I made a chicken roaster and corralled a second cow at spawn. Also organized the sugar cane.
I found a jungle and mooshroom island near a half sea temple (looks like the server only generated half of it) also near a glacier. My plan is to build a home and bridge system in these areas assuming I don't find a better sea temple somewhere with minimal exploring. I'll probably try to make a trader village near as well if I can. I don't think the sea temple is in a slime block like it was with my last world sadly so no slimes while waiting for sea lanterns.
Ran into my first Phantom today. I was like what the hell? Undead Owls? Apparently they attack you at night if you haven't slept in a bed for 3 in game nights. They attacks get more common as the nights increase. Drop membranes you can repair elytra with. 20 Hearts each though.
With no webmap, maybe we should start putting together a map room at spawn.
Sounds like the server is up and running.
All I have seen for the past week is a "can't connect to server" error.
My client is looking to connect to ... is that still the right address?
Masher's Server
To join, use "gwj-mc.clanservers.com:10100" as the "IP" address
Masher's Server
To join, use "gwj-mc.clanservers.com:10100" as the "IP" address
Yeah, in order to fix the server issue we had to migrate to a different box, which means a different IP address. But, it’s better to use “gwj-mc.clanservers.com:10100”. That will always connect to the server, no matter what the IP address is.
I found some buried treasure tonight. I got a Heart of the Sea. I don't know what it does yet. I mean, it probably pumps sea blood, right? Not sure how that helps me.
Maybe you can cook and eat it to gain Sea-based super powers?
it is relevant to breathing underwater
Anyone found a mesa yet? I need a bunch of white or off-white clay blocks.
There is a secured and modified village around 650, -200 (almost due east of spawn). Retro and I have been building it up. There are some good trades, including a Mending book.
There is a triple cave spider spawner at 412, -181, if anyone wants to have a go at a farm.
There is a triple cave spider spawner at 412, -181, if anyone wants to have a go at a farm.
Cave spider spawners can be messy if I recall due to going through the small cracks. But someone might have found a way since I last tried it many versions ago.
Can we whitelist chigbarg? He is my partner and a friend of Infernarl's.
I'm not sure what to do right now ugh. I got so elaborate on my last server.... I'm setting up a little hut near spawn but I should go find someplace cool...
I do like to brew communal potions but we'll need some blazes and netherwort for that. Anyone wanna go on a nether expedition?
Skeleton spawner: x: -1160, z: -470, y = 22. In a desert.
The lag is so so bad. I gotta mine every block twice...
The lag is so so bad. I gotta mine every block twice...
I found the server was running pretty well today ... up until the point it kicked me off again.
(connection lost - forcibly closed by server)
This seems to happen every day at mid PM (UK) then it won't let me back on even though others are playing.
It lets me on (taking forever to load terrain) then kicks me again b4 I can do anything. If I come back a few hours later all is fine again.
Is there a time limit for playing?
There’s no time limit on players. I’ll do some investigating on the lag and disconnect issues.
Seems like 1.13 is much more of a memory hog than 1.12.
Yeah the lag is unplayable at times, especially if you want to ride the rail or go exploring.
I just rebooted the server, so let's see how that goes.
The memory usage is 828MB even right after a fresh restart, which seems awfully high.
I'll talk with the hosting company about it.
We found something odd (same thing I told you about last night ie not being able to use Oddrune's Enchanter) but its more than her area. Its seems that this area is "locked" in that nothing can be used or broken. Garden can't be harvested or planted. Grass can't even be chopped. Torches can't be broken or placed. Starts a few blocks off the "path" outside her area. A zombie was in her garden and it jumped at the wall and broken several carrots. Those same ones can't be broken by players but a zombie could. Very odd. Don't know if its related to the memory maxing you mentioned.
OK, server's back up.
The issue around Odd's house was due to spawn protection getting activated. I've disabled that, so should be all good.
I also upgraded the RAM limit on the server to 2GB. We'll see if that helps with the lag issues. It might not kick in right away, but I'll check on it later today.
If you want to start a go fund me or whatever the kids are using these days to offset the extra cost for upgraded RAM I'm sure some of us would skip a coffee / beer / soda and kick in a few bucks!
If you want to start a go fund me or whatever the kids are using these days to offset the extra cost for upgraded RAM I'm sure some of us would skip a coffee / beer / soda and kick in a few bucks!
I've considered setting up a PayPal Pool, which would allow anyone to contribute to help cover the server costs. I haven't done it up to this point because the cost has been pretty minimal, but if I have to up the RAM significantly I might look at this as an option, since it sets a finite limit on the amount and is pretty transparent from what I can tell.
We'll see how it goes.
Can we whitelist chigbarg? He is my partner and a friend of Infernarl's.
Still having to mine every block twice. Could I be doing something wrong clientside?
Server was pretty good when I was on it alone last night, but then it auto restarted and when it came back up i started getting disconnected.
I was having no issues mining last night. I did get disconnected like every 5 minutes, but I suspect that might be an issue local to me as Oddrune did not have a similar issue. I'm not sure how to fix it though.
Feegle, next time you're on you should raid my store room for some terracotta to use as firebreaks in your building.