Multithreading was the major problem with XL so I'm interested if it is functional. Skylines doesn't appear to be in the cards anytime soon and a new city building game along these lines would peak my interest (I'm sure this is why Focus is coming out with another version).
Admittedly their run of the franchise has been horrible but when XL 2012 was released you could get it free on Steam at some point if you owned XL 2011 (I think on release) - even then it was deeply discounted.
Skylines does say 2015, and from the videos, it does seem pretty playable, although obviously quite a lot of work still to do, but maybe not that far off, comparatively.
I really liked the 'district' idea shown in one of the videos though.
New video. It's mainly about some social marketing crap, but it is a chance to take another look at the game in action.
I liked lots of what I read in that RPS write up. Honestly one of the things I've wished for in a SC game was something like they describe with the districts. I hope it carries over to a more fluid service area system for things like schools and other services. Having a service area based on a radius (albeit expandable in SC4) just didn't feel right.
I'm going to upgrade this to cautiously optimistic.
Cross-posted from the City-building Game Catch All thread.
Skye Storm has started a new series which expands on the Dev Diaries for Cities Skylines:
And, from Paradox, a nice video about their passion for city-building:
They continue to speak my language.
They continue to speak my language.
Agreed. That roads dev diary video was particularly promising. I hope to see plenty more of these.
If I cross my fingers any harder, they'll break!
They continue to speak my language.
I agree.
When you place a bug stop, the game automatically adds a bus bay so buses don't hold up traffic when they stop to pick up passengers
If only real cities could get the hang of this...
I'm looking forward to this game quite a bit. I felt a little bit let down by CIM2 because I could never get things working the way I wanted, but this looks great. I hope the execution is as good as it looks in the videos.
When you place a bug stop, the game automatically adds a bus bay so buses don't hold up traffic when they stop to pick up passengersIf only real cities could get the hang of this...
I agree! Squash those bugs!
They get into the nitty gritty of districts.
Must not get overhyped... must not get overhyped...
Well, we can look at everything and see how it's not working! The game, I mean, not your city.
Must not get overhyped... must not get overhyped...
Yeah......but, sooooo shiiiiinnnyyyy.
So soon?!?
Cross post from City Building Game thread:
Cities: Skylines Releases March 10, 2015!
EDIT: Standard Edition $29.99, Deluxe Edition $39.99
I do like that (standard edition) price, but one month from now is a lot earlier than I expected. Reviews will let us know if the game is truly finished that soon.
Yes, remember, kids: if we learned anything from video game releases in 2014, it is that we should not be preordering things in 2015. Preorders offer effectively zero benefit to players and developers, but massive benefits to publishers.
I like the publisher, so that's cool. If they would only use my pre-order money to make Vicky 3, that would be great.
But if I preorder I get a bouncy castle!
Yes, remember, kids: if we learned anything from video game releases in 2014, it is that we should not be preordering things in 2015. Preorders offer effectively zero benefit to players and developers, but massive benefits to publishers.
I rarely preorder. If there's a significant savings for preordering from a developer/publisher pair that I have reason to trust on a game I would buy immediately after launch anyway, then I preorder.
BadKen wrote:Yes, remember, kids: if we learned anything from video game releases in 2014, it is that we should not be preordering things in 2015. Preorders offer effectively zero benefit to players and developers, but massive benefits to publishers.
I rarely preorder. If there's a significant savings for preordering from a developer/publisher pair that I have reason to trust on a game I would buy immediately after launch anyway, then I preorder.
I saved 25% for preordering Civ:Beyond Earth from trustworthy Firaxis.
It wasn't enough.
Yup. I ran into the same thing with Final Fantasy XIII from Square-Enix. I didn't say that my list of trusted developer/publisher pairings remains intact.
I would probably have preordered this if I hadn't felt so burned by Cities in Motion 2. I liked CIM1, but 2 just didn't feel done yet, and I ended up barely playing it because the systems didn't work very well.
Gonna wait for awhile to see what people think. I don't mind the price, it's not about waiting for a sale, it's just to make sure the game more or less does what it's supposed to. I guinea-pigged last time, it's someone else's turn.
edit: after watching the trailer, I really like the graphics. They're a neat blend of stylized and realistic. It's kinda got this toys-that-come-to-life vibe.
edit: after watching the trailer, I really like the graphics. They're a neat blend of stylized and realistic. It's kinda got this toys-that-come-to-life vibe.
Which is absolutely magical combination in this genre, don't you think?
That's.... really soon! March is already going to be a very busy month for me, gaming wise, so I'll wait and see what initial impressions are like, but it looks the part from what I've seen so far... just didn't realise they were this close to release! Which is either a really good thing.. or a concern that it's going to be undercooked..
The price is quite good, too, providing it's not a broken mess, and I don't see any reason to get the Deluxe Edition, so that's fine by me