On another note, don’t sleep on this event. Looks like it might be just as generous as the one last month, except this time it doesn’t cost resin.
Yeah, this event is nice. Was able to sweep the first store in under an hour. It's really starting to look like they'll give us an R5 4* sword perfect for Bennett out of this event and a ton of other resources.
I only wish there were different difficulties to the fights. Maybe harder for improved rewards. Won't change the outcome, but it would make getting there more interesting and maybe even faster. I don't think I got anywhere close to losing a warming totem during any fight.
So given I have I believe every character except for Venti, time to build a new team around Xinyan. Thinking perhaps I could go with a double geo support.
Hm, that's an interesting challenge.
For Xinyan as a physical damage carry, I'd probably want to build a superconduct team. My ideal combo would be Kaeya and Fischl to keep nearly constant physical shreds up on targets via their never ending superconduct potential, and a healer.
First choice there would be Bennett, since you get that amazing atk buff and the fire resonance bonuses as well. But, until they let you toggle constellation effects on and off (and I do hope they offer that at some point, if only to fix this Bennett situation for people who didn't realize what activating it would do) you'll need some other options, since the C6 fire conversion from his healing circle ruins the value of superconduct plus a physical carry.
Do you have Jean, maybe? If so, how well leveled is she? If she's reasonably upgraded, you could just swap her in for Bennett in that comp, and have a quite solid team (definitely get her the wind four set bonus for elemental shredding). If I had Jean, that would probably be my second choice there, for the shred and because she also brings good burst damage support as well as being a solid backup auto attacker.
After Jean, I suppose you're looking at Qiqi or Barbara. Qiqi would bring the cryo resonance, which is also pretty nice, and Barbara would give you solid crowd control by offering freeze options (plus, bonus shatter damage since Xinyan is a claymore user). However, neither of them will likely give you nearly the damage output you'd have from Jean or a less than C6 Bennett.
Diona might also work instead of Qiqi, and would give you more damage, but only if you feel like you get enough healing from her (I don't have Diona myself, so I don't have a solid feel for how she heals). Since she also provides shields, she might also open up interesting options using the geo artifact sets that give bonuses to shielding, which might help make up for lower healing potential.
Alternately, you could try to get enough superconducts just using Qiqi/Diona and Fischl, and swap Kaeya out for other utility players. I think this option might work better with Diona than Qiqi though, since Qiqi just does not have great ice output. In this scenario, I'd consider:
- Xingqiu, for great burst damage (which you can set up to vaporize with Xinyan) as well as freeze for CC and shatter damage.
- Sucrose for CC and elemental shred (although I'd go for the Jean/Kaeya/Fischl combo over this option every time).
- Ningguang or Zhongli for strong burst damage and crystalize shields, plus CC from Zhongli.
Oh, also, even though it looks like Ganyu might have a strong focus on being an actual bow carry, especially with the bonuses her constellations offer (we'll see how that really pans out in testing though), she'll probably also be a VERY solid ice support, and a reasonable option to fill that primary cryo slot for generating superconducts, instead of Kaeya, so food for thought for this kind of team in the near future.
My Jean is only level 50 but I am willing to work on her, she is C1. I am wondering if Super Conduct would work? Since my Xinyan is C6 she already is able to reduce physical resist, can it go into the negative since that is what Super Conduct does from my understanding? My Kaeya is only level 1 so I would need to level him up, though my Diona and QiQi are both level 70. Diona does pretty decent healing though I have yet to actually level any artifacts for her.
Hm, I'm not sure. My assumption is that the debuffs would stack, but it's worth checking on, unless someone else knows for sure.
I'm not sure about stacking debuffs from difference sources, but that once damage resistance drops to zero, the effectiveness of all further damage resistance reduction is halved. Super Conduct already sends most enemies into the negatives anyhow, only a few enemies have physical resistance greater than it's debuff: Lawacurl, the Regisvies, and Ruin Guard/Hunter/Etc.
