Previous incarnations of Cleveland/P&C/D&D have had an image thread, to handle political cartoons and other image-based stuff that doesn't belong in the general post-a-picture threads.
If any of them spawn an extended discussion, please spawn it off into its own thread. Replies to non-picture replies should take the form of a link pointing to a post on a different discussion thread.
And I shouldn't have to say it, but the images still need to abide by the rules.
Previous incarnations of Cleveland/P&C/D&D have had an image thread, to handle political cartoons and other image-based stuff that doesn't belong in the general post-a-picture threads.
This should fill up naturally over time, so don't feel like you need to post a ton of pictures tonight.
You should make the banner that side by side pic of inaugurations.
Rat Boy wrote:Am I doing this right?
I fully expected this result.
One of the first times I could do the "I understood that reference.gif" things, and it's still throwing me off calling P&C, "D&D".
p.s. Deities and Demigods as the cover would have been so meta.
Philly plays hardball:
Never been more proud to be a fan of the Broad St. Bullies.
Based on Andrew Ihla's tweet about the unexpected heroism of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, The National Park Service, and Teen Vogue, animator Jessica (@my2k) created a trio of modern day heroes.
You can see more of Jessica's work on her website.
There is only a Like button, I need a Love button.
Less satire, more reality.
I'm glad I'm not a comedy writer, I could never keep up with this shit professionally.
Jesus, well known for his corporate interests and saying "f*ck you" to people fleeing conflict.
That's Prosperity Jesus(tm).
#FailedAmericanSlogans Are Terrifying Mottos For Life Under Trump
#FailedAmericanSlogansWe the peop.... no, not you.
#FailedAmericanSlogans Like a good neighbor , stay over there
We only moved the headstones. #failedamericanslogans
241 years. We had a good run. #FailedAmericanSlogans
You can't always get what you want. #FailedAmericanSlogans
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall and then rebuild it between us and Mexico #FailedAmericanSlogans
#FailedAmericanSlogans All Lives Matter In Countries That Have Trump Hotels
(yes, it's real: https://twitter.com/seanspicer/statu... )
I think my brain is bleeding now. Did he not pay close attention to what he was re-tweeting? Is he just trying to make a light-hearted joke? Is he crying out for help and trying to warn the American people?
More Wikipedia fun:
Gremlin wrote:
(yes, it's real: https://twitter.com/seanspicer/statu... )I think my brain is bleeding now. Did he not pay close attention to what he was re-tweeting? Is he just trying to make a light-hearted joke? Is he crying out for help and trying to warn the American people?