For me it's just that the mouse acceleration makes the game uncontrollable. Even with acceleration turned off in the menu. I need to spend some time messing with config files or whatever but haven't wanted to spend the time yet.
The only way I've found to eliminate mouse acceleration completely is to turn the sensitivity way down in-game, and turn it way up with my mouse software.
There's also definitely some settings in gamerprofile.xml (C:\Users\*user*\Documents\my games\Far Cry 4\) that aren't altered through the in-game options. The ones I've toggled:
MouseAcceleration="0" MouseAccelerationOn="0" UseMouseSmooth="0" Smoothness="0" Smoothness_Ironsight="0"
I buckled and picked this up over the weekend, because I am weak and foolish. It's no Far Cry 2, but it definitely doesn't sting the way Far Cry 3 did.
I like it, but I'm getting all sorts of weird graphical glitches that are probably related to SLI--the black shadows bug, a weird issue where part of a frame gets frozen and lightly superimposed over the screen, and then there's the goddamn stuttering when driving. I need to edit an XML file to get acceptable performance with a system that exceeds recommended specs? What is this, 2004? This is the first AAA PC game I've played in ages with issues like that, and that includes Far Cry 3. It sucks.
I buckled and picked this up over the weekend, because I am weak and foolish. It's no Far Cry 2, but it definitely doesn't sting the way Far Cry 3 did.
I like it, but I'm getting all sorts of weird graphical glitches that are probably related to SLI--the black shadows bug, a weird issue where part of a frame gets frozen and lightly superimposed over the screen, and then there's the goddamn stuttering when driving. I need to edit an XML file to get acceptable performance with a system that exceeds recommended specs? What is this, 2004?
Yes, you do.
It runs great on my system, but only after a bunch of tweaks. It's super dumb.
It's super dumb.
Amen, brother.
It's no Far Cry 2, but it definitely doesn't sting the way Far Cry 3 did. :D
They moved back towards Far Cry 2 a little. I'm definitely enjoying it much more than FC3.
Edit: If anyone wants a Key to Kyrat let me know. Once you have the key you need to download the trial for the game and then we can play co-op for up to two hours. I'm in the UK so scheduling with the US can be tricky but not impossible.
anth: Have you tried unplugging any unnecessary USB devices?
I heard that was a possible fix. Tired it with just my keyboard, mouse and mobile internet dongle connected (I don't have ADSL, don't ask). Didn't make a difference.
I also heard that it has a particular issue with Logitech peripherals (both my mouse and keyboard). Tried disabling the Logitech app for the keyboard, still didn't work.
I've pretty much given up for the moment until they release another patch.
I'm also trying to resist the temptation to use this as an excuse to upgrade my PC (still running a dual core E8400). I can't at all spare the $400 I need to get a new CPU, mobo and memory though. I guess I can dream.
The upgrade to a GTX 560 for Skyrim kept my rig going for a while. Even Shadow of Mordor was playable on low settings, but I guess it just doesn't stack up for new games anymore.
I'm also trying to resist the temptation to use this as an excuse to upgrade my PC (still running a dual core E8400). I can't at all spare the $400 I need to get a new CPU, mobo and memory though. I guess I can dream.
The upgrade to a GTX 560 for Skyrim kept my rig going for a while. Even Shadow of Mordor was playable on low settings, but I guess it just doesn't stack up for new games anymore.
There's no guarantee that an upgrade would help. There are people on the FC4 forums running GTX 980 and Titan GPUs, having issues with stuttering, etc.
There's definitely the need for a patch on this thing. The stuttering is there no matter how powerful the card. That being said. a GTX560 is certainly near or past its end of life at this stage. Games are only going to get more demanding. Upgrading just in the hope that this particular game will run better doesn't make sense (because it won't.) From the standpoint of a general upgrade though it makes sense.
This game is just stupid fun in co-op. For instance I was getting attacked by a bunch of wolves and on my last sliver of health while my co-op buddy was driving over from a different part of the map to help. He came barreling around the corner and accidentally roadkilled 3 of them. We then began debating who deserved what skins while a tiger decided to sneak up on us and attack!
Maybe I'm simply not remembering correctly but it seems like they dialed up the number of animals in this version. Almost to the point where there are too many. Would love to see a slider patched in that would allow you to control how many animals are on the island.
The amount is similar but the aggressiveness is through the roof!
For example:
I was stalking a group of three soldiers through the bush when I hear one of them yell, "Honey badger! BADGER!" followed by frantic gun fire and screaming. And then silence.
Then I hear a wolf's snarl. Animals fight. Silence.
Chitter chirp!
I tossed a couple molotovs and GTFO.
The amount is similar but the aggressiveness is through the roof!
For example:
I was stalking a group of three soldiers through the bush when I hear one of them yell, "Honey badger! BADGER!" followed by frantic gun fire and screaming. And then silence.
Then I hear a wolf's snarl. Animals fight. Silence.
Chitter chirp!I tossed a couple molotovs and GTFO.
Without a doubt nature is way more "red in tooth and claw" in this one.
I just saw my first bengal tiger-on-tiger heavyweight match. It was pretty spectacular. Of course I shot the victor and claimed two bengal pelts after the dust-up.
The Farcry engine would be perfect for a Jurassic Park survival game. If would be so awesome if they put out an expansion with dinosaurs.
