate future.
staygold wrote:EvilHomer3k wrote:It may help some but it also opens up an easy avenue for smurfs and griefers to bring their old accounts over to OW2. The point of that system was to remove those accounts so it's frustrating to see that they've already given up on that after one day.
The bad and toxic people were always going to find a way to circumvent the system. It’s not that hard. This is a very pro consumer move. Let everyone who owned OW1 bring their account over and play OW2. Bulk up your reporting and enforcement tools to deal with the bad apples quickly.
I disagree. Sure, people who are dedicated enough can/will find a way to circumvent the system. But the system in OW1 was ridiculously easy to circumvent and many people in comp had at least two accounts. Many had significantly more. Those accounts are all now active and viable so someone who is toxic, throwing, smurfing, etc can just swap accounts and ruin games without any interruption. Unless there are permanent bans the problem will persist for OW2. Judging by how they backtracked so fast despite not being able to handle the current load of players I don't see permanent bans as something they'll actually do. The only way they can fix it (and by fix I mean fix it for casual griefers) is by instituting some type of cell phone/IP requirement for ALL accounts, not just new ones.
History says otherwise... While it's been shown to slow and/or maybe reduce some behaviour it doesn't come close to eliminate it. Since this doesn't stop actual first offenses. It just makes it harder to come back, but a casual search will show ways to bypass these implementations listed. Some quite easy and cheap.
So them doing something to get some 'good will' doesn't move the needle far either way in regards to toxic behaviour.
Patch today the 6th says it should fix the console/PC merge bugs so hopefully that will fix those with lack of player unlocks carrying over.
Overwatch 2 Planned Downtimes and Fixes - October 6, 2022
3:00-4:00 p.m. PDT: Servers will be down while we’re rolling out a fix to address some bugs related to account merge, login, and the First Time User Experience. Players won’t be able to access the servers during this time.
6:00-9:00 p.m. PDT (approximately): We’re conducting significant upgrades to our databases to address player queues. Players won’t be able to access the servers during this time.
Additional Updates:
Players on PC may be prompted to update their client. This addresses some reports of crashes and black screen issues.
So I now all the modes and OW1 characters are unlocked on my account ... Just the missing cosmetics to sort.
So I now all the modes and OW1 characters are unlocked on my account ... Just the missing cosmetics to sort.
Cool all my cosmetics are back, unfortunately majority of the heroes are locked again...
It appears that all is as I imagined it should be now in terms of carrying stuff over.
I'm still rubbish to average at best but enjoying getting back to a bit of OW action. Game says I played 170 hours of the previous iteration, can't see that happening again, but hopping on for short bursts is still decent.
I might be missing something but I'm not a big fan of no stats after a game, even if the info was just for yourself it's nice to know you've had a solid game. Not just how many kills or whatever, but how much healing handed out or damage you soaked up for the team for example.
I might be missing something but I'm not a big fan of no stats after a game, even if the info was just for yourself it's nice to know you've had a solid game. Not just how many kills or whatever, but how much healing handed out or damage you soaked up for the team for example.
on PC you can see that by hitting TAB throughout the match.
Pretty sure they're doing it for all us casuals that get discouraged watching how bad we played. We know! Seems like they're trying to get folks to focus on team success not individual stats?
Bubblefuzz wrote:I might be missing something but I'm not a big fan of no stats after a game, even if the info was just for yourself it's nice to know you've had a solid game. Not just how many kills or whatever, but how much healing handed out or damage you soaked up for the team for example.
on PC you can see that by hitting TAB throughout the match.
Will see if there's a PS4 equivalent, ta.
Pretty sure they're doing it for all us casuals that get discouraged watching how bad we played. We know! Seems like they're trying to get folks to focus on team success not individual stats?
Yeah I can see that and I'm as casual as they come, it was just cool to know on the stats front how you played with one character compared to another that kind of thing. It doesn't have to be a public announcement just for my own viewing.
Also has it become a lot easier to wall ride with Lucio? I seem to recall it being trickier than this.
ranalin wrote:Bubblefuzz wrote:I might be missing something but I'm not a big fan of no stats after a game, even if the info was just for yourself it's nice to know you've had a solid game. Not just how many kills or whatever, but how much healing handed out or damage you soaked up for the team for example.
on PC you can see that by hitting TAB throughout the match.
Will see if there's a PS4 equivalent, ta.
There is, just hit the pad during a match to see all of those stats. Sure, it sucks there isn't an end game recap, but there is an option to review past matches, but I can't recall if it shows stats or just shows the replay of the match.
Bubblefuzz wrote:ranalin wrote:Bubblefuzz wrote:I might be missing something but I'm not a big fan of no stats after a game, even if the info was just for yourself it's nice to know you've had a solid game. Not just how many kills or whatever, but how much healing handed out or damage you soaked up for the team for example.
on PC you can see that by hitting TAB throughout the match.
Will see if there's a PS4 equivalent, ta.
There is, just hit the pad during a match to see all of those stats. Sure, it sucks there isn't an end game recap, but there is an option to review past matches, but I can't recall if it shows stats or just shows the replay of the match.
Thanks for the pad tip and I'll dig a lil more into reviews.
I finally jumped in for some games - seems nice and familiar, but with enough change to be fresh. And at least for me so far, the five-man thing has really solved queue times.
With that said, I'm confused on the battle pass. In the pass UI it looks like all new cosmetics are gated behind pass tiers, and only a few of them unlock for F2P, but in the heroes UI some of those same are purchasable, and others not, but only for legacy currency (which I guess won't drop from now on?). Is everything grindable (in principle) F2P, or is most stuff pay only, or what?
Only two real gripes so far:
- There's a pre-match interaction where Dva says "How can you experiment on those cute little bunnies?" and Moira replies "Easily". This is all wrong, she ought to say something like "By tying them down."
- "Let the kit-SOO-nay guide you!" - the weird pronunciation bugs my wife. Pls fix blizzard, thx.
Going forward most stuff will be pay-only. If you do your all your weeklies you'll be able to grind out 540 premium currency per season (9-weeks). So after a few seasons of that you'll be able to pick up a legendary (1900 credits) without paying real money, but honestly if you care about cosmetics you'd be better off putting those credits towards the battlepass.
You can use legacy credits (OW1 currency) to pay for a few new skins for the new heroes and some of the old skins, but many of them are locked down, requiring you to get them in the store with real money.
You can use legacy credits (OW1 currency) to pay for a few new skins for the new heroes and some of the old skins, but many of them are locked down, requiring you to get them in the store with real money.
And I thought my 60,000 OW1 credits were going to be useful.