OMG there are vehicles?!?!?!?!?!
Huh, I never noticed weapon were gated.
Like Garrcia said, I know when I hit certain levels it'll have a box at the bottom saying "Now available" and show a couple of weapons and then suddenly I'll start getting drops of those weapons from the chests where I'd not seen them before. I assumed that was their way of gating weapons.
Huh, didn't even notice that happening. Cool!
Just ran into my first enemy Chaos Psykers. PURPLE MIND LASERS.
After 5 hours I've definitely hit the end of the polished content. It looks like they have 6 or so chapters alloted for but chapter 3 literally just says "placeholder quest" and the mission difficulty jumped from about 200 at the end of chapter 2 to over 500 at the start of chapter 3. I also laughed out loud during a cutscene where they're showing some Tarot cards and the artwork was literally MS Paint, white background, with an obvious hand made mouse controlled scrawl that didn't fit on the card. It just had a name of the card and a childlike outline of a face. If I'd been told a 5 year old made it in 20 seconds I would not have argued. So now I can either continue to play random missions or go back through the first couple of chapters with the other classes.
Here's what worries me, though: the official release date for the full game is May 11, 2018. Or, in other words, 2 weeks from today. All I can hope is that the release I'm playing is a really, really old version that they've been polishing and fleshing out for the last year without letting early access people play it.
You played the alpha verison from a few months ago, yes. There hasn't been a year of polishing and fleshing out for a year, but the beta version that's coming out has 4+ months worth of additions to it. The release version will then have another two months of polish, etc., to it.
This is definitely coming in hot so expect the game to continue taking shape for a little while longer after release. I'm not thrilled by that, but it is what it is.
After 5 hours I've definitely hit the end of the polished content. It looks like they have 6 or so chapters alloted for but chapter 3 literally just says "placeholder quest" and the mission difficulty jumped from about 200 at the end of chapter 2 to over 500 at the start of chapter 3. I also laughed out loud during a cutscene where they're showing some Tarot cards and the artwork was literally MS Paint, white background, with an obvious hand made mouse controlled scrawl that didn't fit on the card. It just had a name of the card and a childlike outline of a face. If I'd been told a 5 year old made it in 20 seconds I would not have argued. So now I can either continue to play random missions or go back through the first couple of chapters with the other classes.
Here's what worries me, though: the official release date for the full game is May 11, 2018. Or, in other words, 2 weeks from today. All I can hope is that the release I'm playing is a really, really old version that they've been polishing and fleshing out for the last year without letting early access people play it.
They pushed the release back to June. In May we get a beta.
I'm 11 hours in and still having a blast. I reached, I think, the end of the current story content in the alpha, so I've been doing Priority Assignments (procedurally-generated mini-campaigns, SO FUN) and side missions and having sooooooo much fun. I might take a break soon and wait for the beta though, to avoid burnout.
I just got around to reading the latest dev post on the steam forums. Since they plan to do a full wipe at launch I guess I'll just hold off on putting any more hours into the game until then. I at least got all 3 classes through the tutorial missions so I have an idea of what I want to play at launch. I've liked what I've played so far so here's hoping it keeps it up for the full game.
I know how ya feel. Even with the upcoming wipe, I can't stop playing. I've reached the limit, I think, of the story-content in the alpha, so I tried my first tarot mission last night, and when they explained they were more challenging, they weren't kidding. I've gotten a bit used to using innoculators, so when I run out early in the level, and there are NO further supplies, it changes the entire way I have to play. It was SO TENSE and SO GREAT because I had some big, big enemies to deal with, so there was a ton of hit and run, and it was so fun. I can't get enough of this game.
BTW folks, if I may pimp a bit:
I caved and bought this. I initially was very look warm on it. My first character was the tactician because I wanted the sweet turret summon. It turned out to be much less than sweet. Still some of the weapon upgrades were fun enough to make up for that let down a bit.
So I gave it another go with the eradicator and had much more fun with that class but she got squishy or I just couldn't stop myself from meleeing everything...
Then I tried the empyreanist and that was squishy and not fun really at all.
So I tried an assault and wow was that an unexpected blast! A very powerful character with very cool shield skills and a leap attack. I blew through the first 4 of the 5 missions.
Then I figured there had to be someone fun in the psycher sub classes and the aetherwalker is as much fun as the eradicator but seemingly more versatile.
The movement and attacks feel so much better in this than any of the Van Helsing games.
Ohhhhh, I'll have to try those! Congrats on buying the game!
You owe it to yourself to try the Assault. I bet the other Crusader with the rocket launchers is badass too!
Oh my my my. This Assault IS fun!
