Star Wars Rebels Catch-All

No Jedi hopefully!

But I like my space wizards and laser swords!?

oilypenguin wrote:

No Jedi hopefully!


I feel like the most interesting parts of Star Wars are tucked away in almost everything that is not the Jedi.

I’d be fine with no Jedi.

Just feature tons of star fighter combat and I’d be happy.

I’m fine with no Jedi. I’m not a big fan of organized religions. But there better damn well be some force wielders!


When my son and I were watching the season finale where Ahsoka confronts Vader, my son got an unexpected glimpse into my disdain for religion. Ahsoka has the most awesome line where she says, “I’m no Jedi.” And my son blurts out, “What? Is she a Sith now?”

And without thinking about what I’m saying I boldly state, “No. She’s neither. She understands that the Jedi order are full of shit and have their heads up their ass. Just like all religions.” He was speechless.

Many in our family are quite religious. Someday I will have a serious talk with him about my atheism. But I want to wait until he’s a bit older. I’m pretty sure that by now he realizes that I’m a non believer.

RawkGWJ wrote:

I’m fine with no Jedi. I’m not a big fan of organized religions. But there better damn well be some force wielders!


When my son and I were watching the season finale where Ahsoka confronts Vader, my son got an unexpected glimpse into my disdain for religion. Ahsoka has the most awesome line where she says, “I’m no Jedi.” And my son blurts out, “What? Is she a Sith now?”

And without thinking about what I’m saying I boldly state, “No. She’s neither. She understands that the Jedi order are full of shit and have their heads up their ass. Just like all religions.” He was speechless.

Many in our family are quite religious. Someday I will have a serious talk with him about my atheism. But I want to wait until he’s a bit older. I’m pretty sure that by now he realizes that I’m a non believer.


(for the outburst, I don't need force wielders. Unless it's Snips, she gets a pass. Star Wars for me is smuggling. Let me see what kind of dirty bullshit Leia needs to do to get a rebellion off the ground. f*ck. Yeah.)