Discussion of the 2019-2020 NBA Season and NBA2K20
Here we go
Let’s go!
Oh god I would LOVE for the Knicks to sign Smith just so I could see him get clotheslined in a game.
For this season it is a bit weird for me. I am just not very interested in seeing most of the new team-ups, like I don't really care about how the Clippers and Houston work it out. The Lakers are sort of interesting but mostly just because I am a Lebron fan and want to see how it works. Boston kind of the same because I hope Kemba and some of the other guys have success. New Orleans I want to see how it works and I wish Holiday and Reddick the best but I think it will be tough for them to even make the playoffs. I'd like to see Portland do well but it is hard to keep cheering for a team that basically does nothing to improve themselves.
Just kind of blah for me. And I personally don't like stars changing teams every 2-3 years so I am sure that is part of it too with all of the movement over the summer. I prefer people stay and improve things and identify with the team more than what is almost a mercenary attitude for some of the players these days. I am not begrudging them their choices and controlling their own life, I am just saying what I prefer to see and wish their choices were more in line with what I like.
Raptors won so I'll casually follow. Last season and the playoff run was so damn magical.
I'm just glad Durant's not on the Warriors anymore. Should make things a little more interesting without having to rely on injuries to do it. I am hoping the Lakers and Celtics implode because that would be fun (sorry Lakers and Celtics fans).
Though I'll probably be more of a casual follower this year. I cut down my basketball podcasts to just the Lowe Post and did a purge of basketball Twitter people I follow from my spring peak.
I'm just glad Durant's not on the Warriors anymore. Should make things a little more interesting without having to rely on injuries to do it.
Though I'll probably be more of a casual follower this year. I cut down my basketball podcasts to just the Lowe Post and did a purge of basketball Twitter people I follow from my spring peak.
Honestly, as much as I love the NBA, I don't get too excited about the season until about 25 games in.
I’m holding off for the first time in forever. Mostly because the Hornets might be the worst team in the league ;-;
I’ll buy for Switch again if I do. I know the headaches you reference but find the portability worth it.
I’m considering skipping it. I get like 19 was a bit of a mess compared to 18. With 18 I continued my trend of playing many hours of MP. That ended with 19 (partly because of the format).
I haven’t heard yet that they significantly improved MP in 20.
MP = Multiplayer?
What was the change for 2K19 that you didn't like?
I never play much online because the lag just kills me.
Yes, multiplayer. In an attempt to fix problems with people choosing the same teams over and over they tied progression in online play to playing with teams from multiple tiers.
I had my favorite teams too, but whatever, I was happy to try out other teams. Other players hated it, though, and participation in online MP games and plummeted. I could rarely find good games and eventually I stopped looking.
I even had better luck going back to 2k18.
DSGamer wrote:gamerparent wrote:MP = Multiplayer?
What was the change for 2K19 that you didn't like?
I never play much online because the lag just kills me.
Yes, multiplayer. In an attempt to fix problems with people choosing the same teams over and over they tied progression in online play to playing with teams from multiple tiers.
I had my favorite teams too, but whatever, I was happy to try out other teams. Other players hated it, though, and participation in online MP games and plummeted. I could rarely find good games and eventually I stopped looking.
I even had better luck going back to 2k18.
I've had the game for over a year and only now did i try the Play Online Now mode that you mention. I see the tier mode, and i understand how that would be annoying.
From the reviews of 20 on Switch, it seems like a well done game, that might sway me, but i cant help but think it would be smoother and better looking on a PS4?
Yeah, it's not optimized for the Switch. My understanding is that it runs at 30FPS. Given that 2k puts so much time and energy into microtransactions and other mechanics players hate, I doubt they'll ever optimize the Switch port. It's just a question of whether or not you're okay with a lower frame rate and lower textures.
I personally would trade a lot of features and graphic fidelity in this game for better framerate.
What's really crippled the Switch version of this game for me is the way it tries to get online all of the time to make sure you're not cheating at 2k's spacebux metagame. I wish they'd just make a probably portable-first entry of this game for Switch.
Either way, what's 2k20 like so far this year? I felt so burned by last year that I didn't buy it at the beginning like I usually do.
I have to object to the idea that the Switch ports aren’t “optimized.” You really can’t expect the same graphical fidelity out of the Switch as the PS4.
Okay, now the NBA season has really started.
thank you for the summary
Who do you think won?
Also Harden unveiled his new move.
So a one-legged side step instead of a one-legged step back? That will be dangerous if he can hit it with any consistency, it has to be a really tough shot to get right.
LOL Daryl Morey.
I had the beginning to this NBA season including a lot of things. "International incident" wasn't on that list.
Zion looks good though.
That wouldn’t be my take. My take would be that the NBA looks really bad right now. They’ve spent most of the past few years building up a reservoir of good will based on having some social conscience as a league. Or at least allowing their players and coaches to have one.
The petulant bullying by China and the Nets’ owner sucks.
That wouldn’t be my take. My take would be that the NBA looks really bad right now. They’ve spent most of the past few years building up a reservoir of good will based on having some social conscience as a league. Or at least allowing their players and coaches to have one.
The petulant bullying by China and the Nets’ owner sucks.
I agree. This whole thing has also given me a bad impression of the Rockets' current owner.
Adam Silver (NBA commish if anyone doesn't know) released a new statement that I thought was clear as mud, although it at least mentioned something about not regulating the speech of players or other NBA employees. What does that mean in practice? Hard to say.
There are some scorching takes out there right now about how some of the same people who like to act like we live in a dictatorship here are the same people who currently look like they love communist cash more than human rights, and you know, there's some truth there. There is no danger to the NBA for doing the right thing here, but they seemingly won't because of money.
I don't understand why the NBA published a statement at all to begin with. There could have just been an offhand response like 'team employees have their own opinions and don't speak for the league as a whole' and just leave it at that and it would have been a footnote in the story and the whole thing would have blown over in 2-3 days. Instead they threw gas on the fire and now the league looks terrible and appear to value China's money over the league's own principles and it is a whole big problem of their own making.
I am surprised that some players haven't said they will boycott the China exhibition games.
In fact, James Harden went out of his way to apologize to China...
"We apologize. You know, we love China. We love playing there," Harden said. "For both of us individually, we go there once or twice a year. They show us the most important love."
The "mo$t important love".
I am surprised that some players haven't said they will boycott the China exhibition games.
Given what's happened to Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor I wouldn't want to be travelling to China if I were a Canadian NBA player.