ranalin, is the game world linear? In the sense that you start in this area, level up enough and then go that area ... etc?
One thing she gets wrong in that video and we kinda touched on it earlier. The different type of quests and the knowledge system.
You have your Story quests which tend to send you off somewhere. Some times to kill things but other times just to go to a certain point to find something or to just talk.
You have your Town quests which tend to be your hey go kill x number of things.
You have Black Spirit quests which is your primary guide for your characters progression through the game which tend to be kill quests, but they also help guide your through different mechanics of the game. From getting your mount to using black stones.
You also have exploration, trading, crafting quests.
If you wanted you could skip every single quest in the game except for the Black Spirit quests. They're needed for when you hit 50 and need start leveling past that. So it's better to them along the way than having to go back and do them.
It's interesting to note that the xp curve on the NA/EU beta was lower than what it was for the other versions. In the follow up poll for CBT1 they asked what people thought of it. So it may end up changing before launch based on user feedback.
The Knowledge system is also tied to your questing. Some things requires you to have a certain amount of knowledge on specific subjects before you can do them. Whether it's getting other quests or buying items from a vendor. For vendors you then have to chat them up with conversations with these knowledge points to raise your status with them. Only after doing that enough will you be able to buy certain items from them.
Knowledge is also tied to what you know about the mobs you fight. When you first fight something all you see is a health bar that changes from green to red to dead. Only after you kill enough are you able to see more information like the health bar changing with each attack.
Another cool thing about the Knowledge system is that it's linked to your family name. So you don't have to 'relearn' everything if you do an alt. That information travels with you.
Ah, I just saw BDO thread here and remembered that one; I skimmed through the first page and checked couple videos briefly, same as with Crowfall (the only difference being that I'm much more familiar with CF).
Certis wrote:ranalin, is the game world linear? In the sense that you start in this area, level up enough and then go that area ... etc?
Nope. Soon as you log in you can go anywhere. Granted you'll get slaughtered when running into some higher level mobs.
Edit: To answer better... For leveling It starts off that way in that you're surrounded by lower level stuff but as you move out the places you can go spirals WAY out. Unless you go node hunting or being a completionist you could end up completely missing zones. It's up to you how you want to explore and level up.
To follow up on this I did not do much in the way of quests in the beta. I just ran off and started to explore and kill things.
If I crossed quests I would pick them up and maybe complete them or just keep going in whatever way I was heading.
The knowledge system can make this sort of interesting to do because when you first fight things and have no knowledge you can't see the creatures health bar so are not sure how well you are doing against it.
A few times I was fighting things that were higher level than me but could not tell if I was winning or not till something died or I lost my nerve and disengaged.
I think it adds something to the overall in game experience.
There were large areas that I found not populated with creatures at times which made exploring those area not as exciting.
Hey Ranalin are you using a premium vpn or a free one? I didn't have much luck finding a free one that would connect to one of the accepted RU regions.
For those of us with time to read but not watch videos Massively has a couple longer first impression articles:
I'm stoked for this, though I'm content to wait for the proper release at this point.
I bought into this for nothing more than the opportunity to play an mmo with Maladen again life the EQ2 days. Plus it looks fun although I'm not a huge PvP guy.
since CBT1 is done what's the difference between the Tier 3 Horse in the explorer's package and the Tier 5 Horse in the conqueror's package? I see this but.. wrong language;
When does CBT2 start? I bought the Conquerors package and I want to play.
What server are you playing on Ran?
Tamer looks sweet, I hope pet AI / pathfinding is bearable.
Whelp, no longer waiting for release. Figure it's B2P so might as well get some goodies while I'm at it. That and I want to see how well this runs. It may be time for a video card upgrade.
If nothing else, this game has provided for some comedy gold, as the brothers McElroy demonstrate (some NSFW language, etc)
Is the combat action MMO type?
NVm - reread first post
I know i say this about every other game, but seriously this is one of the best looking games and THE best MMO as far as looks go.
Still unless you're afraid you cant run the game i'd wait till closer to the end of the year. The new cards will be MUCH better.
Oh, I can run it, it's more of a "this gives me an excuse".
I just wish they'd hurry and start CBT2.
News this week. They basically said it won't be January. I imagine it'll be very early February and then release by April. End of March is end of Q1, right?