Is it Star Wars? Does it not already have a thread for it?
Then you've come to the right place.
I can't wait!!! I am so excited!!
I hope she lives and somehow makes it into a side movie... Disney knows she is popular...
Oh that reminds me!
Gary Whitta (PCGamer) writes Rebels. He also wrote Rogue One. Same time frame.
I have hoping for some character overlap. I read somewhere that Wedge was recruited in the alliance by someone with the codename of Fulcrum....
I think I would not be able to contain myself if she ended up in rogue one... I might actually explode.
I'm backed up with Rebels, but I'll be back.
All 3 of those characters need to die (or have the force stripped away or something) by ANH.
I sure hope not. The lines in that movie that every one references -
Darth Vader: He is here.
Governor Tarkin: Obi-Wan Kenobi? What makes you think so?
Darth Vader: A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.
Governor Tarkin: Surely he must be dead by now.
Darth Vader: Don't underestimate the Force.
Governor Tarkin: The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion.
See, Tarkin is already wrong. Yoda and Obi-wan are alive.
Vader is so powerful (check out Vader Down in the recent comics) Yoda knows the only chance they have is for one of his kids to crack his "heart" armor and win him over.
So, this means there is really is a door for their to be Jedi. You could also say someone who is not part of the Jedi order is just a force user. Ahsoka has white sabers BECAUSE she is not a Jedi any more.
I would so so hate it if Ahsoka dies. Like, really. It seems silly when so many other things are bypassed or added from the movies. I know Dave Filoni joked about it once but I hope they find a way to keep the characters living.
It's the same issue with Gotham. Really, there's no reason for these shows to have a happy ending. Ideally, IMHO the last episode may as well have the crew on a suicide mission getting some secret plans onto a Corellian Corvette with Vader in hot pursuit.
Yoda knows Vader is unstoppable when it comes to just physical fighting and the force. If you read Vader Down you get a glimpse what the guys does. Yoda does believe that the only way Vader can be defeated is by touching the light side of him. Only Padme and his kids will be able to do that. So, he is talking about Leia because he thinks only his kids and the memory of Padme will be able to crack the dark side shell.
You can also see this when Ezra is talking to Yoda. Yoda asks him will he fight (including Vader) and when Ezra says yes he shakes his head and looks sad/disappointed. I hope that the ending has them finally learning they can't beat Vader and they have to fight for the rebellion from the shadows.
They may not be with the rebellion because they now know there are dark side users that can sense jedi so they actually work separately from the main force. We know there were more "cells" then we just see in the movies anyway.
Everyone here is listening to The Star Wars Minute podcast, right? Right?! Well, you should. Start from the beginning (not Phantom Menace begining, the real begining) and work your way through. I promise you won't be sorry.
This thread is a good reminder to get back to Clone Wars and Rebels. Especially since I'm currently settling in to see The Force Awakens a 4th time.
This thread is a good reminder to get back to Clone Wars and Rebels. Especially since I'm currently settling in to see The Force Awakens a 4th time. :P
Hope the birthday is going better then. Happy Birthday Clocky.
I don't even know what's canon anymore
Darth Maul is alive and has robot legs.
And it is awesome.
Everyone here is listening to The Star Wars Minute podcast, right? Right?! Well, you should. Start from the beginning (not Phantom Menace begining, the real begining) and work your way through. I promise you won't be sorry. :D
I wore my Star Wars Minute shirt yesterday, and was at the Caravan of Courage live show The hosts also run a Beatles podcast, Alphabeatical, which is great
So is Rebels part of the new continuity Disney is trying to pull off? I've put off watching it to make sure they didn't just pull the plug on it mid-story.
So is Rebels part of the new continuity Disney is trying to pull off? I've put off watching it to make sure they didn't just pull the plug on it mid-story.
The current canon is:
All seven movies
The CG Clone Wars cartoon (not the hand-drawn original Clone Wars cartoon)
Almost all books and comics published subsequent to the canon purge of 2014ish
Star Wars: Uprising
That said, huge chunks of the excised canon have already been brought back via the books, comics and Rebels.
Up until they decide something isn't cannon, then the new bit trumps the old bit. Until someone else likes the old bit more, in which case that newer bit will bring the old bit back to cannon and replace the formerly new and now old bit.
'Cause as much as I respect Disney, they aren't going to be any better and handling continuity than Lucasarts was before.
The loose impression I've gotten is that if something in the old series happened before (chronologically) Episode 1, then it's probably still canon. If it happened between 3 and 4, it might be canon. If it happened after 6, it's all tossed on the heap.
The loose impression I've gotten is that if something in the old series happened before (chronologically) Episode 1, then it's probably still canon. If it happened between 3 and 4, it might be canon. If it happened after 6, it's all tossed on the heap.
Nah. If it happened before Episode 1, it's all up in the air at the moment. Very little of that has been brought back into the canon, but very little of it has been explicitly excluded either. Otherwise, yeah.
Anyway, you should watch Rebels. It is hellagood
Anyway, you should watch Rebels. It is hellagood :)
Also this
karmajay wrote:Anyway, you should watch Rebels. It is hellagood :)
Also this
+1 this +1
Well I guess I know what I'll be watching next. Now to just find out where it's streaming... if anywhere.
Well I guess I know what I'll be watching next. Now to just find out where it's streaming... if anywhere.
If you've got cable/satellite, I think you can get it from Disney XD's website or app.
Yoda on the other hand... when Luke goes off and leaves his training in Empire, Yoda tells Ghost Ben that Luke isn't their last hope, there is another. Leia, right?
Kyle Katarn, duh.
Also, there is a thread dedicated to talk of Rebels....*cough*
And a prior Star Wars catch all that I'd made years ago but who's keeping track?
*edit* And to contribute... Has there been any more talk of a possible Star Wars live action series or is all of that strictly animated now?