That MIB scene at the end of season 2 was supposedly in the far future.
So, correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like everyone is on the playing board now. Time for things to get freaky(ier).
Dat jet. Dayum. Sexiest plane since the Tintin Flight 714 plane.
Show and writing, as always, is a god damn mess.
The music, though. I love how he chose iconic themes from each genre Caleb was experiencing.
Show and writing, as always, is a god damn mess. ;)
Shut your mouth!
Watch out for the fifth act.
Anywhere that have the phones screen grabs? I couldn't read most of them. I assume they were all bad which seems kind of odd. Bad things happen sure but some people should have good predictions. Also kind of weird that people would start rioting because they got random prediction on their phone.
Did god ball predict the release of the predictions?
I firmly believe parts of this last episode were a simulation.
Anywhere that have the phones screen grabs? I couldn't read most of them. I assume they were all bad which seems kind of odd. Bad things happen sure but some people should have good predictions. Also kind of weird that people would start rioting because they got random prediction on their phone.
Did god ball predict the release of the predictions?
It was stuff like in X years your daughter will kill herself or you should develop Alzheimer in X years and because of this they'll never get a job above menial stuff, married or kids. Heavy stuff.
Most importantly, dayum, Mr. Cassel speaks impecable Brazilian Portuguese. At least, that's what it sounded to my European Portuguese ear. He gets all the quirks right.
I read that he lives in Rio, so yeah. The guy who was playing the Brazilian president, on the other hand, was not a native Portuguese speaker.
Cassel is also an expert at capoeira!
I saw someone call the motorcycle Bikelores.
1. I LOVE Vincent Cassell. I think he's an awesome actor.
I haven't even watched ep 5 yet, and I'm thinking I may not bother. I'm tired of the timeline wankery. It's not fun anymore, and makes the show too much work to watch.
Easily the weakest so far. Which is a shame because there was so much important exposition.
Yeah, that was a bit bland. Cassel was good though. He’s been a highlight of the season for me.
Oh good, it wasn't just me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I also thought something about the most recent episode felt lacking. It wasn't bad or anything, but I wonder if it's because there wasn't any Maeve content? Watching Thandie Newton last week, I couldn't help thinking she should at least get another Emmy nomination.
Not mine. I saw it on r/westworld and uploaded it to YouTube.
I would not be at all surprised if what we're seeing of the chaos caused by the Dolores data upload is actually just a Rehoboam simulation. Something just doesn't sit right.
And I think the maze graffiti is a big clue.
Yeah, that graffiti caused me to raise an eyebrow for sure.
All hale the Tessanator.
Come with me if you want to live, just kidding.
Wasn't expecting it.
Huh. I’m finding this season entertaining enough but I feel like they should wrap it up. That’s without knowing how this season will end and what they have in mind for season 4, of course. But I don’t know if I’m really in for more after this.
Huh. I’m finding this season entertaining enough but I feel like they should wrap it up. That’s without knowing how this season will end and what they have in mind for season 4, of course. But I don’t know if I’m really in for more after this.
What do you mean? Truly curious. It is 6 episodes into the season. The first two were 10 long. It is the most direct, forward walking of the seasons so far. Do you just want it over? It has been nearly 2 years since the end of season 2. If you are saying you want it done this season, OK. How? I am much more interested now than I was last season, as they have been more straight forward in storytelling than last year. Watchmen has largely spoiled me on the "proper way" to tell a mystery box series, but this has been a refreshing season to me for Westworld, and I am more engaged now that I was after last season.
Like I said, this could change, but I feel like there’s the potential for it to feel narratively complete at the end of this season.
Ep 7 was legit, yo!
I thought it had some cool parts. Loved that drone gun thingy, gun ship, return of you know who, ninja mode, black mode, and general story beats. However, I still found the episode kind of meh along with this season in general. Before this season this show was on my list for one of best of shows of all time now not so much.
I might be missing something but Caleb joined up with Dolores at random. He just ran into her after her gun fight. Now Caleb is a major piece of the story. Also I'm not liking the character in general. I'm not sure if it is his acting or just the character. Caleb might be my least liked character in the series.
I found it pretty awful. A whole lot of info dumping that made little sense, at least to me. Particularly, because I find the "destroy the AI" story to be unrelated to the Dolores story. I don't see why those things have to intersect at all. It seems like the whole thing will be played straight, with no simulation reveal or anything. Which is disappointing because I could see a much more clever and interested story in there. With multiple Doloreses operating in multiple environments and levels.
Also, why did Maeve choose her old body for this fight? Why not a giant riot control robot? Or that flying bi-copter?
Also. I don't know if anyone else had CC on, but we did because we watch at low volume. The CC kept referring to that thing as a "quadcopter". And that REALLY upset me because 1. it's not a quadcopter it's a a BI-copter, it had two rotors 2. they didn't refer to the little rifle drone as a quadcopter despite it having four rotors and 3. I hate that the term "drone" has become the default term for the little quadcopters that are all over the place. Every damn thing with a even a bit of autonomy is a "drone". These things existed before consumer quadcopters with some smarts became a thing!
Before this season this show was on my list for one of best of shows of all time now not so much.
I agree with this sentiment a lot, but only if you change "season" to "episode". I really loved the cyberpunk aspect of this season, but this episode really soured a lot of things for me.
Maybe endings are just too hard.
Huh. I was kind of down on this whole season up until this last episode. I thought the "Caleb realizes that his memories are artificially constructed" twist was a lot more interesting than "Everything's a simulation." I liked Dolores' master plan for destroying the world. I liked the setup for the conflict between Solomon and Rehoboam. I liked Wright and Hemsworth doing the Shakespeare's gravediggers thing.
That was pretty epic. I expected Maeve to hack Delores's gun though.
I'm looking around at the timelines, and Arnold Weber was still alive when Solomon was brought online. I'm pretty sure he and Ford would have been outliers.
What a terrible season of television. One deus ex machina after another after another after another.
What's even worse is that the premise for season 4 that they set up in the post-credits sequence literally could have been the premise for season 3. Season 3 could be replaced with about 10 minutes of setup and nothing of value would be lost.
Nothing, that is, except Marshawn Lynch. The only redeeming part of this season.