Are you going to have to get mirror tiles or something else to use on top of the bed on the 10S? I heard the print bed on them is typically warped, just like my Tornado. I can have it leveled at the corners, but the middle is easily higher by 0.5mm. That's a big deal. I still haven't done anything to fix mine, but I plan on doing it soon.
I'm still having fun with my Tevo Tornado. I can't get PETG printed, though. I've dialed the settings in just like someone else on this printer printing PETG and it doesn't help.
My manager has a whole roll of the stuff he gave me so we're trying to use it, to no avail. And PLA prints sooooo nicely.
I've read so much about PETG lately, I'm sure I'll have a weird nightmare about it soon.
ordered the Ender 3.
Spent another $200 on accessories and upgrades and I don't even have it yet!
What have I gotten myself into?!
ordered the Ender 3.
Spent another $200 on accessories and upgrades and I don't even have it yet!
What upgrades did you order?
It's fun! I had my two printers running at the same time and I felt "cool"!
I was able to print the test print "cat" on my CR-10S and the quality is great. I've been having problems with adhesion afterwards though. I've been using hair spray on my flashforge and I have zero adhesion problems. Not sure why this glass bed is different. I'm going to get a glue stick today and give that a try.
This disconcerts me. I was about to switch my Tornado to a glass bed just to get it level. Keep us up to date on what works for you with the glass.
Did you set the bed temp higher than without glass? Is that even something you need to do when you add glass on top?
Still waiting for my OLO...
groan wrote:ordered the Ender 3.
Spent another $200 on accessories and upgrades and I don't even have it yet!What upgrades did you order?
A few i will be printing, but I got a Raspberry Pi to do Octoprint. Also some dampeners to make the motors quieter.
Here are some of the upgrades I'll be doing. Some will be done before I put it together. A friend is going to print them beforehand.
I also got a micro-SD to SD adapter that i will be attaching. The port for the Micro SD is positioned OK but hard to use, so I'm told. The adapter will allow me to use the larger card and position it to be even more accessible. Although, with Octo-pi installed, i should never need to use it.
Continuing to print. Started trying out mini's.
This one is printed at .08mm layer height. Looks amazing! The last two i printed last night at .05mm. I have yet to remove the supports. I'll do it later here at work
Nice! Where are you picking up the files? Heroforge?
Nice! Where are you picking up the files? Heroforge?
I gave this guy $5 to get access to 1400 shapes he's made. I don't even play any tabletop games or DnD. They just look cool.
My Draconkind Rogue didn't fare so well during the support removal. Note to self, don't use zigzag supports. I also think the Cura profile I used was the wrong one. Not my miniatures profile. I must have missed that. :/
Learned a lesson, do the mini on it's back or at an angle facing up. Less supports and they won't interfere with arms/legs etc. Also won't mess up the face/front.
Continuing to print. Started trying out mini's.
This one is printed at .08mm layer height. Looks amazing! The last two i printed last night at .05mm. I have yet to remove the supports. I'll do it later here at work :
That archer looks real good for a 3D print.
I have bad ringing issues right now that are probably caused by me adding the glass on the top of the bed. I've done a few things to try to fix it to no avail and don't have the drive to do more at the moment.
Show us more pics as you get them!
Hello fellow nerds. I present to you my nerd cred.
Its the Swap Mech from Into The Breach!
I modeled it in 3ds max, printed it on a monoprice mini v2, and then painted it(first time painting a "mini").
I plan on doing the rest of the Flame Behemoths squad, but first I will be putting together an ikea enclosure and Cetus mk3 during the holiday break. Yay for working with educators and getting a week off!
Glad to see other goodjers enjoying this hobby.
Oh if you want to print the little guy go here and git it.
Pretty cool, there. Nice job on the model and the paint.
I just fired up my Tornado for the first time today in a long time. With the glass bed on there, it shakes so much and I bet that is what causes the ringing problems I'm having. There are a lot of suggestions on what I can do to help it out, I just don't have the energy to put into it right now.
I did print a thing for a buddy today for an RPG game. It's hold the cards and I guess coins and other stuff. I'm not really sure. It turned out well, but one corner pulled up a little - even with a real large brim on it. It will work and it didn't need to be pretty so it's a success.
Bep what material are you printing in? I haven't had issues with pla warping but ABS sure can be a pain
PLA, but I'm not worried about this warping I just had happen.
I peeled the normal print surface off of this heated bed and have a 3mm piece of glass on it right now. I doubt it's conducting the heat correctly. I can tell that different spots of the glass aren't as hot as the other spots. Like all Tornados, the headed bed on mine is warped. That means the glass isn't in good contact with the bed at all spots which is going to be a heat problem to some degree (nyuk).
I'm was thinking about picking up an Ender 3 for prints I need to look good and just use this Tornado for things like gaming terrain that has texture so it won't show the ringing/ghosting.
Then I look at the fact I just bought a laptop and don't need to spend $$$ on stuff I don't really need.
I need a rich person to adopt me and my wife. Please. Soon. (please)
Posting Michael Zenke's post from the Secret Stan thread, since I 3D printed most of the items I sent him
Included was my first attempt at printing with and staining wodfill filaments which came out really well
A full build log of everything I made, as I made it is here
That looks awesome. Never would have thought to stain wood filament.
Got myself a Cetus for the holiday and setup in a little enclosure. Going well so far!
Which Cetus is that? is that an aftermarket bed for it?
Edits: I chatted with Bagel on Twitch while he was streaming and the "bed" we see is a magnetic print surface that goes on top of the stock bed.
His printer is the Cetus MKIII, I believe.
Got a CR10 for Christmas, so marking this thread for future use.
Assembly seemed easy, but I managed to get the X-axis and extruder motor power crossed, and didn't have enough height on the Z-limit support for it to engage the limit switch properly. The dang thing wouldn't autohome properly and kept doing bad things when I tried. Then I lost the clamps for the glass cover for the print bed and tried to print without them. Ah, the joys of learning a new technology. Fortunately a couple of youtube videos helped me figure out the problems and a sloppy initial doggo test print seems to be shaping up well. I do with I had turned the fill rate down a bit though. Didn't know about it when I started.
Now I just have to figure out where to find a model of the new Netflix She-Ra so my daughter will quit hounding me!
It's all good. I love that we get to learn stuff together, but at six years old she still gets a little impatient.
Thanks, karmajay! That is going to be a big hit!
Got a CR10 for Christmas, so marking this thread for future use.
Fun, fun! My Tornado is basically a 24v CR-10 with faster bed heating times and dangerous wiring.
Have you looked at any "upgrades" to print for it, yet? There are lots of videos out there for the CR-10 on that subject. Nothing necessary, but still fun to do to maybe make it a little better and to personalize it.
I have not looked at mods for it yet, Bep. I tried to print a piece of the She-Ra sword last night - the base of the blade, probably the biggest part - and had some trouble with the part close to the edge peeling up, and ran out of PLA sometime shortly before the print finished. Not sure if the peel-up because the bed needs to be hotter or cooler. I've got a loooooong way to go in figuring out the subtleties of 3D printing. I only wasted the 200g spool that came with it, but fortunately I bought two additional 1kg spools at the same time as the printer. Now printing a Pinky Pie cookie cutter, just to have something small and hopefully successful.
Plate-side. You can see where the print peeled up at the top:
Top side. Looks like it only had a few more layers to go before it finished. Le-sigh.
I believe the peel up is generally caused by the bed not being hot enough, but I'm surprised it only effected one part of the print, rather than all edges.
You can also try the hairspray trick to help with sticking.