Off banner while just doing single pulls with gems from the story/event stuff trying to get constellations for Bennett and Fish, and 34 pulls since my last 5 star too. I've been hoping to pull her since the game launched, and I'm even happier now since she'll be the piece that makes a ton of new comps work for me.
Still will never be a fan of the gacha concept in general -- in fact I feel it's downright evil in some very real ways -- but I have to admit that when a rare drop hits that you've been waiting for it does feel good.
Okay, holy crap is this team comp stupid, silly fun: Kaeya, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Jean.
Kaeya needs the new four piece ice set bonus and Jean the Venerer four piece set bonus. Also nice to have is Xingqiu with Sac Sword and four piece Noblesse, and Chongyun at C2 for the cooldown reduction.
Basically, everything is forever frozen, taking rellentless massively boosted cryo and water damage with near constant crits. Even with Jean stuck at 50 waiting for resin for boss kills (which is extremely underleveled for my current world level, AR51/WL7) with artifacts that haven't been leveled at all, they're laughing off what little damage enemies can manage to do.
Of course, they do have the Achilles heel of ice shields, and technically Bennett works pretty well in Jean's place and doesn't have that issue, but still, it's nice to finally have options like this.
Lol, I got Jean (and Fischl) in my last banner pull. Also, I now have C4 Razor. Not having any constellations, and being pretty wiped on level-up materials (got her to 50) / free artifacts, I'm not really able to level Jean properly right now. I did just get my 5th character full up on level 16 artifacts (except for flowers - I've neglected those).
I really need to think more about team comp and give the abyss some more attention now that I've got more some healing possibilities.
I guess we're all pulling some 5 stars with our ascension fates
I'm not sure of a good way to work Mona into any teams without outright replacing Childe, but I'll probably level her up enough to play around with a few teams for her. I'm obviously very glad to pull a Xinqiu as well. That makes Xinyan the only 4 star character I'm missing now.
I've been playing around with Sucrose and Bennett for the last few days. Since I managed to pull an extra copy of Sucrose for C1 and a Sacrificial Fragments to equip, it has essentially transformed her as a character. Being able to use her skill 3 times in succession makes the big energy cost on her ult much less of an issue. I'll probably work on getting a good Viridescent Venerer set on her pretty soon.
Bennett is...uh... yeah. He's really dumb. I knew the attack buff was supposed to be good, but I didn't realize how silly the healing on his ult was. It almost makes whoever is in it invulnerable for the duration. I didn't have a good weapon for him, but the sword from the new event solved that issue for me.
How has everyone been enjoying the latest update? I thought the new area looked a bit small at first, but I've been quite impressed with it overall. The towering height of the mountain and the fact that there's a sizeable area inside made for quite a bit more new ground to explore than I was expecting. It was also nice to have some new enemies to mix things up a bit. If they are able to expand on the game with updates of this size every few months, I'll be a happy camper. It also really makes me curious what the big updates with new Teyvat nations are going to look like.
I have been really enjoying the new area and it's mechanics. The event has been fun and super happy that it hasn't cost any resin. I have my tree up to level 9 now, but man I am struggling to find the rest of the non wish agates.
Yeah, I've been quite impressed with everything this update has offered as well, and it also has me very much looking forward to the addition of Inazuma (although the current rumor mill has it that it might slip from 1.4 to more like 1.6).
Bennett is...uh... yeah. He's really dumb.
And if you have a Sacrificial Sword for Xingqiu, I think you're going to find that while not quite as silly broken as Xingqiu, he's still ridiculous. Both are super overbudgeted, fill their niches incredibly well, fit in with nearly any comp built around them, and other than Xingiu's long skill cooldown (which the Sac sword fixes) have no real drawbacks.
Of course, many (but definitely not all) of the 5 stars still deliver more, but rarely with such versatility.
Ooofff, the co-op boss fight for the last stage of the event is definitely a challenge, at least at world level 7. Might not be so bad if you're at a world level where you can easily match the level of the boss, but at WL7 most people are still at 80 since it takes so many resources to get to 90.
Anyway, I've found that it's MUCH easier to just do solo. So, if you're finding it challenging in co-op at whatever level you are, maybe give it a try on your own.
