I just had a funny idea. If there are jump pads that you can place on the ground with either flat or angled surfaces. Why not add more versions of these 2 pads that you can mount on walls, or even ceilings? That way instead of taking the stairs like a normal person you could move yourself around a factory like a pinball. Or maybe make an entire room plated with jump pads like a big metal bouncy castle.
This game is great. I’ve sunk ~8 hours into it so far this weekend. Thanks for all the conveyor design tips in the forum, using the stackable poles really helped with supplying my second floor area!
I think the game is more Subnautica than Factorio, having only played Subnautica you rely a lot more on hand crafting and then slowly can automate over time.
Just got a nice pipeline set up for modular frames so plan to head off and explore the world for a bit while I wait for the 300 frames to craft.
Also, underclocking was definitely a boon for getting the timings right in my production line so thanks for that tip!
When is the next content update? I remember seeing a post with a timeline, but can't remember where.
While there have been a few bug-fixing updates, you can check the Roadmap for their plans:
Early Access Launch - March 19The first couple of weeks will focus on patching and hotfixing:
• Crashes
• Most annoying bugs
• Smaller QoL improvementsUpdate #1 - End of April
• Quartz Research Chains
• Sulfur Research Chains
• Conveyor LiftsUpdate #2 - End of May
• Tier 7 (Nuclear and Aluminium)
• Trains
• Overhaul late game areasFurther down the road - TBD
• Improvements on core gameplay and systems
• The rest of the FICSIT Milestones and Tech Unlocks
• More buildings, parts, vehicles and creatures
• Complete narrative
• More optimization
• Dedicated Servers
• Mod support
Trains are what I'm most interested in, but I'm sure I'll jump back in when the next update hits.
I would guess next week. This weeks update is a couple edge case but game breaking bugs, and they are talking about focusing on the content patch release.
Funny that the conveyer lifts may come out and squash the need for those dope double helix elevators.
Funny that the conveyer lifts may come out and squash the need for those dope double helix elevators.
yea, but they are so beautiful! Also so many parts to individually deconstruct. I think my spiral elevators will stay.
How do you clear boulders off of deposits like shown below?
How do you clear boulders off of deposits like shown below?
In some cases, you can mine them.
However, those boulders look a lot like a set of boulders that I couldn't mine. I ended up having to abandon that particular deposit and use a distant one.
Not sure if this is a spoiler or not but just to be safe:
Can you not chainsaw them or are they too big?
Unrelatedly, when last I played, I was chainsawing some trees and accidentally chainsawed a rock and it chainsawed just fine (not sure if it hurt the chainsaw but was able to continue to use it).
Not sure if this is a spoiler or not but just to be safe:
Spoiler:Can you not chainsaw them or are they too big?
Unrelatedly, when last I played, I was chainsawing some trees and accidentally chainsawed a rock and it chainsawed just fine (not sure if it hurt the chainsaw but was able to continue to use it).
Yea nothing close enough to make that happen.
tboon wrote:Not sure if this is a spoiler or not but just to be safe:
Spoiler:Can you not chainsaw them or are they too big?
Unrelatedly, when last I played, I was chainsawing some trees and accidentally chainsawed a rock and it chainsawed just fine (not sure if it hurt the chainsaw but was able to continue to use it).
Yea nothing close enough to make that happen.
you cannot remove them. My main base in right by that particular spot and i just used portable miners for a while.
presumably once gunpowder is a thing at higher tiers you'll be able to remove them. there are several deposits of different kinds and what appears to be cave enterences blocked by those boulders.
Yeah, they appear to gate resources and areas. I think a method to remove them isn't in the game yet.
Something I heard on a stream is that they intend to add some kind of demolition tool/mining explosive to clear rocks away and uncover caves and mineral deposits at some point. You can actually find some of these hidden deposits if you walk around with your build tool out and it just happens to snap to a deposit you can't see yet. Having hidden mineral deposits is nice because it gives you a reason to explore the same ground again later in the game and more resources would let you increase factory density.
Sulfur and quartz are supposed to go in in the update next week, it seems logical that a mining explosive would be in the sulfur tree since sulfur is a component in several explosives, including gunpowder (which is def a thing because I found a locked crash site that required it to open)
I went exploring for crashes last night and came across a sulfur node. Like 2km away from my base.
I went exploring for crashes last night and came across a sulfur node. Like 2km away from my base.
I've got one tagged right next to my primary coal source.
These guys are... very weird
short version: They'll do an experimental branch on the 30th and migrate that to the main branch within a few days or a week.
Super weird, but is a charming sort of way. Also now i want to see if this works with Quick powder, or do i need to try to import Milo.
Does anyone know if they are intent that future updates will no make current saves invalid? One of those I am fine with either way. However, if i'm going to build off current world for next few updates I want to optmize it. However, if I am going to need to rebuild no reason to optimize now.
Does anyone know if they are intent that future updates will no make current saves invalid? One of those I am fine with either way. However, if i'm going to build off current world for next few updates I want to optmize it. However, if I am going to need to rebuild no reason to optimize now.
I don't think he means that the update will invalidate saves. I think he meant that because the experimental build will be a separate install, you'll have to backup and manually move saves if you want to play them.
I took it more as he's not sure if it will work or not. It may work but may not meaning it "may" mess up your saves.
Yea i can see that meaning too. I do know when they fiddled with ratios going from alpha to early, it didn;t break saves but it did break factory setups so you had to clear the machines to get them working
I took it more as he's not sure if it will work or not. It may work but may not meaning it "may" mess up your saves.
I took it as they have had problems while developing so if you want to be safe, backup. But that being said, this week we are supposed to see vertical conveyors which will make organization change.
Yeah for me it just simplifie's the lifts i created myself. That will be a minor change. It's more at the point where learned a lot on my first playthrough. Was able to get to end but a lot of stuff is not how I prefer it and would be easier to start from scratch. Which I may do. However, I am worried about doing that and then in week being forced to do it again.
To be honest, my current factory is such a progressive disorganized mess, and i've learned so much building it, i may just start out fresh anyway. Maybe try a start in the desert instead of the grasslands.
I'm fully intending to start all over, now that I understand the game a lot better.
Especially power. Until about an hour before I set the game last time, I thought that each power source/generator could only support a number of consumers equal to whatever it's max output was. I didn't realize you could link multiple generators together and combine their output.
So yeah, needlessly hamstringing myself (power generators were where all my crystal/slug things were going) means I want to start over with better efficiency.
I'm fully intending to start all over, now that I understand the game a lot better.
Especially power. Until about an hour before I set the game last time, I thought that each power source/generator could only support a number of consumers equal to whatever it's max output was. I didn't realize you could link multiple generators together and combine their output.
So yeah, needlessly hamstringing myself (power generators were where all my crystal/slug things were going) means I want to start over with better efficiency.
Ugh... hunting down slugs... maybe i don't want to restart.
Yeah, so early access and all. I expected things to break. Love this game, but I tore myself away after about tier 4 because I absolutely expect to have to start over, regardless whether saves break.