brokenclavicle wrote:I myself only found X to be alright. Not great, not bad. Good enough for being the first PS2 FF, but not even in my top 5... might be on the latter end of the top 10.
Must.... Resist!
How does this rank compared to your previous temptations to rank Final Fantasy games?
So far I'm keeping up with the 2 groups but only because both are portable titles!
Farscry wrote:brokenclavicle wrote:I myself only found X to be alright. Not great, not bad. Good enough for being the first PS2 FF, but not even in my top 5... might be on the latter end of the top 10.
Must.... Resist!
How does this rank compared to your previous temptations to rank Final Fantasy games?
Clocky is a Final Fantasy archvillain!
Sony heard my wishes about FFX/X-2 apparently! See this weeks Final Fantasy sale on PSN.
I'm back from my time in the frozen north. I'll play X-2 or X. I have been slowly playing through the HD collection versions but they are still hanging out in my backlog. Little side note if anyone plays on PS3: for some reason, I had to lower the ps3 output to be locked at 720 for the game to get past the opening on X-2. Not sure why, but if the screen goes dark after the opening try that.
ClockworkHouse wrote:Farscry wrote:brokenclavicle wrote:I myself only found X to be alright. Not great, not bad. Good enough for being the first PS2 FF, but not even in my top 5... might be on the latter end of the top 10.
Must.... Resist!
How does this rank compared to your previous temptations to rank Final Fantasy games?
I couldn't resist: 6, 4, 10-2, 8, 9, 12, 7, 5, 10, 11; 13-3, 13-2, 13-1, 2, and 1.
Edit: I mistakenly typed PS4 instead of PS3 originally.
There is a thread for that, and this is not it.
Mea Culpa.
I somehow carelessly threw "ranking" and "Final Fantasy"into the same paragraph or something the like. I should know better by now. still fun seeing it all go down
Hey, everyone. The thread for next quarter's game is up: Final Fantasy X-2.
Still working on Trails; I'm in the final stretch I'm sure; this has to be the "final dungeon", since it's pretty crazy huge and has a lot of treasure (much of it guarded by tough enemies).
Just be prepared, it's a long one! I didn't go for a completionist run (though I did a fair bit of level grinding since the difficulty of SMT/Persona games kicks my ass), but my P3:FES playthrough still clocked in at around 70 hours (I forget the exact time, I'd have to go load up my memory card at home and check).
Edit: if P3 is the pick, maybe I'll use that to buckle down and return to Persona 4.
It seems like with Persona 5 coming up around the bend, there's a lot of interest in going back to P3. What are peoples' thoughts on that next quarter? (starting in July)
I vote yes!
I'd be up for saying that I'll play this, and not getting around to playing it!
I would be in.
Not sure how I would fit it in with all the summer releases but I'm interested
Just be prepared, it's a long one! I didn't go for a completionist run (though I did a fair bit of level grinding since the difficulty of SMT/Persona games kicks my ass), but my P3:FES playthrough still clocked in at around 70 hours (I forget the exact time, I'd have to go load up my memory card at home and check).
Edit: if P3 is the pick, maybe I'll use that to buckle down and return to Persona 4. :)
Indeed, I think my playthrough of the PSP version was 80+ hours.
A vote for P3! - I have the version where you have the choice of a female protagonist but I've never gotten too far into it before being distracted by other things.
I would also be interested in this
I wouldn't mind replaying P3 in any of its iterations (I have FES, btw).
I did a playthrough not that long ago so I'm good I think.
It seems like with Persona 5 coming up around the bend, there's a lot of interest in going back to P3. What are peoples' thoughts on that next quarter? (starting in July)
I actually installed the Portable version on my Vita earlier this week. So that's a Yes
I'm planning to play P3 this summer whether it's the pick or not, so it gets my vote as well
I'm planning to play FES, and then do a second playthrough on P3P sometime down the line assuming I like P3.
I would be in.
Buuuuuuuuurn myyyyyyy dreeeeeeeead
Considering my original playthrough of P3 took place over 3 years, as much as I'd like to get through FES, I don't know if it's really in the cards. Plus, my PS2 isn't hooked up...
Looking forward to Persona 3! I'll be playing the portable version.