Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

sometimesdee wrote:


fangblackbone wrote:

@mods - can we change the title of the thread to reflect the sequel is out and is glorious? (Wrath of the Righteous)


Should we also post Kingmaker posts here or in another thread?

fangblackbone wrote:

I would pick which one gets enlarged at a lower level. I believe some of them upgrade at 4 and the rest at 7. That is a big difference since you can reach level 4 well before you finish act 1. Level 7 seems like it won't happen until some ways into act 2.

The reason I mention this is because as a half orc, you will only be able to ride a horse at level one. It is the only large mount. The others start at medium or even small and your mount has to be one size larger in order for you to ride it. I think half orcs are still considered a medium race.

Also, unless there is something specific about the beast rider that interests you, take a look at the hunter archetypes. They are druid (wis) spell casters which will pair nicely with your sohei's wis AC bonus. Plus some of the hunter archetypes have really nice bonuses to pets. One give the judgement mechanic to you and your pet. Another makes your pet celestial ( at level 3?) which gives it smite evil/good and a bunch of magic resistance. And there is always the scoundrel archetype with the scapegoat mechanic that is freely toggled for your pet. I am tempted to dip all my companions one level of this as while I doubt it stacks it will make it so that every enemy is taking -2 hit chance on most of my party.

The Beastmaster Charge is nice and they are full BAB unlike hunters, although that might not make a huge difference if I'm using flurry.

strangederby wrote:
sometimesdee wrote:


fangblackbone wrote:

@mods - can we change the title of the thread to reflect the sequel is out and is glorious? (Wrath of the Righteous)


Should we also post Kingmaker posts here or in another thread?

Here, thread is probably best as a catch-all for the series considering the first 15 pages are Kingmaker-only.

Trying to figure out a Half Orc Sohei/Beast rider build. I want at least 11 or 12 levels of Sohei, I mostly just want a cooler, more thematic mount than a horse for my Sohei, probably a wolf or boar. Need to get that Dex to damage going as well.

I looked it up. As a half orc you are stuck with a horse until level 7 no matter the pet/mount class. The horse gets upgraded at 4 but its already a large mount. The leopard gets upgraded at 4 but it goes from small to medium so half orcs will never be able to ride a leopard. (or monitor lizard for that matter)

Sources for getting dex to damage may be available in a mythic path. (there is a weapon finesse mythic that grants it) Other than that, the stock ways to do it are 3 levels of thief or slashing/fencing grace. I think there is also a weapon property agile(?) that grants it. BTW the tooltips say slashing/fencing grace do not work with flurry of blows because I guess FOB requires and offhand weapon. The former requires the offhand to be free aside from a buckler.

edit: Thank you Dee! And you can post Kingmaker stuff in here. Many of us are well versed in and having the same kinds of conversations for that game too.

I started out Battle Oracle for 3 levels I wasn't enjoying it terribly so I re-rolled after I found a pretty fun looking build for a Sohei rider on reddit.

It's Mad Dog Barb for 5 levels, which is where I'm at now while assaulting the Grey Garrison, during those 5 levels I've been able to shift from Neutral Good to Lawful Good to qualify for Sohei for my next level up. Then it will be 11 levels of Sohei, and finally 4 of Mutation Warrior.

Wholly enjoying wrecking face.

Nice! Maybe I can do that for characters that I want to be chaotic good but only have neutral choices. There are quite a few early chaotic dialogue options too. (and good/evil of course)

I love mad dog. It is one of my most experimented with archetypes going back to kingmaker. One that I had high hopes for was dual wielding javelins but it lacked something I couldn't put my finger on

The biggest complaint I have so far with the game is that the portrait selection is a bit limited. Fortunately, that's easily fixable with this mod:

Found an awesome old guy in hooded purple robes and armor with a huge hammer to depict my Aasimar Slayer(Deliverer)/Paladin/Oracle(Purifier).

Waiting for the console version is going to be rough. You all are making me to play it now. But I don't know if my pc can handle it

Is there any link to the download the images without logging in?

qaraq wrote:

Paizo has an online version of the rules: . There's also a version as part of the Open Gaming Network here: . I'm not sure offhand which version that one is though.

I ordered a book. This is a good resource but is a bit clunky to learn from.

garion333 wrote:

Where's the best place to learn about Pathfinder's core system? Buy a book?

In addition to the SRD qaraq mentioned, the game itself has an extremely robust tutorial system that dribbles out system knowledge as it becomes relevant. As things like critical hits, damage reduction, and so on come up, you'll get little explainer windows that tell you how they work and often suggest ways around stuff that's hurting your party based on the abilities of your characters and the items in their inventory. Someone clearly put a lot of work into that, and it shows.

fangblackbone wrote:

Is there any link to the download the images without logging in?

Not to my knowledge, but I've just got a free account and that worked fine. You could probably make one using a throwaway email and use that, if you're so inclined.

In Kingmaker is it normal to have my high charisma high persuasion main character keep failing persuasion checks in conversations?

strangederby wrote:

In Kingmaker is it normal to have my high charisma high persuasion main character keep failing persuasion checks in conversations?

No? If you mouse over the failed you should be able see the roll, difficulty and your own skill level though.

