I was on last night but no one else in the guild was so I just took a fighter hireling. He made it much easier
Are there any spots still open?
Are there any spots still open?
More the merrier. It seems to be evolving into a "divide whoever shows up into two groups, we had 9 Thursday so you should be good. You'll have to finish the Korthos quests, we are starting Stormreach Harbor next.
WizKid wrote:Are there any spots still open?
More the merrier. It seems to be evolving into a "divide whoever shows up into two groups, we had 9 Thursday so you should be good. You'll have to finish the Korthos quests, we are starting Stormreach Harbor next.
I've made a new Toon for Orien, what lvl are you guys at now?
Most are 3, rank 12. What class?
Most are 3, rank 12. What class?
I threw together a Dex based monk name Stanetted, The Good Doer. I plan on going Dark path. I only have 28 pt builds on Orien, so I'm not sure how good she'll be. I leveled her to lvl 2 this morning it won't take to much work to get to lvl 3.
If the group needs a different class I could throw a different toon together pretty quickly.
Monk should be fine. We're a bit light on armored melees, I think, but that might be just because a few folks missed this past Thursday. I have a Paladin I might swap out for my Wizard on occasion too, once we're at his level. Altaholism has kind of bitten me.
I think Arovin and myself are the only ones with 32 point builds, and we're hardly a powergaming group, so don't sweat it.
I've got 32 point builds as well, but it's honestly not a huge deal if you don't have them.
Arovin, couple generic Wizard questions:
1. Where can I find how many and when I'll get more spell slots? All I have right now is two lvl 2's, 4 lvl 1's.
2. With that in mind, what spells do you suggest for those slots? I was thinking one CC, a variety of damagers, and maybe lesser death aura (if there's no friendly fire) or a stat buff (con?).
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I set Scorch and Scorching Ray for level 2, and some more supportive type stuff for level 1, plus Niac's Cold Ray. I think the other 3 spells were hypnotism, protection from evil, and mage armor.
Buffed my fire up via enhancements and a fire lore scepter. I'm twinking out my wizard a bit via my paladin.
There is no Friendly fire, thank goodness.
There is no Friendly fire, thank goodness.
Kinda depends on the spell, though. I don't think the group'd be happy if I were spraying grease around to power the fire
1. Where can I find how many and when I'll get more spell slots? All I have right now is two lvl 2's, 4 lvl 1's.
from www.ddowiki.com:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 3 - - - - - - - -
2nd 4 - - - - - - - -
3rd 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th 4 4 3 - - - - - -
7th 5 4 3 2 - - - - -
8th 5 4 4 3 - - - - -
9th 5 5 4 3 2 - - - -
10th 5 5 4 4 3 - - - -
11th 5 5 5 4 3 2 - - -
12th 5 5 5 4 4 3 - - -
13th 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 - -
14th 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 - -
15th 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 -
16th 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 -
17th 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 2
18th 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3
19th 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4
20th 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
hmmm. Formatting not the best...
I can read it, thanks!
There was talk of adding a second night, are we still just doing Thursdays?
Tuesday is fine for me.
Tuesday is good for me.
Tuesday's workable.
Tuesday works for me, but if we go forward with it we probably shouldn't start til next week, to get people more time to see/decide. I'm not sure, but I think keeping as many people as possible playing should take priority over consuming content faster.
Tuesday works for me.
I think I can work Tuesdays as well. Per Blind_Evil, is that starting tomorrow, or next week?
Got a beta friend code, if anyone wants it I'll PM it to ya. First come first serve.
Orien, huh? For some reason, I'm on Khyber. I'll have to fix that!
Khyber was where GWJ's DDO guild started out. Folks who kept on moved to Orien to be with a solid guild there.
Going to drop. Not scratching the itch.
Sorry about the "Leroy Jenkins" on the chest that initiated the ambush last night; I was starting to get tired and wasn't thinking (if it's any consolation, I had to go back and actually loot it).
To make matters worse, I realized after we broke up for the night that I should been casting Extended Resist Electricity on us. That might not have stopped all of the Kobold Shamans from one-shotting us, but it would've helped.
To make matters worse, I realized after we broke up for the night that I should been casting Extended Resist Electricity on us. That might not have stopped all of the Kobold Shamans from one-shotting us, but it would've helped.
Being multi-classed, I was only 2nd level Wizard, so I couldn't cast resist energy. However, since I only have soloed up until now, it never occurred to me to ask if anyone ELSE could do it. I feel so dumb. Well, I'm 3rd level Wizard now, so I can cast it as well. It's all a learning experience!
So many deaths in the Butcher's Path for us last night! I honestly prefer the added challenge of doing these adventures on Elite, even if we borderline wipe a couple of times. Most of our Hard dungeons have been too easy, with the exception of an ill-timed critical hit on someone (ie. Kirwin: poor, poor Kirwin). It also helps that when the enemies take more than 3 seconds to die, my Monk can actually build up enough Ki to do interesting things with it, especially now that I am getting the hang of the special "Finishing Moves".
I picked up a couple of Bracers that might prove helpful for some people that I don't want to use (I got Gauntlets of Orge Strength - huge help for my hollow-boned Elf Monk): one that provides a +1 to AC, and one that adds +1 to Constitution. Let me know if you want them, and I will hook you up.
By the way, how many people hit level 4 last night? I think I am 75% of the way through Rank 15, so I should be close.