I love it! Throw some bait into the middle of an outpost. Wait fore the ensuing chaos. Snips the outliers with the bow. Mop up the few remaining. Profit!
anth wrote:I'm also trying to resist the temptation to use this as an excuse to upgrade my PC (still running a dual core E8400). I can't at all spare the $400 I need to get a new CPU, mobo and memory though. I guess I can dream.
The upgrade to a GTX 560 for Skyrim kept my rig going for a while. Even Shadow of Mordor was playable on low settings, but I guess it just doesn't stack up for new games anymore.
There's no guarantee that an upgrade would help. There are people on the FC4 forums running GTX 980 and Titan GPUs, having issues with stuttering, etc.
I'm pretty sure the upgrade wouldn't help, but it would probably make me feel happier about playing other games I already have in my steam list.
Has anyone got the keys to kyrat to work? Higgledy and me tried to get co-op going several times with no luck; I kept getting an error saying the feature wasn't available.
I'm wondering if Far Cry 4's co-op works well on Xbox One's dedicated servers but not so well on PS4's peer to peer set up.
We had some 'connection not good enough' messages when trying shareplay. My connection speed seems to be 6 mbps which is good enough for most multiplayer.
But shareplay requires game streaming which would use much more bandwith. How does the non-shareplay co-op work on PS4? On the xbox it has been flawless and ridiculous fun.
Pro tip: I found a really unnecessary but completely fun way to catch the big lake fish. Get in co-op and take a boat out. Have one person swim around as the human bait while the other stands on the boat with the bow and arrow. Laugh as you repeatedly miss the fish as your partner gets slowly eaten to death. When you do score that clean kill hit though you can take pride in getting double fish skins.
On Tuesday my buddy and I formed a bow and arrow hunting party and got all possible upgrades in the first area. There were quite a few deaths involved but we managed to clean kill 6 or so rhinos. I swear, this game encourages people to be awful poachers. We were solely responsible for wiping out all the wildlife in Kyrat!
But shareplay requires game streaming which would use much more bandwith. How does the non-shareplay co-op work on PS4? On the xbox it has been flawless and ridiculous fun.
We tried Shareplay, where we got the 'connection not good enough' messages. We also tried keys to Kyrat which never worked. I've also not been able to connect to randoms but I've only tried a couple of times.
Edit: In other news an Eagle flies away with a pig
Edit: In other news an Eagle flies away with a pig
Awww, he didn't skin it so now we don't know if it was a clean kill
It's pretty sad that I spotted the dead pig on that guys screen way before he did. My eyes are just trained now.
Higgledy wrote:Edit: In other news an Eagle flies away with a pig
Awww, he didn't skin it so now we don't know if it was a clean kill
It's pretty sad that I spotted the dead pig on that guys screen way before he did. My eyes are just trained now.
That guy is Higgeldy.
That's funny. I've shot more than one civilian in this game while trying to protect them from an eagle attack. It never occurred to me that the eagle could lift off with them.
Yesterday I finally ran into an elephant. I road him for literally miles. They're a force of nature. I didn't stop to pickup loot because the rampant destruction was too fun.
Just started playing last night and one of the things I greatly appreciate, that was also in Higgeldy's video, is the "x" on the mini map where an animal is to be skinned. The number of times I was out hunting in Far Cry 3 and got distracted and then didn't know where I had shot something got frustrating.
Yesterday I finally ran into an elephant. I road him for literally miles. They're a force of nature. I didn't stop to pickup loot because the rampant destruction was too fun.
The elephants are this game's saving grace for me. The most fun I've had by far in FC4 was running down rhinos with an elephant.
EvilDead wrote:Higgledy wrote:Edit: In other news an Eagle flies away with a pig
Awww, he didn't skin it so now we don't know if it was a clean kill
It's pretty sad that I spotted the dead pig on that guys screen way before he did. My eyes are just trained now.
That guy is Higgeldy. :P
I spotted it way before I did as well. When I watch these films back it's amazing how unobservant I can be.
I'm frustrated with the 'real' world in this game being about a 300 yard bubble centered on the player. FC3 was similar. There's this vast world with sweeping vistas, but nothing more than 150 yards away has any interactivity. Most contact takes place at 30 to 80 yards.
I'm reminded of the old Novalogic Delta Force games and the joys of sniping guards at 800 yards. I wish FC4 did better with this. I want to see herds of elephants in the valleys and I want to shell enemy fortifications with light artillery.
Maybe what I really want is a current gen remake of the first Mercenaries game.
Dinosaurs too. Totally second that idea about the dinosaurs.
Vector wrote:EvilDead wrote:Higgledy wrote:Edit: In other news an Eagle flies away with a pig
Awww, he didn't skin it so now we don't know if it was a clean kill
It's pretty sad that I spotted the dead pig on that guys screen way before he did. My eyes are just trained now.
That guy is Higgeldy. :P
I spotted it way before I did as well. When I watch these films back it's amazing how unobservant I can be.
Haha, can't believe I missed that it was you. Speaking of unobservant, I manage to get mauled by animals all the time. I always hear them before I can see them and by that time it is too late.
Dinosaurs too. Totally second that idea about the dinosaurs.
Did no one play Blood Dragon??
Someone's making mods already:
Looks to be similar adjustments as made for Far Cry 3 in some of its mod packs. I'm just using the attachments mod (which includes a mouse acceleration fix and intro skip) and it seems to be working great.