Yeah, the reason I'm not getting this day one is because of Dragon Age. Sorry, FC4, but it really doesn't look like you're doing that much different from 3 (great though that was), and I only have so much money to spend on games.
I keep on forgetting that they are releasing the same day. Since my official release date for DA is when my girlfriend finishes playing it first, FC4 is my only release next week
Sorry, FC4, but it really doesn't look like you're doing that much different from 3
You get to ride elephants, ELEPHANTS! And that little 1 person chopper looks fun as hell too.
EvilDead wrote:I'm surprised their isn't more hype for this. The last one was a blast and this one has co-op. Although I was disappointed when I learned it was only 2 player today. For some reason I had 4 player co-op in my head.
I pre-ordered from Dell so it is a mystery when my copy will actually ship and show up.
To me it seems like a combo of the following:
1. It looks like it should be great, but it doesn't look like it's doing much different from the last one. Of course, when you hit on a formula as good as they have here, it's hard to move too far, but still, lack of innovation does stem hype a bit.
2. Ubisoft seems to have focused their marketing muscle on Assassin's Creed.
3. While the Far Cry games have delivered quite well, Ubisoft in general has been on shaky ground for a while now.
4. It's very late in the season, and launching on the same day as another hotly anticipated, well reviewed, and extremely heavily marketed game.
That said, I definitely have it ordered, but I probably won't do much more than check out the first hour to two for quite a while thanks to Dragon Age being of greater interest.
Are you playing on console or Steam, Zero?
If it's Steam, I'd love to do some coop with you.
I was originally hyped up like crazy for this. But then I bough AC Unity instead. I'll definitely still grab this, but just later. I've got a huuuuuge pile of games to play right now so I can wait till this gets cheaper on sale.
Are you playing on console or Steam, Zero?
If it's Steam, I'd love to do some coop with you.
Steam, for sure. (Well, Uplay I guess, but still, PC. :P)
And, Dragon Age notwithstanding, I'd love to -- it's been far too long!
Sweet! I won't have much time during launch week as I am in the midst of semester crunch time. However, I am sure we can figure something out between my classes and your Dragon Age.
Sweet! I won't have much time during launch week as I am in the midst of semester crunch time. However, I am sure we can figure something out between my classes and your Dragon Age.
Excellent. Those elephants evil mercenaries won't know what hit them.
Reaper81 wrote:Sweet! I won't have much time during launch week as I am in the midst of semester crunch time. However, I am sure we can figure something out between my classes and your Dragon Age.
Excellent. Those
elephantsevil mercenaries won't know what hit them.
We are already of a like mind. My greatest enemies in FC3 were the animals. The peaceful, defenseless animals.
Those goddamn emu looking birds, man. They can all die in a fire. (And many of them did.)
Just watched giant bomb quick look on it. Looks pretty fun for the first hour or so.
I shall be playing this on PS4 :).
Reviews are starting to pop up and it looks like it is really good. I'm getting pretty excited for some mountain wing-suit diving.
Just read something about an alternate ending that can occur 15 minute into the game.
After the intro to the game, Min leaves you alone to enjoy a meal after picking you up on the road. He tell you to wait for him to return, but is gone for such a long time most players will understand that this is a cue to leave and begin the campaign in earnest. But the alternate ending occurs if you’re patient and actually sit around for about 15 minutes. If you do wait, Min actually does return, and reveals that he’s not such a bad guy after all. He allows you to spread your mother’s ashes exactly where she requested, which just so happens to be next to the ashes of her daughter, who you learn is actually Min’s child. After that, the game is over, little more than 15 minutes after you started.
Just read something about an alternate ending that can occur 15 minute into the game.
Spoiler:After the intro to the game, Min leaves you alone to enjoy a meal after picking you up on the road. He tell you to wait for him to return, but is gone for such a long time most players will understand that this is a cue to leave and begin the campaign in earnest. But the alternate ending occurs if you’re patient and actually sit around for about 15 minutes. If you do wait, Min actually does return, and reveals that he’s not such a bad guy after all. He allows you to spread your mother’s ashes exactly where she requested, which just so happens to be next to the ashes of her daughter, who you learn is actually Min’s child. After that, the game is over, little more than 15 minutes after you started.
That is so awesome.
I think doubly so given the implications of the player's choice.
That gets me really excited for the game. I really liked Far Cry 3 but the story started to really bother me and I was unable to continue on to the second island. I'm really hoping they've learned their lessons. Now I have to choose between DA:I or Far Cry 4 as my next purchase.
The Giant Bomb Quick Look helped as well.
Played about a half hour this morning. At first, frame rate was around 10-12. Totally unplayable. Updated my driver and it's a good bit better, not great, but better. Had to turn a few things down like shadows that I don't really care about. Probably average around 30 now.