Ooofff, the co-op boss fight for the last stage of the event is definitely a challenge, at least at world level 7. Might not be so bad if you're at a world level where you can easily match the level of the boss, but at WL7 most people are still at 80 since it takes so many resources to get to 90.
Anyway, I've found that it's MUCH easier to just do solo. So, if you're finding it challenging in co-op at whatever level you are, maybe give it a try on your own.
Mantid and I were able to find a couple good co-op groups. In particular a Jean or a second Bennett made the challenge laughable. This was at WL6 though. The ice circles on the ground were rough. I finally found something that my Bennett AoE was unable to outheal.
In the end it was fairly straightforward once you figure out the mechanics. We ended up doing 2 more than necessary to clean the store.
The fight has definitely been easier going at it solo, but then I am enjoying the challenge of getting a coop group to understand the mechanics and get through it. Just finished doing 6 runs with a group, we had 2 wipes at the beginning but by the end I believe we downed the boss in about a minute and thirty seconds. I am glad to see Mihoyo introducing new mechanics, just wish they would diversify away from most challenges being a DPS race.
New year/month has arrived with presents. Was still wondering if I should accept the Albedo to try to get my C4 Fischl to C6, so when I bought out the 5 intertwined and acquaint fates from the shop, I only pulled on the standard banner. 2nd pull was apparently my pity and I got an Aquila Favonia. Pretty sweet, but not sure if it's better than black sword on a Kaeya carry. But the real prize was a Fischl on the 4th pull, pushing her to C5. Once the banner rolls to Ganyu, I'll use my intertwined/primogems and get 4 more glitter to purchase the C6 Fischl from the shop. Just need to be patient at this point, but very happy.
I have been really enjoying the new area and it's mechanics. The event has been fun and super happy that it hasn't cost any resin. I have my tree up to level 9 now, but man I am struggling to find the rest of the non wish agates.
Oh yes! I totally forgot to mention that. Hopefully, it's true of all events going forward.
From what I understand, you shouldn't need to worry too much about the Agates once you unlock Crimson Wish because the tree is not part of the event. You'll be able to get it up to 12 within a few weeks.
And if you have a Sacrificial Sword for Xingqiu, I think you're going to find that while not quite as silly broken as Xingqiu, he's still ridiculous. Both are super overbudgeted, fill their niches incredibly well, fit in with nearly any comp built around them, and other than Xingiu's long skill cooldown (which the Sac sword fixes) have no real drawbacks.
Unfortunately, I think I've picked up Sacrificial weapons for everything but 1h sword. I do have a Favonius Sword, so perhaps that'll be an okay'ish substitute for now. I definitely plan to spend some time testing him out after I get my Bennett and Sucrose to A4.
But the real prize was a Fischl on the 4th pull, pushing her to C5. Once the banner rolls to Ganyu, I'll use my intertwined/primogems and get 4 more glitter to purchase the C6 Fischl from the shop. Just need to be patient at this point, but very happy.
Nice I will probably buy her in the shop to get mine to C4. I tried the Albedo trial today and enjoyed him more than I expected. Seeing all the blossoms constant going off is quite satisfying, and it seems like he would be an amazing complement to main dps Ningguang. After spending so much time with Fischl and Xiangling on my main team, I've become fond of deployable or turret-like character skills, so I'm now back to thinking about rolling a few times on the Albedo banner.
Friendly reminder to take advantage of the 1.5x experience boost on leveling your Festering desire before the event ends if it's a weapon you plan to use much in the future. I got mine to 90 today.
So I just got my Xinyan to level 90 and am looking at which characters to start investing in. I guess I spent more and pulled more times on the Zhongli banner than I thought as with the super lucky roll I posted it got me to max constellation on him. Any thoughts on how to build him?
Holy crap.
Well, with a max constellation Zhongli, you don't really need a healer, right? I assume that works as well as it seemed to in the videos I've seen?
If so, you've got tons of new options.
