So this showed up on Steam today:
I tried playing Borderlands for awhile and just plain didn't like it, but the trailers for this look amazing.
It strikes me that this is a much better type of game for this setting than the actual Borderlands games are.
The writing in Borderlands is soo goood in a hilarious way, that I would at times like to listen to dialogue or audio files without still shooting all the blammy booom guns all the time. I'm looking at this, but don't know... the Telltale games haven't caught me - yet.
I've heard good things about this already, not that I needed an excuse, being a huge fan of both Borderlands and the later Telltale games, but wow did this ever show up at a bad time for me, with both WoW and Dragon Age eating my already few free hours. I think this'll be a great one for me to pick up over the Christmas break, there might be an extra episode to work through at that point as well.
I hope this does well, because I love this sort of crossover of universes and genres and I'd love to see more of it. It's great to see developers working together to create something unique.
Played through it last night. It's pretty much exactly what I want in terms of art style and story. There really aren't any "puzzles" other than working your way through a few dialog trees. Instead, gameplay is decision/dialog-driven, much like some of Telltale's other titles.
There are some QTEs, but they're very easy. Actually, I've been told that failing the QTEs leads to some funny game-over sequences, and they use the "no no no, that's not really what happened" thing when you die.
My only real annoyance with the game is that it's short (I finished my first playthrough in ~3 hours). Well, it's on par with their other episodic stuff, but I finished it up wanting more. This is both a good and bad thing. I'll almost certainly play through the game again, but the wait for episode 2 will be tortuous, and the price is a bit high for what's basically just 20% of an adventure. (This is of course biased by my 400+ hours spent in Borderlands 2.)
Played through it earlier- it was only about two and a half hours total, but I loved every minute of it. Easily my favorite of the new style of Telltale games.
It managed to pull me away from Dragon Age for a couple hours, I think that says a lot.
EDIT: also, now I desperately want to be able to interrupt npc monologues in DA:I with "oh my god, who called the whaaambulance?!"
Is there an unabridged version where you all explain what the heck a Telltale game is, and what a QTE might be?
Just askin'...cause I have no idea, and no real time to get an idea...so pretty please, 'splain it.
Telltale Games is a development studio that mostly makes modern iterations of the classic point and click adventure game. They're probably most famous for their adaptation of The Walking Dead.
QTE stands for quick time event, and usually signifies the injections of context-sensitive gameplay you'll find in certain games, mostly in cutscenes. Press a button to have the character on screen do a thing, basically. It's meant to make you feel like you have agency, even if you're mostly just watching a cutscene.
I see you played Far Cry 3, so a good example would be when an animal would jump you, and the game would flash a prompt to press or mash a specific button to push it off, or kill it. If you fail, you die (or take damage). That is a quick time event. And definitely one of the better implementations of it.
God of War, or Tomb Raider (and many others), where you're pushing arbitrary buttons to move through a scripted sequence is somewhat less engaging.
Beautifully done, Hyetal. Thanks so much.
Is there a season pass yet? I saw Episode 1 on the PSN store, but didn't see a season pass discount.
Is there a season pass yet? I saw Episode 1 on the PSN store, but didn't see a season pass discount.
I bought it with a season pass, so yeah it is up there.
Played through it yesterday and damn that was fun. I was kind of hesitant when they announced this because I had no idea how it would play out. But the writing and story are just so much fun. I can't wait for a new episode. Also, as much as I liked The Walking Dead, its nice to play a less dour Telltale game.
UpToIsomorphism wrote:Is there a season pass yet? I saw Episode 1 on the PSN store, but didn't see a season pass discount.
I bought it with a season pass, so yeah it is up there.
Played through it yesterday and damn that was fun. I was kind of hesitant when they announced this because I had no idea how it would play out. But the writing and story are just so much fun. I can't wait for a new episode. Also, as much as I liked The Walking Dead, its nice to play a less dour Telltale game.
Yeah part of why I still haven't finished the walking dead season 1 is that it was stressful to play. This was very lighthearted and while the decisions have some weight, they didn't feel as dire.
Was hesitant with this as I never could finish the walking dead, wasn't sure if it wasn't my style of game or if I just didn't like the walking dead. Turns out I just don't like the walking dead.
This game is fantastic. Loving the story and the characters. Actually getting to talk to random Pandora people and bandits and psychos ads so much more to Borderland's.
Can't wait for the next episode!
Going to wait till it's all released to get it like I do with all the other telltale games, but probably going to finish Wolf of Wallstreet Among Us first. But I'm a pretty huge Borderlands fan so maybe I won't be able to wait. We'll see!
Finished it yesterday in one setting, I was a bit sceptical at first but it really is a great story and uses the Borderlands universe and lore to great effect.
