Well found the missing farmer. He was under one of the bridges between villager islands. Then as I was trying to get him back to land, he was killed by water zombie throwing tridents.
I haven't experienced any issues on the server yet.
Edit: I should have kept my mouth shut
Nm, I fouind the link to the live map.
FYI there's now a blaze farm in the nether fortress north of the village portal. Useful for getting XP and blaze rods.
manta173 wrote:Don't know how much I'll be on, but I am always game for vanilla minecraft. Am I still on the ancient whitelist I joined years ago?
Also, can I get the seed to look for a good base building location?
You're on the list!
And here's the semi-live Overview map to check out what's in the vicinity of spawn.
Does this map viewer support the 1.16 nether changes?
merphle wrote:manta173 wrote:Don't know how much I'll be on, but I am always game for vanilla minecraft. Am I still on the ancient whitelist I joined years ago?
Also, can I get the seed to look for a good base building location?
You're on the list!
And here's the semi-live Overview map to check out what's in the vicinity of spawn.
Does this map viewer support the 1.16 nether changes?
I'm going to say "no". The latest version of Overviewer as per the linked page supports up through Minecraft 1.15... and I can't even be sure that we're using THAT version.
That's what I figured. I was trying to find Bastion Remnants on the map and finally realized none of the new blocks show up on the map.
My new system for finding Bastion Remnants in the overviewer: spot the floating chests.
Anyone want to kill the Ender Dragon tonight or some time this week?
Anyone want to kill the Ender Dragon tonight or some time this week?
Sure. When?
Could do it Friday night.
Having network issues tonight.
I have a decent supply of shulker shells now, if people would like a shulker chest. Just poke me when I'm on or leave a note at the main village near the storehouse.
I got a Channeling Trident rolling. I used it to charge creepers and get several zombie heads today, if anyone wants one.
The trident is a helluva lot of fun.
I kept a few Trident-specific scrolls but was never able to acquire the trident itself.
I think I have a spare trident. I spend a lot of time in boats, so I encounter a lot of drowned. Whenever I notice one with a trident, I make a point of killing it.
Get it? I make a point of it! Jeeze, I crack myself up.
I didn't know if there was already one somewhere so I put in a spider farm at the bottom of my mine. Works fine just afk for thread or ak for exp if you like. Needed a ton more thread for scaffolding.
I'm getting connection errors this morning. Is the server still active?
The 1.16 server is indeed still running. I don’t see any connection attempts to the server this morning though, so there might be a network issue between you and it.
Will the new version on Xbox One cross play with any of the vanilla servers?
My XBL is Mixol, and my wife's is BrokenNocturne.
The Bedrock edition (Xbox One, PS4, Switch, Windows 10, iOS/Android, etc) should all be cross-compatible with each other, but are NOT compatible with the Java vanilla servers, which is what I'm running. Is anyone here hosting a Bedrock server?
I was messing around with the FTB launcher today and I discovered a new modpack there called FTB University. It's advertised as intended to introduce (moderately experienced, I think) M/C players to complex modpacks. One nice feature is that it will build a very nice, largish house for you, complete with mineshaft, on the theory that a house will help you get started quicker.
On first glance I like it, and I'd like some company in playing it long enough to get the idea. I'll sponsor a shared M/C server tonight or tomorrow and I hope you'll join me when I have a URL.
Merphle and I will be co-admins. The server will be hosted with the same service as Direwolf20 was, and will be available about 3:30 Pacific, 6:30 Eastern. You're all welcome from hour 1.
The server connection is GAME-USEAST-02.MTXSERV.COM:27130. Check the link in my signature for more details.
Is this bedrock or java? I'm assuming java but just checking
The servers I'm hosting are both Java.
Caves and Cliffs releases next week. It looks like there's significant changes to world generation, so it might be time to do a server reset. Any thoughts? Anyone else care except me?
I've been in and out of Minecraft, of late, but I still do prefer a closer-to-vanilla experience. I'd hop in to a new server if there were one.
I'd be game for a vanilla or vanilla-ish server to play on.
What time are people available to start the new reset?
Also, I looked over some seeds and found one that has both a pillager outpost and a badlands not too far from spawn, if that's okay.