I'm assuming you're interested in building a team around Xinyan as your main carry, yeah? If so, I think there's two routes I'd try:
Route 1: A superconduct team (again, assuming that stacks with her built in physical shred), as discussed previously. Probably Kaeya, Fischl, and a healer.
Under normal circumstances, that would probably mean Bennett, but you accidentally activated his C6, so now that would now basically mean Jean for most people. The Venerer shred isn't going to benefit your auto attack damage, but it's still going to make everything else happening stronger.
But, assuming the C6 Zhongli heal is as wild as it looks like it is, I'd probably use him -- especially since come 1.3, his shield will be adding in a 20% shred to everything with incredibly low maintenance effort required.
Route 2: A geo resonance team, again looking forward to the buffs coming in 1.3. Clearly Zhongli should be one of your geo team members, and personally I'd use Ningguang as the second. If you've pulled Albedo, he'd be fine as well, although he's maybe more useful when added to teams focusing on elemental reactions. Free to play characters would probably consider a Geo Traveller/Ningguang combo here, but there's no way you shouldn't be using a C6 Zhongli.
As for who should be the fourth member of a Xinyan Geo Resonance team, there are several options.
You could consider using Bennett (and without Zhongli and him both being at C6, he's going to be the best healing option for other players using a comp like this), and getting both the geo AND pyro resonance benefits. For you, though, this is more complicated it implement due to Bennett's C6, but in this team it's maybe not the worst option. You'd have to change how you've build artifacts for Xinyan, focusing either on neutral ATK boosts rather than physical damage, or maybe going whole hog on fire damage, but it theoretically could work, and all those stacking buffs and debuffs could end up being wildly effective.
Other than that, though, since you probably won't need a healer other than Zhongli, it's maybe a take your pick kind of situation based on the elemental weaknesses of the enemies you're facing. For water, I'd pick Xingqiu, for ice Kaeya (or maybe Ganyu in the future), for electro Fischl, and you could also bring in Xiangling as another option to have geo and pyro resonances rolling together without having to change your Xinyan build. As for anemo, this sort of team comp is going to get relatively little from Venerer, but if you do need a bit more healing Jean would still be a strong choice here, and Sucrose could be very helpful gathering enemies together since you don't have access to Venti.
As for how specifically to build Zhongli, that's a bit of an open question. Assuming you're using him as a pure support unit (since you've got Xinyan as DPS carry), that at least removes one set of options, but his stat priorities are going to change come 1.3. Not sure by how much, but in general he's going to lean a lot more towards wanting HP.
Anyway, I'd suggest checking out this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...
It's what I've been using, and it seems to have very solid (albeit generalized) guidance. For now it's going to only tell you about how to build him in the current state of affairs, but they seem to update it regularly. I suspect he's still going to want mostly the same weapon and artifact choices, mostly it's just a question of how much more you're going to want to pour into HP vs ATK or potentially even the crit stats.
Many thanks zeroKFE, I appreciate all of the guidance! Currently grinding the GEO boss over and over again to get basalt and topaz. At AR51, in 19 kills I have only gotten a single gemstone, uggh. Thankfully I found a friendly player in MP that let me mine cor lapis in their world as I need 60 of them to ascend Zhongli to the final ascension, then the slog of getting XP books to level him to 90. Did some artifact runs to try and get some Retracing Bolide but the stat rolls were all garbage so it will all be fodder.
Many thanks zeroKFE, I appreciate all of the guidance! Currently grinding the GEO boss over and over again to get basalt and topaz. At AR51, in 19 kills I have only gotten a single gemstone, uggh.
Well, don't be afraid to combine slivers, fragments, and chunks into gemstones at the alchemy table. Seems to be the main way you earn them, honestly.
So it was leaked that Hu Tao's Japanese voice would be Rie Takahashi (Emilia in Re:Zero, Megumin in KoSuba, Takagi in Teasing Master Takagi-san, Mash in Fate/Grand Order). She's voiced so many characters whom I could listen to all day! With word saying she is now a five-star instead of four, I've been debating if I wanted to spend my hoarded wishes on her or not.