I see more of this early in certain situations in the sequel where it gives you a persuasion check dialogue option but then gives it a crazy roll to succeed for where you are at. There was one roll that was like 23 or 26, which is probably impossible by level 3.

I have yet to get to the late stages of either game but I'd wager there might be checks that you can only get a moderate chance of success through gear and potions on top of your skills and stat modifiers. Also be warned that some things like mobility checks that require dex rolls are hampered quite a bit by wearing armor and shield. (banded has a -6 penalty to dex checks)

There is also the case of fatigue (-2 str and dex) and diseases or other things that cause stat damage.

It is crazy that Lann is so inferior to Wenduag in combat (at least in act 1) because my latest alt is a zen archer who is loads of fun. I am upset as it seems the wis to AC is not working. I could have used those stats elsewhere if I had known that was the case.

I have blown through so many of the side quests prior to Defender's Heart and then the Gray Garrison. One other thing that may be helping is I took a youtuber's advice and stopped auto leveling the companions.

Camellia is now a divine hunter (and her pet boar, hog wild, is now celestial)
Ember is going to be a beast caller
Seelah has one dip in monk for the crane style bonuses
Wenduag and Woljiff are auto leveled

I gave Woljiff a bow since he tends to get hammered in melee

fangblackbone wrote:

It is crazy that Lann is so inferior to Wenduag in combat (at least in act 1) because my latest alt is a zen archer who is loads of fun. I am upset as it seems the wis to AC is not working. I could have used those stats elsewhere if I had known that was the case.

I have blown through so many of the side quests prior to Defender's Heart and then the Gray Garrison. One other thing that may be helping is I took a youtuber's advice and stopped auto leveling the companions.

Camellia is now a divine hunter (and her pet boar, hog wild, is now celestial)
Ember is going to be a beast caller
Seelah has one dip in monk for the crane style bonuses
Wenduag and Woljiff are auto leveled

I gave Woljiff a bow since he tends to get hammered in melee

Lann is less effective than Wendaug? She left in my game, so I didn't really get a good chance to compare the two, but he seems plenty deadly in my playthrough, plus he's always spotting stuff and getting through athletics/mobility challenges for me. I also find him to be pretty likeable, so there's that, too.

Man! An alchemist. Acid wands and a ranger with a corrosive crossbow. I'm storming it right now.

Timespike wrote:

Lann is less effective than Wendaug? She left in my game, so I didn't really get a good chance to compare the two, but he seems plenty deadly in my playthrough, plus he's always spotting stuff and getting through athletics/mobility challenges for me. I also find him to be pretty likeable, so there's that, too.

Same- Lann consistently turns enemies to paste before my melee characters even reach them. My main is a ranged rogue and the two of them are often the ones getting all the kills while the melee characters only get in a hit or two.

Hmm. I've found the same with Wenduag.
I do admit that on my latest alt, all my companions are ranged save for Seelah. My zen archer is the primary killer with a few going to Woljif's sneak attacks. Wenduag still does great filler damage. She just doesn't get killing blows.

Apparently at some point you can get both back in the party

This game's side quests are fantastic and seemingly never ending. Every successive alt discovers more. It is like the MSQ is the vine to grab more and more side quest fruit as you climb it.

Alchemists, in particular the vivisectionist, are a ton of fun. My favorite Kingmaker class is a sylvan sorcerer with 2 levels of vivi to qualify for the arcane trickster prestige class. Enjoy strangederby!

New player. Just met the guy that does the respecs. Pretty cool you can choose new class. How often can you do this? Just this first time after the intro?

This might be a stupid observation, but the attention and detail they put in their menus and UI shows they really care about their game(s).

New player. Just met the guy that does the respecs. Pretty cool you can choose new class. How often can you do this? Just this first time after the intro?

Lol, I totally missed him.
It looks like you get one free respec and the rest just cost gold

You can respec as much as you want at first.

Another bug. I can't complete Nazrielle's artisan quest because she has disappeared.

You've updated to the latest version right?
I would google it, there has to be a work around by now. At the worst I am sure there are mods that let your save game change the completion status of a quest.

Heh, I am more stuck in this game than the first That early Hosilla fight just keeps oneshotting the tank. Her chance to hit is low, but still, cant get through the fight with zero hits.

Edit; lol, after like 30 reloads it turns out, if you pick the evil choice, fight gets a lot easier. Should have known the Dark side is always better. That was silly. I hope there aren't any bad consequences....

You just take a hit on you alignment. But you can make plenty more good options to negate that hit.

The water elemental had a 50/50 chance to one shot most of my party and then finish off the ranged attackers.

You can build strong ranged attackers pretty easy early on and they help turn the odds quite a bit. So far in act 2 they are still getting stronger. And there is good magic equipment for them too.

strangederby wrote:

Another bug. I can't complete Nazrielle's artisan quest because she has disappeared.

Ah totally my fault. I was looking in the wrong region. I thought it was the right one because Bokken wasn't there. Honestly I go to all the trouble of building you a lab and you can't even be bothered to move your lazy arse from the trading post Bokken!

I picked Lander for my advisor as he seemed confident and less tied to the other main factions. People who chose differently how are your advisors working out?