I just want to go out and say that after being mildly invested in the story, the "big" Gortys Project story reveal was beautifully done and got me REALLY invested. Before I was just kind of going through the motion, enjoying the ride here and there but this episode really cranked it up for me. Can't wait for the next one. And wait we will I guess :/
Does it ever explain why the series is called "Borderlands" when it seems they don't border anything? Or do they mean more of like the planets themselves are on the border of the galactic frontier?
Definitely my favorite of the Telltale games so far. The credits never fail to be awesome, and the slow-mo walk to the shuttle in Episode 4 is the best yet.
The gunfight may well be the single greatest scene in a Telltale game yet.
Holy. Shit.
Why the hell did I wait this long to play TfTB. It is BY FAR the best thing Telltale have done to date.
SERIOUSLY good stuff. :O I just pretty much burned through the first four episodes in one go.
Now I'm stuck waiting for the final episode...grrrr......I hope it's not too far off.
The gunfight may well be the single greatest scene in a Telltale game yet.
I loved TWD and Fables, in part, because I loved the universes. I have never played a Borderlands game and I think this is amazing.
I wish they would get into some original IP.
Last episode is now due exactly the same day as Life is Strange's final episode (20th Oct). Neato - a double bill!
Sweet, I have really enjoyed this game. The fact it isn't sole destorying depressing like Walking Dead or Game of Thrones (which I have also really enjoyed) helps.
Well that's going to be a busy day for me.
Anyone else finished this up? The ending was great:
The whole fight with Gortys vs The Traveller, with your chosen Vault Hunter team behind the wheel was an excellent way to finish up the series, so much fun! I'm surprised with how much change to the series as a whole they managed to get into this: Scooter dead, Helios destroyed and Jack expelled from the series for what I assume is finally for good. It really impacted the greater Borderlands story, which is cool to see and it makes me really keen to see an eventual Borderlands 3 with all the lore they've built up to this point, and I hope maybe another Tales season after that. I also want to know what happened to Rhys and Fiona.
A further spoiler regarding the nature of the "Super Secret Vault Hunter", which might even be a spoiler for some people who've finished the game:
It's Claptrap.
I didn't have enough cash to unlock him but looked up who it was after finishing. It teases you with silhouettes of Lilith, Kreig and other big name Vault Hunters, so the fact that it was Claptrap, making his debut in the Tales series, was pretty much perfect.
Anyone else finished this up? The ending was great:
Finished it yesterday morning and loved it. I really hope Telltale isn't going to stop making these games anytime soon because their take on interactive fiction has become one of my favorite entertainments.
One minor complaint with the ending:
The bit with a character sacrificing themselves, then being miraculously saved is so overdone! It was overwhelmingly obvious that the hat trick resurrection was coming so I groaned through the entire tearful farewell scene wishing I could just hit a button to skip to the end of it. Kill someone, or don't, but the entire noble sacrifice where nothing is actually sacrificed is tired and lame.
The "game" mechanics are still the only thing dragging Telltale's stories down for me. QTEs just need to burn in digital hell. I'd love to see an option to disable all QTEs or at least make them instant when you hit a single button. Tossing in an occasional QTE doesn't actually make your interactive fiction a game, it just makes it interactive fiction with obstacles.
Final fight mechanics spoiler:
Good grief, QTE combos? I assume if I actually played fighting games that I would probably recognize the combos they forced you to do as well known ones? I get the joke, and there was amusement there, but overall it was just frustrating and pulled me out of the moment as I tried to hit the right buttons.
Like all similar games, I waited until the final episode to start playing all the episodes. So far I'm at the half way point and really enjoying it. Great story and humor. Only big complaint is the horrible horrible checkpoint system. Every time I stop and start again I have to replay the last 5-10 minutes with no skip button. I'm guessing they did it on purpose as a deterrent to keep people from going back to get a better result but it just punishes people who can only play here & there.
Finished! This....might be my favorite thing I've played so far this year and by far the best of Telltale's stuff to date.
...and clearly there's a season 2 coming, going by that ending - that or we'll get these characters in the next main Borderlands game...which I am also ok with. Totally gunning for Fiona as one of the vault hunter choices in whatever's next!
Lost my shit when the Stranger took off their helmet. I already miss everyone, and this is going back on the pile for a second playthrough at some point.
Loved it this game. It was very refreshing to see that Telltale can do cheery and fun as well as emotional and depressing.
The final fight scene with the vault monster was ace, I was only able to take August, Zero and Athena with me as I had pissed off everyone else somehow. I liked how that felt like my decisions had affected the outcome at the end, even if only in a superficial way
Finished it. Loved the ending. I managed to get the mystery guest which was fun
Claptrap of course. I should have guessed it but totally didn't. You get him when you choose Felix for the final team. There's a cutscene where Felix says he can't come. He faked the money being destroyed and gives you 9 of the 10 million. I assume you get him if you managed to not shoot him and warn him at the end of ep 1
Curious though...with the GoT final episode announced, that leaves them with just 1 title. Minecraft. What's next for Telltale?