Omg the chainsword is joy.
Assault is my favourite class. It feels like Space Marine. Basically ignore the cover system other than as a means of quickly recovering health.
Assault is my favourite class. It feels like Space Marine. Basically ignore the cover system other than as a means of quickly recovering health.
Yeah, totally gonna replay the available campaign missions with this Assault dude.
Vector wrote:Assault is my favourite class. It feels like Space Marine. Basically ignore the cover system other than as a means of quickly recovering health.
Yeah, totally gonna replay the available campaign missions with this Assault dude.
My only issue I had with them was the lack of crusader melee weapons. There's only: power sword, chainsword, power axe, power hammer, greatsword, greataxe, and eviscerator.
You can still switch to guns and a combination of pistols + shield but the two-handed melee and one-handed melee + shield felt so essential. I'd like to see lightning claws, thunder hammers, chainfists, power fists, and power mauls added later.
I can't imagine more stuff wouldn't be added.
Veloxi wrote:Vector wrote:Assault is my favourite class. It feels like Space Marine. Basically ignore the cover system other than as a means of quickly recovering health.
Yeah, totally gonna replay the available campaign missions with this Assault dude.
My only issue I had with them was the lack of crusader melee weapons. There's only: power sword, chainsword, power axe, power hammer, greatsword, greataxe, and eviscerator.
You can still switch to guns and a combination of pistols + shield but the two-handed melee and one-handed melee + shield felt so essential. I'd like to see lightning claws, thunder hammers, chainfists, power fists, and power mauls added later.
Do we need more than that?
Claws and fists would probably have needed more animation. I expect that'll be an expansion thing, if they add them in.
Aren't some of those only on Terminators?
Aren't some of those only on Terminators?
Doing some quick research; power fists and lightning claws are most common with Terminators but they can be used by Assault Marines and the only actual requirement is power armour.
I'd rather have them do those as another class or subclass anyways. Once you start going down the path of "is 20 weapons really better than 12?", to me it becomes better to branch off into something new.
I feel like that is one of the "flaws" in D3's skill system that we put up with because devastation+loot=fun. They could split each class into two without losing necessary depth:
Wizard - fire/lightning + cold/arcane
Monk - hundred fists/deadly reach + fists of thunder/crippling wave (single target/range + melee/aoe)
Witch Doctor - creatures + spirits
Demon Hunter - traps/bolos/grenades + arrows
Barbarian - ancient spear/throw weapon/seismic slam + whirlwind/earthquake/hammer of the ancients
Beta is tomorrow. Yay!
Yeah, I'm pretty excited about that myself. I do wonder how much beta its going to be? Also, since there will be a wipe in a few days again, I think I personally will try to limit my gaming until the 5th of june.
Thankfully, the Space Hulk Deathwatch enhanced edition is out in two days as well -its a great time to be Warhammer (40K) fan!
It really is!
I don't plan to put TOOOO much time into the beta due to the final wipe, but I'm excited to see how it's coming along.
And the beta is delayed,sadly.
Up at the 23rd, at the latest it seems. Release date is unaffected.
We hope it's unaffected, at least.
While I admit to a certain degree of impatience myself and disappointment, I also feel that most games are better for taking the time needed to cook in the oven. Disappointment is never fun, though - I think its Kratos who said it best "Set your expectations low. That way, you will not be disappointed".
Game will be coming in hot on release day regardless. I don't know if this delay is due to trying to get as much into the beta as possible or not, but my guess is with the coordination of console release and whatnot things have to be pretty locked in for the actual release. I'm sure there will be a massive day 1 patch on console.
Apparently a lot is coming to the beta as well, according to one of the devs (this is a partial list too, apparently):
• New Main Menu
• Language support for French, German, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian
• Morality System
• dozens of new perks
• The first couple chapters of the Campaign
• Completely reworked maps
○ Dozens of new map assets including new covers, objects, debris, lighting, effects, and more.
○ Villains: You can randomly find 1-3 of these stronger guardians on the map
○ Commander: Commanders are holding fortified positions within the map, so approach carefully!
○ Hidden Area: There is now a small chance on each map for a teleporter to appear which takes the player to a hidden room where bonus loot and gratuitous carnage awaits.
○ Spoil of War: The former gamemode Spoils of War is now implemented in all gamemodes - there is a chance for a Spoils Chest to appear with a guardian on each map.
• New Game Modes:
○ Silence the Guns
○ Bunker Busting
• New Map Settings
○ Ruined City
○ Industrial Indoors
○ Hive City
○ Giant Rails
• Multiple weather/atmosphere settings available for every map
• Mind Reset