Thankfully dataminers are here to remind me now adorable Yaoyao and Sayu are looking! So I guess I'll continue to hoarde for a while longer (although I can hope one of them is in Hu Tao's banner, right?)
I want to say I am done pulling on banners for a bit, but then my impulsive side with no self control will likely win out and pull on the next banner lol. I have been combining slivers etc and was able to finally ascend Zhongli to the final ascension, but ran out of books just short of level 90. Now to start working on a weapon for him and I am really dreading trying to farm artifacts...so many junk stat rolls.
... and I am really dreading trying to farm artifacts...so many junk stat rolls.
The random everything is what will make me eventually stop playing this game.
I'm thinking I'll skip pulls for the next banner, too. I also am mostly concerned with getting constellations on my 4-stars, and figure the 5-stars are just not going to be for me. I've now Zhongli and Jean, both with no constellations, but I've been working a bit on Jean so I have a crowd control / healer. Plus aside from the Traveler, she was my first Anemo character. Soon after, I pulled Sucrose for the first time. She's staying unused for now.
Pages for the next character and event are up:
Her bow has two charge levels, the 1st acting like any other bow character, dealing her element damage (Cyro). Level 2 does AoE elemental damage
Her elemental skill creates an "Ice Lotus" that deals AoE Cryo, then lingers taunting enemies until it explodes.
Her elemental burst creates a rain of ice in an area for a while.
"During the event, Travelers can make their way over to Stone Gate to find Ulman, who will give you a Treasure Book along with a special gadget — a Treasure-Seeking Seelie. Go to the locations hinted at in the Treasure Book to search for Iron Coins, which can be used to exchange for rewards."
The event shop includes the game's first pet, a Mini Seelie, of which you can claim in one of three colors.
First Ganyu trailer is finally up in English. It’s beautiful and melancholy right until the final line...
Hah, nice little twist there at the end.
So I managed to ascend Keqing to the final ascension today, now to farm Hero's Wit to get her levelled to 90. I have Xinyan and Zhongli both at 90 now. Trying to decide who I should start levelling up next. Bennet and Klee are at 80, Fischl, Razor, Sucrose, Qiqi and Diona are at 70. Most everyone else are around lvl 40-50 except sitting at level 1 are Mona, Beidou, Albedo and Childe.
When people are leveling characters, are you more worries about levels, weapons, or artifacts? I've watched some stuff basically saying after character level 70, and definitely after 80, you absolutely want to concentrate on artifacts all being level 16 before doing anything else. The reason being is to get to 90 from 80 is something similar to getting from 1-70, which is evident when looking at the xp requirements here, meaning the cost/benefit is not there unless you've done everything else.
So what's the general strategy?
And while we're on it, there seems to be a ton of non-quest things like finding a strange hilichurl in the achievements. Does everyone go hunting for those? I've not spent time thinking about achievement hunting (for primogems) at this point.
I have done some achievement hunting but it isn't a primary focus. My weapon on Xinyan is maxed and the weapon on Zhongli is close to maxed. Artifacts are sub par but I needed to take a break from them, I was getting frustrated with the stat distribution and every run just resulting in more fodder with nothing decent to use the fodder on.
Anyway, I'd suggest checking out this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets...
It's what I've been using, and it seems to have very solid (albeit generalized) guidance. For now it's going to only tell you about how to build him in the current state of affairs, but they seem to update it regularly. I suspect he's still going to want mostly the same weapon and artifact choices, mostly it's just a question of how much more you're going to want to pour into HP vs ATK or potentially even the crit stats.
I've been using that same spreadsheet along with this mini guide collection as general reference points for character builds. Some of the advice on both of them is out of date or not quite optimal, but they're great starting points, particularly if you don't care about getting super granular on the min-maxing.
Pages for the next character and event are up:
She's Ice Amber, except hopefully good
When people are leveling characters, are you more worries about levels, weapons, or artifacts? I've watched some stuff basically saying after character level 70, and definitely after 80, you absolutely want to concentrate on artifacts all being level 16 before doing anything else. The reason being is to get to 90 from 80 is something similar to getting from 1-70, which is evident when looking at the xp requirements here, meaning the cost/benefit is not there unless you've done everything else.