I do not get this UI. I get that I need to hit the "q" key to bring up my weapon menu, but I can never figure out how to actually switch to a different weapon! I've tried the number keys, right mouse button, etc. Nothing switches to a different weapon. My Steam version doesn't come with even an electronic manual. How crappy is that! Back in the day, you'd get a huge 200 page manual with your game. Game manual writers were a real position! Now, they don't even have digital versions of them!
Anyway, I didn't get very far and a tiger got me as I had run out of bullets and couldn't switch to my throwing knives.
Fired the game up. It's friggin' gorgeous. Very much Far Cry 3 in a different landscape but I like the villain, the country and my allies. Very happy. All other games can sit on the back burner for a while.
Does it have the same sh*tty, clumsy, immersion-breaking menu system for crafting and so on? I'm totally up for a gorgeous open world and emergent man-shooting, but when I remember Far Cry 3 mostly what I remember is being irritated every time I had to open up their big, ultra-gamey Animus-style UI and push menu buttons in order to make a new wallet out of baboon hide or some ridiculous nonsense.
Does it have the same sh*tty, clumsy, immersion-breaking menu system for crafting and so on? I'm totally up for a gorgeous open world and emergent man-shooting, but when I remember Far Cry 3 mostly what I remember is being irritated every time I had to open up their big, ultra-gamey Animus-style UI and push menu buttons in order to make a new wallet out of baboon hide or some ridiculous nonsense.
It does.
I'm going to do the minimum of upgrading this time. I agree, all the crafting tended to take over. I also ended up being way over powered. Hopefully this time, with minimal weapons, I'll have to sneak more and play smarter.
Played about a half hour this morning. At first, frame rate was around 10-12. Totally unplayable. Updated my driver and it's a good bit better, not great, but better. Had to turn a few things down like shadows that I don't really care about. Probably average around 30 now.
I do not get this UI. I get that I need to hit the "q" key to bring up my weapon menu, but I can never figure out how to actually switch to a different weapon! I've tried the number keys, right mouse button, etc. Nothing switches to a different weapon. My Steam version doesn't come with even an electronic manual. How crappy is that! Back in the day, you'd get a huge 200 page manual with your game. Game manual writers were a real position! Now, they don't even have digital versions of them!
Anyway, I didn't get very far and a tiger got me as I had run out of bullets and couldn't switch to my throwing knives.
Knives, bait, and grenades are on the grenade button. Also, you can only carry one weapon at a time starting out. You will have to craft a holster from x amount of y hides.
I just got my key from GMG so I guess I'll give this one a shot today. I'd be annoyed at getting the key so late except Dragon Age.
Podunk wrote:Does it have the same sh*tty, clumsy, immersion-breaking menu system for crafting and so on? I'm totally up for a gorgeous open world and emergent man-shooting, but when I remember Far Cry 3 mostly what I remember is being irritated every time I had to open up their big, ultra-gamey Animus-style UI and push menu buttons in order to make a new wallet out of baboon hide or some ridiculous nonsense.
It does.
Gah. I was afraid of that.
In the meantime, I reinstalled Far Cry 2!
Yeah, the reason I'm not getting this day one is because of Dragon Age. Sorry, FC4, but it really doesn't look like you're doing that much different from 3 (great though that was), and I only have so much money to spend on games.
My exact situation. Gonna put this on my xmas list (if my wife is feeling generous) or pick it up after the price drops next year.
Podunk wrote:Does it have the same sh*tty, clumsy, immersion-breaking menu system for crafting and so on? I'm totally up for a gorgeous open world and emergent man-shooting, but when I remember Far Cry 3 mostly what I remember is being irritated every time I had to open up their big, ultra-gamey Animus-style UI and push menu buttons in order to make a new wallet out of baboon hide or some ridiculous nonsense.
It does.
There was no indication of that from the previews that I saw. I got the game almost entirely for multi though, so I won't sweat it much.
I tried running it first thing in the morning after downloading all night and I received the black screen of not loading then crashing. 10/10 would launch again.
Vector wrote:Podunk wrote:Does it have the same sh*tty, clumsy, immersion-breaking menu system for crafting and so on? I'm totally up for a gorgeous open world and emergent man-shooting, but when I remember Far Cry 3 mostly what I remember is being irritated every time I had to open up their big, ultra-gamey Animus-style UI and push menu buttons in order to make a new wallet out of baboon hide or some ridiculous nonsense.
It does.
There was no indication of that from the previews that I saw. I got the game almost entirely for multi though, so I won't sweat it much.
The Giant Bomb Quick Look showed how crafting is identical to Far Cry 3.
That gets me really excited for the game. I really liked Far Cry 3 but the story started to really bother me and I was unable to continue on to the second island. I'm really hoping they've learned their lessons. Now I have to choose between DA:I or Far Cry 4 as my next purchase.
The Giant Bomb Quick Look helped as well.
Even if you don't want to watch the whole thing, the moment just after the 30:30 mark is pretty hilarious.