Cris Tales (PC, Xbox, Playstation), Insurmountable (PC), Orcs Must Die! 3 (PC), Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta (PC), Pokemon Unite (Switch), Death’s Door (PC), Twitter questions, and more!
Amanda, Rich, and Glendon answer Video Game Questions from Twitter!
To contact us, email [email protected]! Send us your thoughts on the show, pressing issues you want to talk about, or whatever else is on your mind.
00:02:00 Cris Tales
00:07:05 Insurmountable
00:19:01 Orcs Must Die! 3
00:25:51 Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
00:34:35 Pokemon Unite
00:41:56 Death’s Door
00:48:35 Your Emails
I have some extremely weird crushes, I guess maybe Max Payne, and Daedalus from Deus Ex. I played DX a long time after it came out so MP would have been first.
Maybe I didn't really so much actually have a crush on MP as he's the player character, but I defo cut off this magazine cover minus the text, stuck it to my teenage bedroom wall, and looked at it lovingly. I also thought Auron (FFX) was super cool, and maybe Gordon Freeman as well?
><( ^_/)?
Oh dang, I'd forgotten about Max Payne. What is it about ruggedly handsome tortured souls that is so appealing?? <3
Isn't it nice that we have Glendon's first utterance of "I feel old" recorded for all eternity?
I wish you guys would stop encouraging him.
EvilHomer3k wrote:You are an evil, evil person.
Baron Of Hell wrote:YOU VILLAIN!
Just recently someone at work about 12 years younger than me asked how I learned to touch type, and I struggled to remember the name of the program or what it was like, I knew it wasn't Mavis Beacon or anything because it was before that. A couple of days later my brain put it together that it was a DOS program from a 3 inch floppy.
The thought of trying to explain that to my young colleague caused me to shrivel into a dried husk and blow away.
><( ^_/)?
Same here. I have no idea what the program's name was though. Fun fact: During the 5 years I spent in high school, the typing class was one of the only two classes where we actually used computers.
Touch typing is a skill I'm glad I learned though, considering how much I use it virtually every single day, whether I am working or not.
I have to say, the last few episodes are doing a great job of selling me on Death's Door. I almost bought it earlier today.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars (PC)
So, you learned how to type with JUST the save icon? That's weird!
I learned on a typewriter. It's tough to explain what those ARE any more, I haven't seen one in ages.
So the only MOBA I even slightly enjoyed was the Blizzard one because of the simplicity, the team-based leveling and the slightly less toxic community. How does Unite compare?
I ask no favors for my sex. All I ask of our brethren is, that they will take their feet from off our necks. - Sarah Moore Grimké
Mix has the right of it. - Stengah
Could Glendon share some more details on what he meant about GoG "not being tied to good people'? I see they are owned by CD Projekt, which I thought was mostly well-regarded. I do see a couple of questionable tweets but those could be misunderstandings from Polish, and they did apologize. What am I missing?
PlayStation: Swordsman74
Steam: Swordsman74
Hey dewalist. GOG is owned by CDProjekt RED. Given CDPR's consistent track record of issues (Some of them documented here) and their multiple instances of transphobia it is evident there is a pattern of behaviour that GWJ does not want to support or promote.
"What Eleima says is the final word on it and not even God could undo it"
- ClockworkHouse