So what's the general strategy?
And while we're on it, there seems to be a ton of non-quest things like finding a strange hilichurl in the achievements. Does everyone go hunting for those? I've not spent time thinking about achievement hunting (for primogems) at this point.
My general strategy has been:
Artifacts: Two full teams plus a couple substitute characters with +16 artifacts. I'm almost done with this. I have +20 artifacts on my two main DPS because I did that before I realized how expensive 16 to 20 was, otherwise, I would have postponed until I finished everyone's +16s.
Levels: Two main DPS characters currently at 79, with plans to get them to 80 and ascend soon. I have no plans to level them up to 90 because of the XP costs you outlined. Plus, the stat gains going from 80-90 is laughably small. It just doesn't seem worth the investment unless you have nothing else to spend the books on or are somehow overflowing with resources.
Support characters ascended at level 60 if their A4 talent is a big deal, 40 or 50 if it isn't. I think many characters are just fine at even 20 because so much of a character's power gain comes from artifacts, not levels. The main reason to level up and ascend further is to level up their talents.
Weapons: Two main DPS at level 90. Unlike character levels, the extra weapon dps you gain from leveling to 90 is pretty big. I also have Festering desire at 90 because of the extra leveling xp from the event.
Weapons on support characters vary anywhere from 40-60 for me. My Xiangling's Dragon's Bane and Sucrose's Sacrificial Fragments are level 60 for the extra EM, but my Barbara's Thrilling Tails of the Dragon is only level 40 because the weapon damage and extra HP% aren't a big deal.
I haven't really bothered with achievement hunting. The primo rewards are too small to incentivize me, and I'm not much of an achievement driven player otherwise.
When people are leveling characters, are you more worries about levels, weapons, or artifacts? I've watched some stuff basically saying after character level 70, and definitely after 80, you absolutely want to concentrate on artifacts all being level 16 before doing anything else. The reason being is to get to 90 from 80 is something similar to getting from 1-70, which is evident when looking at the xp requirements here, meaning the cost/benefit is not there unless you've done everything else.So what's the general strategy?
That wisdom has proven generally correct for me.
I would definitely get your main DPS carry (and probably your second team carry) to 80, but I wouldn't even stress about ascending them there. (I only VERY recently ascended my top carry, but I still have not leveled her to 90.)
Maybe level your highest impact enabler or burst damage supports to 80 (ie, Xingqiu or Bennett), but even in World Level 7 (AR50+) they should be fine at 70 if set up with solidly leveled weapons (ie, level 70) and well selected artifact sets (with at least your cup and feather to level 16).
Must other support types you probably eventually want to get to 70 (mostly for survivability against high leveled enemies) but they'll be fine at 60 for the most part, and if you're tight on resources pure healer supports (ie, Qiqi or Barbara) can even be left at 60 forever.
Also, you probably want to get relevant talents to at least 5, if not 6. Non carry characters can safely ignore their auto attacks for the most part, although if you've got spare books it doesn't hurt to get the cheap levels done, since everyone ends up auto attacking once or twice while waiting to collect energy particles from time time.
Once you have those baselines covered, it gets a bit more squishy and dependent on the character whether it makes more sense to get more character levels, weapon levels, talent levels, or artifact levels, but ESPECIALLY in terms of mora and resin cost, artifact levels are almost always going to be the biggest bang for your buck, and past level 70 character levels will be the lowest value investment.
EDIT: What Dyni said.
So the second+ days of the event include co-op challenges. You can redeem the rewards in someone else's world three times. There is no way to invite randoms into just for this challenge like you can with domains and the meteor event... so time to friend up!
mrtomaytohead, we need to team up, as all the other active GWJers seem to be a world level ahead of us, so we can't jump into their worlds.
Also there is a trivia event going on, 50 primogems up for grabs, but they say there is a limited number of times the code can be redeemed, so jump on it as soon as you can.
If you can't bother to answer, the first code is: