I think it is also for the 34 point build...
Just curious about bow strength, does it scale? It seems 2 or 3 to bow damage might be good for levels 1-4 but not worth a feat higher than that?
Oh and doesn't it work for an arcane archer req?
Arovin, do you need the PL: Sorcerer for that? I was under the impression you only took that to get a SP pool but you'd be getting that from Druid levels anyway...right?
Yeah, but that's not really really the thrust of why I was asking
Plus, I typed the wrong thing.
Call me crazy but my druid's wolf pet is sneak attacking (and must be critting) for 50 damage at level 2. I have to laugh because I took the pet feat that causes the wolf to generate 10% less hate. I don't think things last long enough for the wolf to gain aggro and if she does, 10% less isn't going to help much when she is doing 8x my damage. (if I even get a chance to hit the monster)
I am sure the damage will normalize at some point. The druid pet also seems to have better AI than the artificer's. I assume you can only have 1 out at once? That would be pretty ludicrous if you could have a level 10/10 druid/artificer with 2 level 10 pets out!
C'mon steam sale... don't let me down. Put Menace of the Underdark on sale =P
Any chance I could grab a guild invite on Orien? I was playing on a different server, but I created a new character last night to try and join up.
Kitami Karst, Artificer (level 2 so far)
Likewise might I get an invite for Tithegha Wancrest, Favored Soul? I have a Rog14 off on another server from back when I subbed a few years ago, so I thought I'd try something a bit different this time.
I love hoping on a pub group and getting 17.5k Exp from a 30 min quest.
Go team!
Ooooo.... that would be awesome. My Mage (Automan) is currently level 5 and might just be able to make it to lvl 6 for tomorrow.
Also, on my Bard who got Stoned to lvl 16, boy am I undergeared. Actually I can't decide if it's my gear or the bard class in general that's underpowered. Then again I do realize that the Bard's main strength is grouping. So I'm farming the lower level quests for items right now. Thank goodness there's a sale on Hirelings on the DDO store this week. I'm stocking up on Clerics and Barbarians.
PS. If anyone needs a Stone to lvl 16, let me know. 2 more before I get my pet.
You can't summon hirelings in a Raid, correct? Clerics will be very important.
From what I gather, the loot rewards in there are bind to account, not character, so I could bring my lv. 7 Favored Soul. She's never been played before, but what the hell, right? Unless there's some other reason I'd want to bring Hightower in particular.
Count me in for this.
So I assume we're not doing more 3-Barrel Cove tomorrow, since we all seem to be excited to try the raid? If that's the case, I'll try to log in early to spend some time there using up the rest of the guest pass that Blind Evil graciously provided me last time. I know they're small, but I still hate letting such things go to waste.
Here's hoping my lvl 5 mage can join the raid. Didn't quite make it to 6 last night.
Special rules For RaidsRaids are meant to be the most challenging content in the game. Raids have special rules and restrictions that you won't find in other quests:
* You can take up to 12 players into a raid, versus the usual limit of 6 for standard quests.
* You cannot bring hirelings into raids.
* You cannot use certain DDO Store items in raids: Siberys Spirit Cakes, Ethereal Rest Shrines or Summoned Repair Shops.
* Difficulty Scaling is disabled in raids. Whether one player or 12 players enter the raid, the enemy difficulty remains the same.
* For many raids, re-entry is blocked out at some point in the raid. Be careful not to release if you're unsure of the lockout mechanic. Two raids are exceptions to this rule: Tempest's Spine and The Chronoscope are for lower character level players.
* The Chronoscope has one special ability unique to any other raid: Should you die and release, you will return to The Rusty Nail tavern instance within the raid itself.
Just read up a little on the Raid. Almost everything in there has DR/Good. So ideally all melee need a Flametouched/Aligned/Pure Good/Holy/Holy Burst/Good Burst/Good Blast weapon.
Base price modifier: +2
Effect: A holy weapon is imbued with holy powers. This power makes the weapon good-aligned. Evil characters wielding this weapon suffers a negative level. The weapon deals an extra 2d6 against all targets of evil alignment.Example: Bezekira has DR 5/Good in The Vale of Twilight explore area, but weapons heaving Flametouched Iron, Aligned, Pure Good, Holy, Holy Burst, Good Burst or Good Blast will do full damage. Moreover, some of them will do extra damage: Pure Good 1d6, Holy 2d6, Holy Burst 2d6 + more on crits (3d6 for x2, 4d6 for x3, 5d6 for x4), Good Burst 1d6 + more on crits (3d6 for x2, 4d6 for x3, 5d6 for x4), Good Blast does dmg only on crits (3d6 for x2, 4d6 for x3, 5d6 for x4) and additional 4d6 on roll 20.
A Walk through of the Chronoscope. Also, it looks like there's an Inn in the Raid where we can buy Potions of Resist (Fire & Acid) and Flametouched weapons.
I read through the "Special rules" and the Chronoscope walkthrough... just to make sure I'm not missing anything critical here -- I saw that as a Cleric, I should have Remove Disease trained and ready to go, but what's the reason for buying wands of healing? Just to conserve SP? Is it really going to be that significant?
Great job tonight, everyone. I don't know if I'm the only one but I wouldn't mind another run on Thursday, unless there's a week lockout or something.
I think there is a Raid Timer that you have to wait 2 days and 18 hours (so 66 hours total - or Friday at 5:00 pm).
Those are glorious pictures!
So I was starting a thief acrobat build before work and got her through the 3 initial Korthos quests. I took barbarian dilettante for the DR and then I realized I could do so much more with a bard. So I am going to reroll and build a bard like a thief acrobat (quarterstaff and THF feats with rogue dilettante for sneak attack)
It won't be as good at trap disabling but the trade off is buffs, nukes, heals, regen song, fascinate (which works great with sneak attack). Any tips or is there a reliable build out there like this? I was thinking a level of fighter for some extra feats but I want to keep it simple and fun as I have been spending too much time in novice theory crafting.
I was thinking is taking dilettante paladin to add my charisma bonus to my saves. Is it just me or are quarterstaves hard to come by?
So it sounds like casting the proficiency spell and using the nice ember great axe you get from the intro quest will do for a while.
Do sneak attacks not work on glancing blows (I'm guessing not after your post)? I was thinking a combo of fascinate a few enemies and then the wide swing of the axe would multi-hit with glancing blows which would then add sneak attack damage.