My ranged crusader is now level 19 and spends 99% of all fights suppressed. I'm gonna have to figure something out. I just lost a fight against a boss because I kept getting knocked down and couldn't do anything.
My ranged crusader is now level 19 and spends 99% of all fights suppressed. I'm gonna have to figure something out. I just lost a fight against a boss because I kept getting knocked down and couldn't do anything.
Need to look at your gear and in particular your inoculator and belt items. Also may want to look at your perks as well. It's my understanding with the right perks on a crusader that it becomes almost impossible to be suppressed or if you are you can instantly get it back.
I tried to like this game but after 40 minutes of gave up and requested a refund
The view is obscured by the corridors, targeting felt clunky, the whole thing felt clunky. I get that it's not supposed to be as spammy as Diablo but I felt trapped in a body that wasn't responsive. Kudos to everyone getting mileage out of it because it looks like there's oodles of lore and WH40K-ness in it.
Sorry you didn't like it, man.
On my end, I had an AMAZING tarot mission today. It was this tarot mission where I couldn’t die once, or I’d lose that XP bonus. I upped the difficulty one notch so it was about 60 points above me and took it slow. It was a hunt, so using the sniper rifle’s area effect shot, I whittled down the small and medium mobs, then headshot and sliced the bigguns into oblivion.
So. Fun.
The view is obscured by the corridors, targeting felt clunky, the whole thing felt clunky.
I'm not going to try to convince anyone to like a game they don't but can I ask if you were using mouse and keyboard or control pad? You can rotate the camera 360 degrees around your character and the corridors phase out so I haven't had any issue with corridors obstructing the view and with mouse and keyboard I've had an easier time targeting stuff since I just point on whatever I want to die and click. I know others have said control pad's the only way to go but I haven't given it a try myself.
Gamepad is more comfortable for me but targeting can still be pretty jank. I have to look through gameplay options to see if there's a way to disable the "walk to target to attack" scheme which really doesn't feel good playing with the pad and doing melee. No, not when the game loves to target explosive canister and will gladly have you start walking over to an enemy several meters away instead of interacting with the cogitator that you're clearing targeting.
New patch! Yay!
Campaign difficulty will no longer affect non-campaign missions
That would explain why it took five minutes to whittle down the regenerating health on a psyker boss the other night.
Bfgp wrote:The view is obscured by the corridors, targeting felt clunky, the whole thing felt clunky.
I'm not going to try to convince anyone to like a game they don't but can I ask if you were using mouse and keyboard or control pad? You can rotate the camera 360 degrees around your character and the corridors phase out so I haven't had any issue with corridors obstructing the view and with mouse and keyboard I've had an easier time targeting stuff since I just point on whatever I want to die and click. I know others have said control pad's the only way to go but I haven't given it a try myself.
I'm using m/k too and haven't felt the need to try using a gamepad. I also haven't had any issues with the camera as MMB rotates it...so, I can quickly get the camera into a good spot during battles.
I did have a TREMENDOUS slowdown this morning on a mission where there was a lot of stuff exploding and I had a squad of friendlies. I had been getting consistent frame rates up until that point. Also, lots of textures were popping in and out. I wonder if it's a bug or if I should just back down my graphics settings. I'm running a 980Ti.
Around level 10 i hit story mission that had a 400 rating. It's taken me 3 levels to get to 341 and i just beat out that mission. The next one is 410.
Am i missing something or did i run past my level on the story missions?
Set the story missions to story mode and they will drop in power level considerably.
I think they're expecting you to grind through some side missions but I've been really stubborn about it and haven't. Right now, I'm level 21, power level 513 and the main mission on story difficulty is 600. Before that I'd had to clear out a couple of missions that were 100 above my gear level. I was able to do it but only because I had a purple multi-melta and fought from cover to cover the whole way and drained my meds and items dry. I definitely went from just wading through enemies to having to be extremely strategic with choosing what and where I fight.
They definitely want you to grind some side missions, which I am fine with as I love all missions in this game.
Yea i'm holding back my gear score because i keep waiting for upgrades on heat damage before i swap them out. I should just let her rip and spend some time on crafting.
I just finished the main story line at level 24, gear score 561. After the credits rolled the next investigation I'm assigned is gear score 800. Yeah, I'll be doing some side missions now.
Nice. How was the story?
Nice. How was the story?
This made me laugh because I can't ever make sense out of the stories in 40k games.
Moderately terrible people band together to defeat something monstrous, sowing the seeds for further evil. This is the plot for all Warhammers.
I felt like the story was better than I'd expected, but make of that what you will. It definitely sets up for "and then...." at the end where I can see plenty of story DLC options. It hit all the 40k buttons for me, schemes upon schemes, factions warring at multiple cross purposes all being moved around by shadowy powers higher up the chain... it was good.
