Once I migrated my account over (I had a legacy account) I went and checked my hangar. I have a Space Suit, Hangar Fees Reward, Original and Veteran Backers Reward, and a Bounty Hunter - LTI, which I assume is a ship. Looks like I have everything.
EDIT: A very early Alpha sort-of release in 4 days? I chose the right time to start following this game again!
At Bounty Hunter level, you get the very cool Origin 300i, a beauty of a ship. I was impressed with the brochure and video they put out for it.
Can't wait to see the same treatment for ship I have, the MISC Freelancer. Might just up my pledge to get one of the variants for it.
Here's the video for the Origin 300i:
but I just can't get excited by all the additional ships etc that are on sale for more cash.
You know, this is starting to get this way for me. I mean, I'm still excited to have a wing commander-style game (with the added bonus of MP), but this push to keep buying ships before the game is even in alpha is a little disheartening. I obviously have ponied up to support the game, so I can't complain *too* much, but introducing new ships that have cash money associated with them without even knowing how they'll fit in the game gives me a bit of a weird feeling.
I'm excited about both portions of the game, and I don't mind selling ships if it helps fund development. Having these ships won't give their pilots the skills needed to succeed in them.
Is anyone else approaching this from an "old-fashioned" point of view, and looking more at the Single Player aspect of this than the multiplayer? I think I'd prefer if everyone started with the same ship, and worked their way towards whatever end goal they wanted, but I just can't get excited by all the additional ships etc that are on sale for more cash.
I'm totally with you. I've been oscillating between fanboy and cynic on this one, veering toward "fanboy" when I think of it as Privateer all grown up and toward "cynic" when I think about the eternal fundraising.
If I ever try multiplayer, which is unlikely, it'll be on a GWJ server. Mostly, I want to fly around in my cool ship and shoot at NPC space pirates.
I mostly wanna blow up people in their nice new ships :).
I'm on the sidelines for this one. I liked the one Wingcommander game I played back on SNES, but this whole thing has grown too big for me to wrap my head around.
I was on the fence for the Kickstarter, and stayed on the fence every week that I get an email from RSI for being a "interested party that hasn't backed yet".
So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
This interview gives some insight into what you're asking too - http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07...
I'm excited about both portions of the game, and I don't mind selling ships if it helps fund development. Having these ships won't give their pilots the skills needed to succeed in them.
Oh for sure. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the people putting money into the game will be any better off than someone starting from scratch. I'm not making the "Pay to Win" argument here.
I guess it's just more the unease at how easily people are throwing hundreds (maybe thousands) of dollars at a game with little to no knowledge of how the gameplay will actually work. And it makes me feel a little weird about how happily the developers are to create new ships with higher and higher price points.
However, at the end of the day I guess it's like omnipherous says--the game is being crowdsourced. Either way, if I can just hop into a ship, fly around and shoot some stuff my worries will just float away
EDIT: I'll take a look at that article you linked, Veloxi. It might be that I am equating my knowing nothing about the game to no one knowing anything specific about the game.
This is probably the most open crowdsourced game in history in more than just money. It's being discussed very openly the creators and the amount of information available from youtube updates and articles on the game's website is rediculously large.
I feel like we know almost everything there is to know at this point about the game:) And i'm not worried in the least about the presales of ships. I mean, without them, we wouldn't have a game this amazing.
People need to realize that. Without the presales of ships....we wouldn't have this game. We would have something much much much less. Far back down the line of stretch goals.
It's the ship shales driving the funding allowing this monstrosity to come to life and we should be thankful for every ship pre-sold.
Also, apparently they've just hit the $16 million dollar point and locked in a couple more stretch goals as well as noting what the $18 million stretch goal is. I'm sure we'll achieve it:)
McIrishJihad wrote:So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
This interview gives some insight into what you're asking too - http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07...
I am so f*cked. Thanks for the link, looks like I'll be jumping on board at the end of the week.
McIrishJihad wrote:So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
This interview gives some insight into what you're asking too - http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07...
