Let's talk about fighting games! All of them!
Want to talk about them even more? Join us in Discord.
Want to actually play? Post your name (PSN/Steam/Xbox/CFN) and come join us! Generally games are scheduled through Discord, so you'll want to hop in there to see who is playing.
Basically tagging for now.
Well, I'm East Coast so really the weekend is the only time I can participate.
Cool, I'm down! Hopefully we can get a decent following, though definitely seems like fighting games are a nichy niche here. But even a small group would be swell.
I don't have MK, T6 or SC5, just fyi.
I can do most nights after 9:00 CST. I'd prefer to avoid Mondays and Fridays which conflict with TF2 private nights. Wednesdays and/or Thursdays are usually good. I probably can't make 2 a week most times though. Not sure I would buy any new games, though. I barely played SSF4 or MvC (is Ultimate compatible with MvC?). That said I always like fight nights.
I can make most Wednesdays. Saturday will be tough with spring here already.
I'm going all in on this. I want to get good at fighting games and look forward to these nights in helping my progression. I traded in all my console games and have acquired all mentioned games except for Tekken 6 and SC5.
Yo, just saw your PM, ahrez.
I'm down, by my time in the evening is a little irregular at the moment. There any interest in getting 3rd strike or SSF2TurboHDRemixUberSpectacular in the mix some time?
Yo, just saw your PM, ahrez.
I'm down, by my time in the evening is a little irregular at the moment. There any interest in getting 3rd strike or SSF2TurboHDRemixUberSpectacular in the mix some time?
Third Strike!
I'm going all in on this. I want to get good at fighting games and look forward to these nights in helping my progression. I traded in all my console games and have acquired all mentioned games except for Tekken 6 and SC5.
What a hero!
If you picked up all of those titles, then I think an arcade stick is definitely worth it. Here's the cheap one many folks start out with. Even with a nicer stick, I still don't mind using this one. (Looks like Amazon is out of it at the moment.)
EvilHomer3k wrote:I can make most Wednesdays. Saturday will be tough with spring here already.
For some reason I thought you had said Saturday was good too, so that's what I entered on your behalf. Oh well, this is in part why I chose to do 2 nights instead of just 1, I assumed not everybody would be able to make it to a single night.
Saturday's aren't necessarily bad but the afternoon time is going to be inconsistent with soccer starting for the kids and general springtime stuff beginning as well.
I'll give it the ole' college try, Ahrez. Anything to punch Lupus in the face some more.
I don't know how the netcode is, but Best Buy has SCV on sale for $40 this week if we want to try that.
So, I definitely want to try to get in on some of this, but my availability has been extremely unpredictable lately. So, I'll try to keep an eye on this thread and try to make it when I can.
Wednesday @ 7PM PST is the first night, make sure your copies of Super SF4 work. Remember that if you don't own Arcade Edition, then you MUST install the Update Kit manually to be compatible with anybody who does own Arcade Edition.
Also, for anybody who owns Arcade Edition, the game will lock out the AE characters if somebody playing does not own AE. So don't be surprised if you can't select them, but the games will still work together.
SSF4: AE is only $20 new at GameStop. Do it!
My fight stick should arrive in the post tomorrow. Woo!
If you update to arcade edition digitally from super, do you get a whole new list of achievements as well?
If you update to arcade edition digitally from super, do you get a whole new list of achievements as well?
Wow, that's a great question.
As someone who did that, I'll check for you tomorrow. I don't think so, though. Maybe just the 200 or however many DLC can add?
I might try and join you guys. I ended up with a copy of SFIV:AE a while back and just never played it.
I've been needing a reason to do something on my 360 anyway.
For anyone interested, I think I'll try to hop on around 9 eastern tonight, if not a bit earlier.
Ok I'll definitely be on now. Managed to finish everything I wanted to get done tonight early.
I'm almost hoping this game makes me miserable. I don't want to buy more fighting games if it ends up fun
I can't even beat the third character on arcade set to medium.
Don't think anybody has anything to fear.