I keep meaning to join one of these but I never do get around to it. Here we go.
I'll vote for:
Paper Mario
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
SMT Digital Devil Saga
They're all 20-40 hours AFAIK.
Time to beat reckons Suikoden averages 20 hours or so. I'm a little surprised because one of the reasons I didn't spend my hard earned 90 AUD on it back in the day was because more than one magazine review pegged it for being beatable in 10 hours or so. Bought Alundra instead (whoops).
Time to beat reckons Suikoden averages 20 hours or so. I'm a little surprised because one of the reasons I didn't spend my hard earned 90 AUD on it back in the day was because more than one magazine review pegged it for being beatable in 10 hours or so. Bought Alundra instead (whoops).
I thought people liked Alundra (the first one)? Maybe not Suikoden levels of love, but isn't it a decent action RPG thingy?
Decent, but I got stuck pre-gamefaq days about 5 hours in :(. Probably should have got Suikoden.
Alundra is one of my favorite games ever. We don't talk about the sequel... seriously, screw that game.
But yeah, the puzzles could be very tricky, but it's well worth the effort.
Do the drawing now! The suspense is killing me!
Edit: Sorry. This seemed funnier last night when I was drinking (It was my birthday, don't judge me.) but now it just seems mean. Thanks so much for orchestrating all this, damnablebear!
I'm lumping the SMT games together just because who even knows who has which ones. I think if that gets picked, we can hash that out afterwards. Are people cool with that? We had a few people say SMT something-or-other, a Nocturne, a Digital Devil Saga... it'd be a mess if we tried to peel that apart before we even drew anything.
I'm happy with that. I thought about saying "anything SMT" but I was not sure that would be ok.
Super Mario RPG
Being able to type into the youtube feed is hilarious, especially since I think there's a delay so my comments show up well after whatever you're doing/saying.
I must ashamedly admit that I never actually finished the original Suikoden, so... LET'S DO IT.
Yay, Suikoden!
I'll pick a Gaiden option shortly.
Ah darn. Was hoping for SMT/Nocturne to get myself to go back and finish.
Suikoden baby! Time to get this off my backlog finally. I've completed the second game at least 3 times already.
Nice! I am in!
What the hell, I'm always up for a replay
Going with the flow of something short and 16-bit-ish, this quarter's Gaiden pick is The Secret of Mana. It's available on SNES originally, on Wii and Wii U through the Wii Virtual Console, on iOS and Android, and of course through any number of emulators.
Going with the flow of something short and 16-bit-ish, this quarter's Gaiden pick is The Secret of Mana. It's available on SNES originally, on Wii and Wii U through the Wii Virtual Console, on iOS and Android, and of course through any number of emulators.
I'd be curious to see if the netcode in the emulators is fast enough to support a three player session. If anyone tries it, please post about your experience!
I remember trying to play Mario Kart in SNES9x online at some point. It was not a pleasant experience, since the game was never meant to be played that way.
I'm in, playing on vita. Do you guys recommend a guide?
I'm in, playing on vita. Do you guys recommend a guide?
I was actually going to bring this up in the dedicated thread. I'm guessing that really depends on whether you want to use the get all the 108 characters and get the extras by the time you start playing the second game?
For the record: I'm currently considering using a guide, since I don't think I'm going to play the game a second time. Unless I really really like it. Which is certainly a possibility.
I played a bit tonight (followed the story until I get to a place called Rockland), and then checked a guide, and realized that I already missed a metric shit-ton of stuff, apparently.
Going with the flow of something short and 16-bit-ish, this quarter's Gaiden pick is The Secret of Mana. It's available on SNES originally, on Wii and Wii U through the Wii Virtual Console, on iOS and Android, and of course through any number of emulators.
Dammit... you people are going to make me play through BOTH picks this quarter.
Monsters! All of you!
I might be up for the gaiden as a replay.
Yeah, Secret of Mana would be a replay for me too; it's just one of my favorite action jrpg's.
Suikoden I will definitely put on my list!
I'm in for Suikoden. Been feeling guilty over leaving it for so long; I was so excited to finally be able to get Suikodens I, II and III, and then I didn't make time for them. Deep down I'm worried that they might not live up to both wait and hype.
Going to pass on Secret of Mana. The game's legitimate European availability is nil. PC emulation isn't appealing as my PC controller is a 360 pad and I think we all know how good that d-pad is.