We're back!
Let's kick in the season with a new crunchy, monster-collecting spin-off! This quarter, we've got:
And now let's go to HowLongToBeat for the average times:
Looks like we'll be doing 10-15 hours a month, roughly. Not too shabby. I'm going to include a new site that forum user J.C. had pointed out to me a while back, called BeforeIPlay. It's great because it outlines a bunch of things that new players to games should know. I'll be linking that here, and there will be some good (usually non-spoilery) tips that should prove helpful in our jaunt!
Please let me know if you've played this before or are currently playing it, and how we should best split this up.
Perfect timing! This was the next game that I was going to play anyway. The "Before I Play" site is brilliant. Thanks for linking.
I'm currently playing it!
I have no idea how to best split it up! Particularly because progress will no doubt in some ways be tied to how completionist you are with Poking your Manz. Even so, I'll be playing alongside you guys, though starting about 12 hours ahead or so (which means I might be at the first good spot to end after a month of play?).
Unlike Pokemon, though, there are defined "chapters" in this game, so it shouldn't be too hard to measure general progress. I wouldn't recommend splitting the chapters up into three equal buckets though, because later chapters tend to take much longer, and there's a bunch of post-game content as well.
Looking at a chapter list, I was almost done with the main story when I moved on to something else. It's kind of tempting to take a whack at finishing this up...
Wow, this looks like fun. The lack of a PS4 is an obstacle, but maybe it's time to update the PS3?
Currently playing, taking my sweet time to capture (imprism) as many of the critters as possible on my first run, so my hours-in estimate is not a good indicator of how to divide game progress over a quarter.
The base game has 21 story chapters, so I think an even 7 chapters per month could work, or perhaps something closer to 10 chapters in month 1, 6 chapters in month 2, and 5 in month 3, allowing for any possible difficulty ramps, grind necessity, and critter hunting clean-up necessary to beat the game.
Godzilla Blitz wrote:Wow, this looks like fun. The lack of a PS4 is an obstacle, but maybe it's time to update the PS3?
It's on Vita, if that's a choice!
No, unfortunately, but thank you.
$306 for a PS4 bundle with Uncharted 4 though isn't looking so bad though. I'll need to see how I make it through taxes first. It'd be fun to try a three-month play like this, and we'll eventually get a PS4 anyway.
Wow, this looks like fun. The lack of a PS4 is an obstacle, but maybe it's time to update the
Im on the same boat as Godzilla... but lets see if the xbox360 can morph into a PS4
Didn't do very well with Earthbound from the pile last quarter, there it still sits. If I can grab fairly cheaply might try this quarterly and hope can do better.
Edit: yep I'm in. Something different after Horizon and the price was right.
I started playing this again. I'm pretty near the end I think.
I really like this game but I feel like there's not really much discussion to be had. It's very easy and the story is simple and throwbacky. It works pretty much perfectly on a comfort food level.
One thing I can say is -- if they make a sequel they'd better let you stack characters on your head and not just creatures. Chibi Vivi is too cute to not let ride around on your head at all times.
Square Enix did the same thing with the Vita version of Dragon Quest Builders.
Odd that they wouldn't make it PS TV compatible, since I can't think of any single instance of touch screen controlled elements that can't also be done with the sticks, d-pad, and buttons.
Aw man, I started and stopped this last night. After the first hour, it seemed very much like it was not going to end up being my thing. Sorry to bail, but I hope the rest of you have fun!
Any thoughts on what didn't work for you? I haven't decided if I'm in for this one or not, yet, and am curious why it's not really your thing.
Thanks, that helps. I had a lot of similar issues with Mario and Luigi dream team. I think I will give this one a pass since I already have so much to play.
I've opened up the real final boss fight, finally. Some of the later bosses have enormous HP pools that can be a pain in the ass to chew through if you don't bring the right Mirages to the fight.
In and then out I'm afraid. I gave it a bit of a go but a couple other games have been purchased that have jumped the queue. Claw some money back by selling sadly, if I fancy a collect em up have that covered on the 3ds pile.
Is anyone actually going to play this...?
I saw the true ending today and it was magical.
What are the requirements for the true ending?
What are the requirements for the true ending?
Nothing really, you just have to keep playing after watching the first ending.
I think only a couple of people are playing it right now. I would've hoped that the ones who are, are the ones who added it to the votes :)
I didn't even vote for it, I didn't vote for anything this round.
I kind of wish I'd picked it up when it was discounted a few months back. Never mind.
I'm playing it but not really enjoying it much--so slow, so much loading, SO ANNOYING MAIN CHARACTERS. I'll keep going but mostly to confirm whether this game would be okay for my seven year old to play. I wasn't expecting much from this game other than nostalgia and something for my son to play...and so far, it is meeting those expectations.
A coworker of mine said that I should stick it out because the true ending is very well done. I think that I just started Chapter 4 which is
right after the big Goblin boss/Warrior of Light cutscene
--maybe 3 hours in?
I voted for it and am playing it at a nice, leisurely pace in commutes between Zelda BotW sessions and when my daughter takes over the WiiU. Loving every minute of it. Definite Platinum game for me, eventually.
Just picked up FFXV at a price couldn't refuse and Shadow of Mordor, which suggested for tother club so really should play that one. Keep me busy for a good while.
I'm probably gonna resume this next week or later this week. I'm about 12-13 hours in. For Demyx and maybe brokenclavicle:
Last thing I did was that fire volcano thing with Rydia. If I recall I'm now chasing the four prophesied McGuffins.
I'm playing it but not really enjoying it much--so slow, so much loading, SO ANNOYING MAIN CHARACTERS.
Hrm... I just realized that people that didn't pick this game up on day one are at a disadvantage in that the Japanese language pack isn't a free download. Do you have to pay for it or is it simply not available at all? In which case, I'd just swap over to no voice work and play it old school. It's the-easier to skip over the-all idiotic speech the-patterns that way.