The question on the pvp are the same ones that similar (semi-open pvp) games are struggling with. That right balance between safe zones and reward payout.
Veloxi wrote:McIrishJihad wrote:So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
This interview gives some insight into what you're asking too - http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07...
The question on the pvp are the same ones that similar (semi-open pvp) games are struggling with. That right balance between safe zones and reward payout.
It sounds a little like the various security zones in EVE. Fly out too far, and you're wandering into a PVP-able area, but stay close to the galactic core, and there's cops around to protect you.
I keep thinking to myself, if it doesn't give me that much of an advantage, why would I spend another £70 on a new ship, this far before I even know what the game/community will be like?
That, too. They're selling a lot of pigs in pokes, as it were.
For myself, I decided that I'd give them the price of a new AAA game. If the 300i is as badass as those in-universe ads make it look, then that's nice, too.
I suppose you're all correct and I should just stop my worrying
It's just.... I keep thinking to myself, if it doesn't give me that much of an advantage, why would I spend another £70 on a new ship, this far before I even know what the game/community will be like? But then, as you say, that is the funding, so I should just put up, or shut up :D
Since all the ships are going to be available once the game launches, for in-game currency, I'm looking at it more of a "what ship do I want to start with". I'll probably jump in at that $65 "bounty hunter" level, start with the 300I, and call it a day from there. Play through the single player content, and have fun doing smuggling/cargo runs in the MMO.
ranalin wrote:Veloxi wrote:McIrishJihad wrote:So is it a single player game with support for multiplayer servers, or a straight out MMO with PVE capabilities? Am I playing at a pilot level, or admiral level? Is it always-on PVP, or opt-in PVP?
This interview gives some insight into what you're asking too - http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/07...
The question on the pvp are the same ones that similar (semi-open pvp) games are struggling with. That right balance between safe zones and reward payout.
It sounds a little like the various security zones in EVE. Fly out too far, and you're wandering into a PVP-able area, but stay close to the galactic core, and there's cops around to protect you.
Well from what i could tell they're making so that if you do trade runs in unprotected pvp areas that the payout would be a lot more than doing it in the safe zone. Which means pirates(or pvp). There needs to be a balance of safe zones and tactics taht a trader can use and get to if they get into trouble and enough room for the pirates to have a shot at taking down the traders. Too much one way or the other it's not that fun.
My skepticism about how well all the wondrous things that are supposedly going to be in this game get pulled off is what has kept my wallet in my pocket. If it turns out awesome, I will gladly pay full price for it. So I am keeping a close eye on it but ambitious games all too often end up as ambitious failures. I hope it does not, of course, but RSI has set the bar pretty high for themselves.
My skepticism about how well all the wondrous things that are supposedly going to be in this game get pulled off is what has kept my wallet in my pocket. If it turns out awesome, I will gladly pay full price for it. So I am keeping a close eye on it but ambitious games all too often end up as ambitious failures. I hope it does not, of course, but RSI has set the bar pretty high for themselves.
I'm right there with you on this. I'd rather just pay money for a finished product. Having said that I hope the game is awesome.
Sounds a lot like Eve to me. Hmm. Guess it will depend on how often a person can expect to get their ship blown up and have to start over. I don't like dumping hundreds of hours of work down the drain for some PvP griefer's jollies. Cool as this game sounds in principle, it's probably just as well I didn't spend money on it. Not my kind of thing, I guess.
You guys do sure make it sound awesome though. I will stick with X-Rebirth.
I've heard about a single-player mode. It's been completely overshadowed by the MMO-ish side.
Can anybody explain the insurance thing to me? It sounds like backers get free ship respawns. How does that work?
Also, there was an advantage to buying the ships early when they were selling them with life-time insurance (not sure if they still are or not). You can get the ships later for in-game currency but then you have to insure it yourself. Though, they have said the price for insurance will be pretty cheap so it's not that much of an advantage I guess.
