Veloxi wrote:Antichulius wrote:Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was a blast. The biggest complaint I saw was about the camera, and it’s certainly not great at times, but tolerable. I enjoyed the gameplay and very comic book story. Now that I’ve rolled credits, I’m not sure if I’ll move on or stick it out for some of the post game challenge. Either way, I enjoyed my time with the main story and some grinding.
Ended up with a team of SpiderGwen, Wasp, Crystal, and Scarlet Witch (who was later swapped for Storm). It was a fun team with some solid synergies. I could see finding another good team a fun excuse to play more.
Yes I too am enjoying this very much!
It was actually your recent posts in the weekend playing thread that got me to finally bump it to the top of my pile and give it a real go. :)
Oh awesome. I hit a big difficulty spike a little while back so I took a little break but now I've muscled through it (and lowered the difficulty) so I'm having a blast again.
Yeah, I spent a while grinding and leveling with some of the side stuff for a while. Picking up the DLC also helped with the variety of things to do and rewards to get, too.
Yeah I played MUA3 on release but then fell off. It got frustrating when I wanted to change characters and had to grind. When someone new joined the team they were level appropriate. So it was like switch to them now and abandon one you've been using or leave them and let them fall behind?
I do intend to go back and try again. Switch pile is pretty big.
Yeah, sticking with one good team early helped a lot, and then only swapping a couple of times let me focus the XP cubes onto just a few characters to avoid the level grind. I had an abundance of them left over when I rolled credits, but no where near enough for everyone.
Yeah, I spent a while grinding and leveling with some of the side stuff for a while. Picking up the DLC also helped with the variety of things to do and rewards to get, too.
Oh do you mean the infinity stuff? I've barely touched that, but maybe I should do more with it. I mean it's there and all...
I picked up Pokemon Arceus for the kid, but I've ended up playing it more. Really dig the changes they've made to the format, much needed breath of fresh air.
Antichulius wrote:Yeah, I spent a while grinding and leveling with some of the side stuff for a while. Picking up the DLC also helped with the variety of things to do and rewards to get, too.
Oh do you mean the infinity stuff? I've barely touched that, but maybe I should do more with it. I mean it's there and all...
Yeah, infinity seemed to be a good source of XP cubes and general leveling, and with the DLC you get access to a Gauntlet mode that was a good source of points you could then spend on extra upgrade points for the lab.
Anybody getting Switch Sports tomorrow? Or I assume tonight at midnight. Preload is ready here
Anybody getting Switch Sports tomorrow? Or I assume tonight at midnight. Preload is ready here
Thinking about it. Reviews are a bit meh though
I read a very positive polygon bit yesterday so pulled the trigger
I don't know if I want to buy enough Joycons to make it the party game it wants to be.
I don't know if I want to buy enough Joycons to make it the party game it wants to be.
How many do you need? Isn't it single-Joycon each, so you only need two pairs for a full 4 players? My Google-fu is failing me.
UpToIsomorphism wrote:I don't know if I want to buy enough Joycons to make it the party game it wants to be.
How many do you need? Isn't it single-Joycon each, so you only need two pairs for a full 4 players? My Google-fu is failing me.
Well, only one has an IR sensor, so my assumption is you would need four sets (or at least four right ones) to play certain games.
I bowled, sword fought and tennised during my lunch half hour. It seems like a prettier version of Wii sports with fewer sports. I will be playing more tonight though. It seems like the game I was hoping for
I'm kind of sad they didn't bring back Disc Golf. That worked pretty darn well in Resort, except for the fact that they just dropped it down on the original Golf courses instead of putting it on an actual Disc Golf course. Maybe their physics model didn't actually work well enough to deal with more obstacles. Or maybe they were just being cheap.
I bowled, sword fought and tennised during my lunch half hour. It seems like a prettier version of Wii sports with fewer sports. I will be playing more tonight though. It seems like the game I was hoping for
And golf is coming in free DLC. I assume disc is coming with it?
As for the joycons, yeah the game is being weird. Even though I'm using games like bowling and volleyball with only one joycon, it sometimes pops up reminding me to connect the other. Maybe I just need to turn it sideways and press those L/R buttons to set it to one joycon only mode?