That being said, I had my first really bad experience with the game. I decided to try random co-op play. It was unplayable. I have no clue if level or gear makes a difference but it matched my level 24 with a level 11 and a level 7, the third person apparently dropped as soon as they got in. It was rubber banding like crazy and would freeze up for seconds at a time with enemies disappearing left and right. The other guys hung in with me for a couple of fights but they weren't killing anything and were dying as soon as a enemy looked at them. I managed to take out the first of 3 bosses we were supposed to kill but it took several minutes just for that one fight. Finally I turned a corner in a hallway and just dropped dead from some alpha strike from multiple psykers. I quit the co-op mission at that point.
Nice. How was the story?
Honestly I feel the story is the best part - seriously for me some of the best stories come from 40K and not a super fan.
Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Still enjoying the Crusader but I can see where some people have an issue with the slower leveling. Hit Rank 6 last night and it feels like I've been playing way longer.
I'm getting more mileage out of 2h Greataxes and Greatswords than sword & board. The moveset and damage just overshadows whatever defensive gains I'd benefit from the shield. (although the shield AoE is awesome)
There's oodles of content here and will take me a while to make more progress. The Priority Assignments are a neat idea. First I've seen in an ARPG. The Feral Beasts assignment did feel a bit weird though in the way the missions were presented and linked together. Part of that was due to me thinking it was more of an optional thing but turned out to be tied directly to the Story campaign.
Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Which tech priest mission?
I've made it to 18 deathless. Autopistols and the Missile barrage are my best friend. I've spent all my points on defense or focus regen and cool down. With the inoculator load that gives you +200% +my passives that give me +20%damage while moving (+2 sec after stop) and passive that gives me +25%within medium range I hit with 245% damage on the bosses. That's usually a 1 shot. My normal damage is at +45% unless I decide to hunker down behind cover to regen suppression. My default dmg reduction is 35% now. So I just blaze through most maps with the Autopistol attack that has you shooting as you move forward, if it isn't dead by the time I get next to it I switch to full auto and that's that. Turrets get stun locked with the 1 key attack, critical baggage or something like that. I typically only with to my inferno pistols for space marines or the occasional mechanical.
Veloxi wrote:Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Which tech priest mission?
The one in which you need to defend them.
On my crusader I decided to buy a respec when it came up on the trader, fyi it only allows you to respec one skill tree. Given this limitation I decided to clear everything out of the ranged combat tree and instead use those points to buy every option in the hitpoints tree. I also swapped out my perks to include the additional organs perk which gives 500 hp's, +100% regen and -50% inoculator healing. I now feel like the tank the class was intended to be. I'm currently at gear 645 and I just ran an 820 mission without having to use my inoculator or any cover. I seem to have settled on a a flamer and thunder hammer as my weapons of choice and now I can finally use assault armor without worry. Now I'm just keeping my eye out for another respec so I can take the points I put in AOE's and dump those into defense.
SpyNavy wrote:Veloxi wrote:Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Which tech priest mission?
The one in which you need to defend them.
If it's the one I think it is, just use the choke point of the door and make your stand there. He'll stay safely far back in the room where nothing will get to him.
Veloxi wrote:SpyNavy wrote:Veloxi wrote:Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Which tech priest mission?
The one in which you need to defend them.
If it's the one I think it is, just use the choke point of the door and make your stand there. He'll stay safely far back in the room where nothing will get to him.
Also if you hurry you can run past the point where he's hold up and clear the path ahead some. The event doesn't trigger till you go up past a certain point in that hallway.
On my crusader I decided to buy a respec when it came up on the trader, fyi it only allows you to respec one skill tree. Given this limitation I decided to clear everything out of the ranged combat tree and instead use those points to buy every option in the hitpoints tree. I also swapped out my perks to include the additional organs perk which gives 500 hp's, +100% regen and -50% inoculator healing. I now feel like the tank the class was intended to be. I'm currently at gear 645 and I just ran an 820 mission without having to use my inoculator or any cover. I seem to have settled on a a flamer and thunder hammer as my weapons of choice and now I can finally use assault armor without worry. Now I'm just keeping my eye out for another respec so I can take the points I put in AOE's and dump those into defense.
Ive gotten those from drops, I'm up to 5 now. I'll hit the hit point line in my mid 20s. Do you have to fill in all of a tree to get the central, really good one?
Kehama wrote:Veloxi wrote:SpyNavy wrote:Veloxi wrote:Welp, just failed that tech priest mission twice. That took the wind out of my sails. I’ll try again later, but wow, that was surprisingly brutal.
Which tech priest mission?
The one in which you need to defend them.
If it's the one I think it is, just use the choke point of the door and make your stand there. He'll stay safely far back in the room where nothing will get to him.
Also if you hurry you can run past the point where he's hold up and clear the path ahead some. The event doesn't trigger till you go up past a certain point in that hallway.
Choke point? It's a big square room with four ways in.
You can run up to the doors where the enemies come through. Most come through the same path and you can set some turrets or mines to help slow the enemies from the other directions until you can run over. (Unless I’m thinking of a different mission?)