Also, there was an advantage to buying the ships early when they were selling them with life-time insurance (not sure if they still are or not). You can get the ships later for in-game currency but then you have to insure it yourself. Though, they have said the price for insurance will be pretty cheap so it's not that much of an advantage I guess.
Well it's a time vs money thing. It takes time to get the money to get the ship and the insurance. If you pay up front you get the ship and insurance without an in-game cost.
Sounds a lot like Eve to me. Hmm. Guess it will depend on how often a person can expect to get their ship blown up and have to start over.
I don't like dumping hundreds of hours of work down the drain for some PvP griefer's jollies. Cool as this game sounds in principle, it's probably just as well I didn't spend money on it. Not my kind of thing, I guess.
You guys do sure make it sound awesome though. I will stick with X-Rebirth.
People really aren't getting the core concept of how this game is being built.
There's the single player which includes the squadron 42 campaign.
There's the online official universe which is persistent.
There's also user hosted, user run multiplayer universes.
There's absolutely no reason you ever need to engage in pvp in this game if you don't want to from what i can tell. And, if you read their articles, they realize that there's a huge portion of their fan population that has no interest in pvp and wants a fun and challenging co-op experience without being punished by being forced out of content for not pvping.
I believe we should be quite confident in being able to fully experience and enjoy the game without being forced into pvp.
I'm fully confident i'll be able to fully experience this game both in single player and on the persistent official universe without opening myself up to being player killed by internet dickheads who think it's their god given right to rape and murder anyone anywhere anytime for their pure enjoyment in any MMO.
On the other hand, once you've been playing a while and have several ships and savings built up, especially if you have a pledge ship with lifetime insurance, why not head out and try your hand in the deep end where there's pvp when you get together with a good group of people? This game seems like it's going to make that possible and if you're worried about it. Pledging for a ship with lifetime insurance seems like a good way to mitigate some of your worry about trying it out.
I'm quite sure i'll be primarily pvping in my pledge ship, the constellation, for quite some time, rather than any other ships i may buy, since i'll have lifetime insurance on it.
That's the only benefit to pledging for a ship though, is the lifetime insurance and you start with it rather than starting in whatever a noobie ship is and working up to it. Probably similar to eve online except you don't have to pay for insurance on each copy of your ship, you can get free lifetime insurance on it.
So it's a real benefit to get that, just not by any means required. I mean, i sure never had a problem buying my insurance in eve online. It was a money sink if i died a lot, yes, but it was never a problem.
The very concept of losing hundreds of hours of work to a pvp griefer is just absurd. It literally won't happen unless you are total dumbass and buy a massive ship like a corvette at least probably and fly it out in full pvp space without backup on the persistent online official server and without buying any insurance on it....and NOBODY does that unless they're completely crap faced drunk and high on crack.
But hey, feel free to stick with X-rebirth...i'm sure it'll contain some level of fun.
Forgot the biggest reason of all to pledge for a ship with LTI.
Alpha and Beta access:P
The very concept of losing hundreds of hours of work to a pvp griefer is just absurd. It literally won't happen unless you are total dumbass and buy a massive ship like a corvette at least probably and fly it out in full pvp space without backup on the persistent online official server and without buying any insurance on it....and NOBODY does that unless they're completely crap faced drunk and high on crack.
But hey, feel free to stick with X-rebirth...i'm sure it'll contain some level of fun.
The idea is, you can *almost* turn it all the way off. If you're in a secure sector with your PvP slider turned all the way down, you may still encounter other people occasionally, though I imagine the matchmaking routine will mostly limit it to friendlies and people without much in the way of criminal records (just conjecture on my part). But the frequency will probably be very low, to the point that the danger is relatively theoretical but not completely impossible.But as per the Space Game Junkies podcast, the idea would be to give you something that's pretty close to a single-player experience in the background of the persistent universe if that's what you prefer. Not absolute, but very very close.
Unlikely maybe but not absurd, and on top of that they've stated many times that it will be more profitable to open the slider up some.