They are working on The Walking Dead Season 3 as well as a Walking Dead special that will bridge the gap between Season 2 and Season 3, if memory serves. But other than that--I am not sure.
Well, Tales from the Borderlands was an absolute blast from start to finish and is definitely the strongest of their recent games. If they don't make another season I will be sorely disappointed.
Playing the finale is really getting me hyped for another proper Borderlands game as well, though I imagine it's probably a few years off. I just really want to see more of this world, in any format I can get it at this point.
I like the Borderlands FPS games, but its a testament to Telltale that I think I've enjoyed Tales from the Borderlands more than any of their 3 "real" games.
I like the Borderlands FPS games, but its a testament to Telltale that I think I've enjoyed Tales from the Borderlands more than any of their 3 "real" games.
I liked both, and they both made the other stronger for existing. I really love this sort of collaboration between studios, and I'd love to see more of it, but it's so uncommon sadly!
Yeah, this was pretty awesome. I think tied for The Walking Dead 1 as my favorite TTG. This is one of those games where I'm disappointed to have finished it, and it will be a little bit harder than usual to get started on my next game. They'd better make a sequel, but it seems to me like they've got so much on their plate as a company now. I'm not holding my breath.
I was a skeptic and had no clue how they would manage to do this game. I am thrilled that it came out so amazing.
Sorry, I had to vent that.
Bought this when it went on sale a few weeks ago, started playing, stopped log enough to finish Borderlands 2 then finished last night. Great fun. As has been said, the finger-gun fight was one of the best things I've seen in a game. And the final fight
Fighting game combos? And the character's control panels were actual fighting sticks? And the Voltron moment when everyone winds up controlling Gortys? What a great ending.
This is the kind of story I wish the Borderlands FPS games had had, as opposed to the random shooty things they are. I did love how they managed to shove so many things from the main series into this. (One of my favorite asides was when Rhys scans a weapons locker and it says something like "Oddly, there are more weapons lockers than people on Pandora")
There will be a sequel, I assume? There are a few loose ends.
Whatever happened to Fiona and Rhys, of course.
I'm curious as to what happened to Yvette. When I last saw her Rhys just walked away leaving her in her cell. Did she survive the crash of Helios? Dunno why that one loose end bothered me.
And what the heck was up with the diamond pony? Did I need to have played the Pre-Sequel or something?
Favorite game in a long time and a contender for my GOTY. We'll see what happens when FO4 hits...
The diamond pony is Butt Stallion, Jack talks about it early in Borderlands 2 and it shows up again at the end of Tiny Tina's DLC pack.
I just finished the game and I loved it to death. I'm a little disappointed that it was my first Telltale game, though. Every thread I've read about it says it's Telltale at the top of their game, so I guess whatever I choose to play next just won't be as great.
Like all similar games, I waited until the final episode to start playing all the episodes. So far I'm at the half way point and really enjoying it. Great story and humor. Only big complaint is the horrible horrible checkpoint system. Every time I stop and start again I have to replay the last 5-10 minutes with no skip button. I'm guessing they did it on purpose as a deterrent to keep people from going back to get a better result but it just punishes people who can only play here & there.
I'm actually really confused by this. I always waited for the 'save' symbol before exiting, but, as you said, I would usually have to replay 5-10 minutes. Once, in episode 4, I even quit after I got an achievement from Steam indicating that a new chapter had started, but I still wasn't brought back there when I reopened the game. But, in the very first episode, before I got used to the QTEs, I got a game over screen, and when I returned, I was on the exact screen that I had died on. I wish they were a little more transparent on what their saves actually do.
Granted I haven't finished this season, so folks may be right--this could be Telltale at the top of their game. However, playing just about everything else by them--Borderlands had a pretty unique tone. The Walking Dead, A Wolf Among Us, and Game of Thrones all had very somber, serious, and bleak worlds, while Borderlands had funny, zany, and bright moments. Each of the other games I mentioned is absolutely worth a play. They are more emotionally draining from my experience.
So "top of their game" is a hard distinction to make, because I loved what I played from Borderlands, but stuff that I played from Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead seasons have stuck to my bones more. In short, I think it depends on what sorts of things you want from your games. Either way, do you yourself a favor and play all of the above.
Would they still be interesting if I don't have an interest in the IPs in other media? And would they spoil anything if I do choose to watch / read them later? Those are the main reasons I put off the other Telltale Games until TftB (as I was already a fan of the Borderlands franchise).
I personally have no interest in the Walking Dead tv series, the Tt game however does a great job telling a separate story, self contained, that has described as being more in line with the graphic novel (which I haven't read either) than to do with the tv show (at least through the end of Season 1 of the game, as I haven't played season 2 yet).
The Wolf Among Us is self contained story telling as well, based off its graphic novel (which I haven't read). And while I can't vouch for Game of Thrones yet, Minecraft: Story Mode has been great thus far (the end of episode 1), but it does seem to encourage the player to have previous knowledge of the Minecraft universe when going into it.
Yeah, I think Game of Thrones is the only one with real spoiler material. If you managed to avoid spoilers for it to this point, I commend you.