Don't know how much I'll be on, but I am always game for vanilla minecraft. Am I still on the ancient whitelist I joined years ago?
Also, can I get the seed to look for a good base building location?
Don't know how much I'll be on, but I am always game for vanilla minecraft. Am I still on the ancient whitelist I joined years ago?
Also, can I get the seed to look for a good base building location?
You're on the list!
And here's the semi-live Overview map to check out what's in the vicinity of spawn.
Is Mixolyde on the list?
Is Mixolyde on the list?
Mixolyde is indeed on the list. This is a very old list, populated with a few hundred GWJers. If you've played on one of my GWJ modded Minecraft servers, you'll be on the list; and even if you're vanilla-only, I think my list spun off from the vanilla GWJ server, way back when.
I noticed that last night. You have the whitelist from Masher's site?
Not directly, but I suspect both of our lists were sourced from the same ancient evil GWJ server (and forked at some point in the past, with a lot of overlap). My only point is that all GWJers are welcome, and are probably already whitelisted, so give it a shot.
I've deliberately not added anything to the spawn island (which is a decent size) other than some boats and a crafting table.
If folks would like to tame it together some time, I'm happy to put away all the tools I have so far and help build up spawn from scratch. In fact, I think I would really enjoy that.
Perhaps this weekend some time? I do need to set a few things on fire over the weekend, but there should be some time for building too.
I've mostly been playing bedrock so I'm a bit rusty on my java edition but I recall using some kind of addon thing that had some QOL stuff like an improved map and whatnot. was that due to server mods or is that something I can just load on my client? I think I had to use curseforge, maybe?
That's probably Optifine.
Bearded, you might be thinking of JourneyMap (a mapping mod with waypoints) and JEI (which shows all items, their uses and recipes). Those are both client-side mods I recommended when we were on the 1.12 server. 1.16 is still new enough that not too many mods have been updated.
Optifine doesn't add functionality, it adds rendering and performance tweaks.
Bearded, you might be thinking of JourneyMap (a mapping mod with waypoints) and JEI (which shows all items, their uses and recipes). Those are both client-side mods I recommended when we were on the 1.12 server. 1.16 is still new enough that not too many mods have been updated.
Optifine doesn't add functionality, it adds rendering and performance tweaks.
This, exactly. I couldn't remember who it was that told me about them way back. The map was awesome, you could add tags to mark where everyone's place was, use it to plot out roads, it was really handy.
Thanks Odd.
Trying to sleep and this guy is wandering around trying to sell grass blocks.
Any chance you can whitelist Fridgy2Dope?
Any chance you can whitelist Fridgy2Dope?
Who's building the new house south of the village? It looks great!
Who's building the new house south of the village? It looks great!
I think that's ours. My dad and MikeHaegaman have done a majority of the work on it. My main contribution is flooding the upstairs trying to make a fish tank
Tagging in on that house as well, now. Haven't played in so many years and trying to get my bearings.
So, The Nether is just stupidly terrifying. I mean goodness. For all of the peacefulness that Minecraft brings, The Nether manages to destroy that with ease. I did manage, after leaving The Nether, to get killed by an Ender Man that had found his way into my room at my house.
Talk about a one-two punch of being terrified today.
So, The Nether is just stupidly terrifying. I mean goodness. For all of the peacefulness that Minecraft brings, The Nether manages to destroy that with ease. I did manage, after leaving The Nether, to get killed by an Ender Man that had found his way into my room at my house.
Talk about a one-two punch of being terrified today.
I haven't been to the nether since the update but I'm looking forward to the new creepy atmosphere.
The server does seem to have a major enderman infestation. The area around my mine and tower is stupid with them.
Is the server still up? I tried joining to look around, assuming I was on the white list since I was for prior worlds, and I assume you know what assuming does. I don't get an authentication error per se, but I can't connect.
Is the server still up? I tried joining to look around, assuming I was on the white list since I was for prior worlds, and I assume you know what assuming does. I don't get an authentication error per se, but I can't connect.
You are indeed on the whitelist. Make sure you're using vanilla 1.16.1 and connecting to GAME-USEAST-01.MTXSERV.COM:27240
The server's being very flaky tonight. Lots of lag and disconnects.
I bumped up the max ram allocation for the 1.16 server; it'll take effect with the next restart. Lag like this (high player latency, despite low TCP ping) can be attributed to server running out of memory, and indeed, it was running right at the 3GB limit.
It occurs to me that this might be what's causing similar lag problems on the Valhelsia server - that's also running near the server memory limit, and unfortunately there's no capacity to grow that higher.
muraii wrote:Is the server still up? I tried joining to look around, assuming I was on the white list since I was for prior worlds, and I assume you know what assuming does. I don't get an authentication error per se, but I can't connect.
You are indeed on the whitelist. Make sure you're using vanilla 1.16.1 and connecting to GAME-USEAST-01.MTXSERV.COM:27240
Many thanks! I had grabbed the slightly information for the slightly earlier server.
Thank you to whomever finished the enchanting setup at the library.
I needed to enchant something but I don't have any leather for bookcases and that seemed like the spot you planned for it.
I also bred a Farmer villager, but he's hanging out in the smithy area.
Odd, do you know the location of the End Portal? The Ender Dragon is dead, correct?
Server seems to be having issues. Getting kicked out after 20-30 seconds.
I also bred a Farmer villager, but he's hanging out in the smithy area.
Yeah, getting the villagers where they're supposed to be is a pain.
Odd, do you know the location of the End Portal? The Ender Dragon is dead, correct?
We reset the End and Nether when we updated to 1.16. I have not been back there since. I figured I should leave the dragon for someone else the second time, though of course I'm happy to join a posse.
The nearest stronghold is almost due south from the spawn village (we need a name for that village). An entrance is visible underwater as you're boating (especially visible if you have night vision).
I led the farmer to the farmer house by moving his composter. But today I went back there to trade and I can't find any trace of him. Maybe the house isn't secure and he got killed by zombies or something? Won't make that mistake again.
The next time a network issue occurs, everyone involved please run a traceroute to game-useast-01.mtxserv.com and PM me the results. The hosting provider is asking for this info to help triage network issues.