I'm apparently being appointed leader of the second group, so if anyone had any issue with the run let me know. Been roughly 7 years since I took any kind of leadership role in an MMO (FFXI, you never forget your first). One thing I hadn't thought of was letting those completely new to the game do the puzzles, but I don't have much experience past level 5 or so, it'll all be new to me soon.
Found out from Arovin that if the person starting a dungeon is a VIP you can start on any difficulty you want, so I am thinking about signing up for a month so we can start on elite (or hard, if we're short handed). Thoughts?
Didn't this start off being planned for Diabloday.. I mean Tuesday? I can't make it tonight, sadly. If you guys fill me in on what quests you completed, I will try to catch up before next week.
Most of us reached Rank 7, so a little into level 2. Finished the four quests in Korthos Village, some of the progress in Korthos Island (75 or so of Slayer, 5 of 12 explorer discoveries, 1 of 3 rare encounters), and two of the Island dungeons (Group B did Cannith Manufactory and Cannith Aqueduct).
If you'd like company to run through this stuff I'm more than happy to help. You can definitely handle it all solo but it's more fun with another person (not sure of your experience level with DDO in general). I have a couple ideas for alts.
I think elite might have been too much for us to jump into right away. I usually don't have a problem with these quests solo, but it has been a long time since I have run them without powerful gear handed down from my other characters. The starter equipment is pretty terrible and makes the quests much harder.
I'm not so sure about that. I'm pretty sure that the one spot of trouble we had was "entirely my fault". I wasn't paying attention to my own hit points, so when I went down, so did the healing. I should've remembered that that last fight can be a bit hard, depending on who's in the room. I really should've just sat back and watched hit points and healed instead of wading in and fighting and trying to watch hit points.
It was a lot of fun. I'm sad I we can only play once a week
The only time we had a problem was when we had to swim down a long water filled tunnel to get a chest and no one though to use their water breathing rings so we took damage. I'd love to run elite group so we can get better loot, I'm still using the basic armor!
As far as characters, when I went to 2 I stayed on my rogue master mechanic path. I'll never be a "top guild" rogue so I'm not really hurting everything if I'm not doing the build dex build, right?
You don't really need waterbreathing for that tunnel. The controls take a little getting used to, particularly for swimming.
I have some +1 scalemail on an alt that you're welcome to. I'm also down with playing more than once a week but not sure if we could get the majority in that regard.
Actually, I was thinking we should either make posts of loot we don't need or just stick it someplace we can all access.
It was a lot of fun. I'm sad I we can only play once a week :(
At guild level 25 we get a guild chest for the airship with item storage. I will try and grind as much Guild XP (renown) as I can this weekend. If anyone needs their alts invited just let me know.
If we can't work out an additional night (other weeknights work for me), we can still make alts, join the GWJ guild and play the alts. I think tonight after my son gets settled, I'll make an alt (I'm leaning towards a Dark Blade-ish rogue) and play some. If anyone's around, I'd be happy to join them.
Blind_Evil wrote:Actually, I was thinking we should either make posts of loot we don't need or just stick it someplace we can all access.
At guild level 25 we get a guild chest for the airship with item storage. I will try and grind as much Guild XP (renown) as I can this weekend. If anyone needs their alts invited just let me know.
Does the guild benefit if you're just soloing quests?
Does the guild benefit if you're just soloing quests?
Yeah. once you hit the harbor most end chests or quest rewards offer a heroic deed that gives 50 or so renown
Cool. Arovin, when you get a chance shoot my alt Aericke an invite. I might have another later, too. I'll help in the guild leveling.
Arovin, have another alt I need invited - Derozan.
I bought VIP for a month to start, so now we can have both groups running quests on hard or above. Traps start getting really deadly as early as level 3 on Hard, though, so we'll have to be pretty careful.
I work evenings this week so I won't be around Thursday
Could you guys use another player? I have a lvl 2 multi-class Artificer/Wizard on Orien. I have only done solo DDO in the past, so grouping would be new to me.
Can you actually do that now without running Misery's Peak? This is the first character I created in a long time that actually did the tutorial; have the snowy side/sunny side limits changed?
Great. I'll give it a try tonight. Character is named "Majeure" if you need it. See y'all around 9:00 EST then.
I'm game for a second night.
That was a good run last night; we got a lot done. Regarding a second night, I'm confident I have Thursday nights free for the whole summer. I'm less confident about any other night; but if everyone else wants to accelerate, I'll see.
I'm definitely down for another night, and now that I've been offered a job I can keep VIP access throughout.
I'm definitely down for another night, and now that I've been offered a job I can keep VIP access throughout.
Grats! I'm usually open most nights but one out of 3 or 4 I'm on evening shift but it looks like we have a bunch of people now.
I'd be down for another night
I'm having plenty of fun. I can probably do a second night as well.
I'd be cool with a second night, as long as it was a weeknight.
I was playing this morning to catch up and went into that final instance on the island solo. I thought i was gonna get help from the npcs but it was just me! Made it all the way to the demon before getting slaughtered!
I was playing this morning to catch up and went into that final instance on the island solo. I thought i was gonna get help from the npcs but it was just me! Made it all the way to the demon before getting slaughtered!
If you want to try again I'd be more than happy to help, or you can get a hireling from the vendor in the middle of Korthos to help out.
Yeah I'll help you out also if you want it, when you go to try it again.