So if you like the more recent Telltale games but have no interest in Boarderlands - is this a goer or will you only really get it if you care about Boarderands
Bought it with the season pass this evening. Really needed a pick me up as life has just been horrific lately. And of course it doesn't show up. Took the money out of my account, I can "manage it" (which really isn't anything but a black screen. No install or uninstall like usual, just black) and that's it.
So yeah, it was quite the pick me up. Apparently all of life wants to f*ck me raw. I'm sure dealing with Microsoft's support will be nothing but a ball of joy tomorrow, but of course I wanted to play it tonight.
Life really sucks
Hang in there. Sorry life is tough at the moment.
Did you delete and try to reinstall?
Hang in there. Sorry life is tough at the moment.
Did you delete and try to reinstall?
Can't delete it or install it. I can pin it to the home screen, but all that does is take me to the "manage" screen which is just black like my soul.
chooka1 wrote:Coolbeans,
Hang in there. Sorry life is tough at the moment.
Did you delete and try to reinstall?Can't delete it or install it. I can pin it to the home screen, but all that does is take me to the "manage" screen which is just black like my soul.
Just covering the obvious but, the first episode was a stand alone 5$ purchase for me. I bought that and it installed and I played it. The season pass is 15$ for episodes 2-5 and none of those are released yet so there is nothing to download or install / play.
Is it the initial episode 1 purchase thats not working for you?
Coolbeans wrote:chooka1 wrote:Coolbeans,
Hang in there. Sorry life is tough at the moment.
Did you delete and try to reinstall?Can't delete it or install it. I can pin it to the home screen, but all that does is take me to the "manage" screen which is just black like my soul.
Just covering the obvious but, the first episode was a stand alone 5$ purchase for me. I bought that and it installed and I played it. The season pass is 15$ for episodes 2-5 and none of those are released yet so there is nothing to download or install / play.
Is it the initial episode 1 purchase thats not working for you?
It wasn't obvious to me (not surprising considering my current mental state), but you hit the nail on the head. I thought the season pass was the whole thing, but it only covered the following episodes. Once I purchased episode 1, it worked fine. I have to say the Microsoft support person could not have been ruder or more bored. After 30 seconds or so, I put it on speaker and recorded it on my Ipad. It was crazy! "Taneisha" obviously hates her job.
So this is $5 more for the whole shebang than it is on the consoles, right? I guess Telltale is trying to counteract the inevitable PC crazysale pricing by giving it a higher initial price. Of course, by pricing it higher, they're ensuring that I'm definitely waiting for a sale before buying.
Infyrnos wrote:Coolbeans wrote:chooka1 wrote:Coolbeans,
Hang in there. Sorry life is tough at the moment.
Did you delete and try to reinstall?Can't delete it or install it. I can pin it to the home screen, but all that does is take me to the "manage" screen which is just black like my soul.
Just covering the obvious but, the first episode was a stand alone 5$ purchase for me. I bought that and it installed and I played it. The season pass is 15$ for episodes 2-5 and none of those are released yet so there is nothing to download or install / play.
Is it the initial episode 1 purchase thats not working for you?
It wasn't obvious to me (not surprising considering my current mental state), but you hit the nail on the head. I thought the season pass was the whole thing, but it only covered the following episodes. Once I purchased episode 1, it worked fine. I have to say the Microsoft support person could not have been ruder or more bored. After 30 seconds or so, I put it on speaker and recorded it on my Ipad. It was crazy! "Taneisha" obviously hates her job.
Yay! Glad to help =)
Went ahead and bought it, great game. Really fun and didn't make me feel really depressed or guilty once, see Taletell can do happy and fun.
This episode was really buggy for me in terms of remembering story choices. It flipped a major decision from the previous episode and after I got my boot back it couldn't seem to remember it- some scenes I had it, others I didn't.
In regards to choosing where team Rhys travels astride Loaderbot...
The story is drastically different. Traveling to Old Haven got me conversations with Janey Springs and Athena that did not happen AT ALL when choosing to travel to Hollowpoint. I totally stole Athena's shield *snicker*
Also, as for Scooter's special tune up... Money well spent :D.
This episode was really buggy for me in terms of remembering story choices. It flipped a major decision from the previous episode and after I got my boot back it couldn't seem to remember it- some scenes I had it, others I didn't.
In one save file I had the "boot" issue too. I influenced some differing decisions early on in a separate save file and has no issues the rest of the episode. Curious.
Okay, that was goddamn delightful.
At the end sequence:
Spoiler:Telltale Games will remember that.
That cracked me up. Watched a bit of the credits, then decided to skip them, and was glad I did.
I'd really love to see them do Archer or The Venture Bros., since they've proven they can do comedy.
Great episode and wonderful series.