I know I'm not the only one who enjoys nonograms. Color Cross is a decent multicolor implementation. It has IAP to unlock puzzles, but if you connect to Facebook (or a throwaway FB account), you unlock the daily puzzle (easy 10x10). Solving that seems to unlock a few random boards each day.
Zoom-in/zoom-out is a little fiddly on the small screen, so I've decided I'm not going to fret about the occasional fat-finger error.
It has a nice feature I haven't seen in other similar games that if you drag your finger across a row or column, it pops up a bubble showing you how many squares you've dragged across.
Thanks for recommending this, Katy. It's really a nice evolution of the Picross formula with multiple colorsets to worry about exploit to solve the puzzle. I agree that it occasionally misreads a touch and slaps me with an error, but who cares; the game's still quite fun, and good at giving my brain a bit of stimulation.
They seem to have patched out the "unlock a few random boards" bit, though. You still get the free 10x10 every day, but you pretty much need to buy overpriced IAP or play the Facebook version of the game to unlock all the themed boards. I just wish the daily puzzle were a bit larger than a 10x10 -- those aren't as interesting (especially the randomly generated boards) as larger ones.
Presuming the first category is a free unlock, it's still worth the download, though you may not want to keep it around afterwards.
Yeah. I ended up giving them a tip and bought the lowest tier of coins (like a dollar or two), and I somehow got double credit for the purchase, allowing me to make two purchases. Sadly, I thought the purchases were for the entire theme set at a time, but no -- it's for a SINGLE PAGE of the theme. Oh well. It's still a fun and pleasantly challenging game, at least for the short term.
Warhammer Quest is free this week in the App Store.
I like what I've played so far, but the UI was clearly meant for something larger than an iphone screen. Prepare your magnifying glass if you want to read any text in it.
Cross posting from ipad games thread:
EMPIRE: The Deck Building Strategy Game for $0.99 (iOS Universal)
I really enjoyed Empire for about 4 weeks. It's a great at what it says - deck building strategy that also manages to tap into the (shallow end) of the civ/city building pool. Heartily recommended at $1.
Warhammer Quest is free this week in the App Store.
I like what I've played so far, but the UI was clearly meant for something larger than an iphone screen. Prepare your magnifying glass if you want to read any text in it.
Yeah, it works far better on iPad. It saves to iCloud, so you can switch back and forth, but I'd hate to try to learn the game on an iPhone.
Sparhawk wrote:Cross posting from ipad games thread:
EMPIRE: The Deck Building Strategy Game for $0.99 (iOS Universal)I really enjoyed Empire for about 4 weeks. It's a great at what it says - deck building strategy that also manages to tap into the (shallow end) of the civ/city building pool. Heartily recommended at $1.
Sweet, thanks for pointing this one out. This finally pushed me to grab it both for my iPad and Android phone (it's on sale there too). I've only played one game so far, but the roguelike-like (and roguelike-like-like?) feeling of futility as the world collapses around you is tough to manage, and I think I'll get a lot of mileage out of this one on my commute once I get the hang of it.
Apparently Horn is free right now?
Normally $7.99. I seem to remember rave reviews when it first came out, and I've been meaning to pick it up for a long time. Guess I have no excuse now!
I've started putting a little time into Calculords and really like it. It's not easy and I'm not good at it- but it's not as hard to grasp as I feared it might be- I put off trying it for a while because it sounds so bananas.
Not an app, but a website: http://getapplr.com
You link to your iTunes account and show what apps you would recommend
and which ones not. You can follow people etc etc. I wouldn't mind having
some more goodjers on there to follow
Anybody try this yet?
It looks up my alley, but I'm still trying not to buy more stuff before I've put enough time into other recent purchases.
I mentioned this in the Trials thread but thought it worth posting here to. Trials Frontier is a freemium based Trials game. If you like Trials the engine is spot on. I have played around 30 levels and the tracks have been on the easier side so far but still fun. I don't think you will ever hit the freemium wall if you play in small bursts but if you have extended play sessions you will (from my brief experience).
You pay 7 "fuel" points to play a level (restarts don't cost points). I think the tank starts off with 24 fuel but can be upgraded with earnings from races. The 4 ways you replenish fuel are 1. Leveling your character (happens every couple races in the beginning) 2. Purchasing with your in game earnings. 3. Wait (yay freemium) 4. real world cash. It's too bad they just don't let you buy a non-freemium version for 5-10 bucks.
Edit: Touch arcade gave Hitman a 5/5 so take that for what it's worth. (I find they tend to give games easier reviews since they are "mobile" games.)
General question -
Should we make a combined "iPhone and iPad Games" thread? I don't think anything really comes out anymore that isn't universal and I feel silly posting in both threads to make sure everyone sees something. tuffalobuffalo's Hitman GO post made me think about it.
It just seems like it would be easier.
Any strong opinions one way or the other?
(and of course I will have to cross post this so everyone can see it...:) )
I don't own an iPad, but I do keep track for when I will have one. So I really don't mind at all.
There are only a few iPhone and iPad only apps/games these days.
I would propose that new posts will clearly indicate if the game isn't universal.
General question -
Should we make a combined "iPhone and iPad Games" thread? I don't think anything really comes out anymore that isn't universal and I feel silly posting in both threads to make sure everyone sees something. tuffalobuffalo's Hitman GO post made me think about it.
It just seems like it would be easier.
Any strong opinions one way or the other?
(and of course I will have to cross post this so everyone can see it...:) )
iOS games