But yeah, for soccer and sword (dual only) you need 2 joycons. I think we still only have 3. One was free as part of my joycon repair that got lost in the mail but then later found. I bought 2 pro controllers because even my wife prefers driving Mario Kart with one of those. I'm not buying another joycon. Not for this, or any, game.
My main concern is that online seems to be the only way to earn the clothing/accessories to outfit your character, and emotes, etc. All the equip able stuff is locked in multiplayer modes. WTF?
With 2 kids, my wife and I will be playing a lot of this locally so we can pause if something happens. To be locked into some unpausable online mode forced to play with others is a weird choice. At least if I could play in friends mode with voice (Nintendo app? or discord) it would better so at least we could have an unofficial pause. But I don't know if playing with friends earns items either.
Also I played enough to get 100 points, thinking I would get to use that to choose from the first tier of items. Really wanted a full beard for my avatar to match my real life. But no, it gave me a random item from the list! What? So I might have to earn 1600 points over the next 12 days before the beard disappears if RNG doesn't like me... come on man. That's not fun for anyone.
I feel you on the beard thing. The Animal Crossing DLC started you with a very limited number of clothing choices, and I was surprised at how deeply it bothered me that my avatar couldn't have the right glasses out of the gate. Make me earn the shirts and dresses and such, sure - but I've worn glasses daily for the vast majority of my life, just let me have those.
Played some bowling tonight. Winning one of those takes a few minutes but gets you over 100 points in one go. Might be a good way to grind. We'll see.
Volleyball is pretty fun I think. Not sure about soccer yet with both joycons.
So actually it's 12 items per week not 16. And it took me until drawing 9, after 900 points, to get the beard. Guess I'll get the last 3 now since I'm so close.
Think that was about 90 minutes of play last night.
The 2 joycons thing caused me to lose a bowling match that I was in 1st place in round 3. The round started, I clicked ready and then my right controller wasn't working. Green light not on. I pressed buttons frantically but 15 seconds was not enough time to diagnose the problem. Turns out the left joycon was asleep because bowling is a one joycon game and I hadn't touched the left one for a match or two. But since the control was set to 2 joycons the one I was using went to sleep too?
I clicked on the left one and then the right one came back on. But that forced me to take a 0 frame because time ran out. Only got 9 pins on the second and so I lost that round and didn't make the finals, which I easily would have.
I still don't understand why it's forcing me to connect 2 joycons when only 1 of the 6 games requires 2, and another optionally needs 2. Just force me to add a joycon if I select those games and let me use 1 sideways the rest of the time.
After the malfunction I tried going to system menu and switching to one joycon only. That worked and let me play the bowling game I had already joined. But when I went back to game select menu after that the damn connect 2 joycons window came up again. So for the rest of the night I had to keep the unused left joycon awake as I played volleyball, badminton, etc, never using it once.
Grind? What’s the purpose of grinding?
There's 12 items to earn each week. Accessories, titles, equipment, etc.
Looks like maybe they last 3 weeks? Then gone. No idea if/when they return.
The first set expires in 12 days, the next in 19. Assume we'll get more next Friday.
Jonman wrote:UpToIsomorphism wrote:I don't know if I want to buy enough Joycons to make it the party game it wants to be.
How many do you need? Isn't it single-Joycon each, so you only need two pairs for a full 4 players? My Google-fu is failing me.
Well, only one has an IR sensor, so my assumption is you would need four sets (or at least four right ones) to play certain games.
For those with the game, am I right, or do I only need 2 sets to make it a complete 4 player game?
2 complete sets will let you play 4 players in everything but soccer and dual swords
Dual swords is only 1 of 3 choices in the sword game
NFS Hot Pursuit at an historic low y'all.
KOTOR II is available for pre-order for the Switch. Kind of exciting to have both games on a handheld.
Had KOTOR on phone for a while.
Does the 2nd have the completed game patch? Think I'd rather play with that on PC than be disappointed again just like 20 years ago
Anybody else grab the new TMNT game? Got a couple friends that purchased on Switch so I did as well. Maybe we can find some co-op time this weekend?
Anybody else grab the new TMNT game? Got a couple friends that purchased on Switch so I did as well. Maybe we can find some co-op time this weekend?
Been told it’s my Father’s Day gift, but maybe I can do some convincing for it to come a bit early