Someone just sent me a link:
Source code sez:
February 28, 2012 -->
Shadowy Figure- Raise Dead : Infinity EngineFor years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory.
And then... it returned. Better than it was before.
Pore over the tapestries and works of art hanging from our walls if you wish, Child of Bhaal... perhaps you will find a clue. But patience, ah... patience would reveal it all.
Background reveals portraits of BG1 characters:
Domain is registered in name of Trent Oster, who worked on BG, now employee of, digital distribution service. He got contacted by GameBanshee:
We're not related to the Steam complete edition, I can tell you that much. Other than that, we're hoping to announce something soon.
I'm calling it now - a cinematic first person shooter.
If they can make an Amalur-style action combat RPG out of this, I'm in.
Fallout 3 with swords, most probably.
iPad port! Please say it's an iPad port so I can give them all my money.
If it's a remake and not just a repackaging with mods and widescreen/hirez support, or an iOS version etc, then I hope they use something other than AD&D 2nd edition. It's my least favorite of all the editions. Either go retro/old-school clone, or else do something fun like 3.x/OGL.
I would love for this to be a revival of the BG3 project, but it's probably an iPad port of BG1. Which I would pay good money for, of course.
So the game is just coming to the beem dog store why all the excitement?
but it's probably an iPad port of BG1
That's what my money's on.
I wonder what the limits of infinity engine are, if they decided to push the 2D graphics detail.
If they can make an Amalur-style action combat RPG out of this, I'm in.
I will punch you so hard in the face, Larry. RIGHT TO THE MOON!
If there is a sequel, it better not be anything like Fallout 3 was to Fallout 1 and 2. All hell will break loose onto this blue earth if they disgrace my beloved Baldur's Gate. Strong nerd rage impending.
LarryC wrote:If they can make an Amalur-style action combat RPG out of this, I'm in.
I will punch you so hard in the face, Larry. RIGHT TO THE MOON!
If there is a sequel, it better not be anything like Fallout 3 was to Fallout 1 and 2. All hell will break loose onto this blue earth if they disgrace my beloved Baldur's Gate. Strong nerd rage impending.
I'm going to have to agree with Zane. There's no end of fantasy franchises that they can utilize. If you're going to utilize one of the truly classic ones, then you need to try to at least do something similar to it.
...So it's more likely that they'll make a cover-based 3rd person medieval squad shooter.
Ok, no, seriously, I'd rather they do something more like Dragon Age: Origins for a Baldur's Gate remake or revival. If it's just an iPad port... Meh.
I think I have a copy of the game somewhere but I didn't play it. I heard you can play it on Android using GemRB app. I might try it . I already an XCOM game going on my phone using anDosbox(costs 4$~) there is a free dosbox but it's not as good but it does have its advantages (I can't remember because I didn't play with it much).
I got the Android version of JA2 but I've been working hard to find a playable setup and it's hard because I can't remember the key binding because I haven't played for a while...
Baldur's Gate never left; it still runs fine on most systems with a few tweaks. And why would anyone bother remaking it? Who's the audience?
Just want to point out, the Baldur's Gate title music is still freakin' amazing.
If they can make an Amalur-style action combat RPG out of this, I'm in.
I've got to ask... why? The world of Baldur's Gate isn't particularly unique or all that interesting. What makes it so appealing, other than the fond memories of the good stories that have been told there?
I hope they leave it in the past. Dragon Age was supposed to be the rebirth of that genre. For better or for worse, Dragon Age II is pretty far from Baldur's Gate. If they remade the originals with modern technology, better graphics, streamlined interface, that sort of thing then that'd be great. What we don't need is a cynical generic ____ (with RPG elements) that drags another classic name through the mud just to bait old fans.
Please let this be good.
Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!
LarryC wrote:If they can make an Amalur-style action combat RPG out of this, I'm in.
I will punch you so hard in the face, Larry. RIGHT TO THE MOON!
If there is a sequel, it better not be anything like Fallout 3 was to Fallout 1 and 2. All hell will break loose onto this blue earth if they disgrace my beloved Baldur's Gate. Strong nerd rage impending.
Mwahahaha! All hail Kingdoms of the Sword Coast: Reckoning!
Seriously, though, I get it. It's just that I'm on an Amalur streak right now and I tend to want everything be whatever I'm liking at the moment.
That said, I have tried booting up BG2 for a stint or so. The mechanics have not aged well. It would need an update to make it relevant, otherwise it's just an dinosaur. Temple of Elemental Evil shows a way that could be done (the much-patched version, not the awful broken one I bought).
The world of Baldur's Gate is The Forgotten Realms D&D Setting! Granted, nothing says "generic everything's in it" D&D world like The Realms, but still. It's just that the Sword Coast is a particularly bland section of the Realms (a generic setting) to begin with, so I really don't know why they chose that place to host the game.
Something set in Arabel (Kingdom of Cormyr) or Silverymoon ought to be more interesting. Heck, they could set it in Myth Drannor! That'd be pretty classic, right?
The story of Baldur's Gate is very good in that it is reasonably well-suited to the suite of game mechanics that was Baldur's Gate. You could, I suppose, apply it with some success to a more contemporary suite of cRPG mechanics, but, I mean, why would you? Yeah, the overarching plot would be somewhat better than most of what we see in Tolkienesque RPGs today, but after rewriting every line of dialog so that your ten or twenty voice actors can record them all you're left with the exact same product you would've had without the Baldur's Gate license (except, I guess, people like us are more inclined to buy it?).
A Baldur's Gate remake/reboot, so far as I can tell, makes absolutely no sense.
Bauldr's Gate is available on GoG right now for modern systems, so a simple re-release makes no sense.
They could possibly be making an "HD" remake, bringing the graphics up to date but changing nothing else, but anyone who has nostalgia for BG probably doesn't care about the graphics and new players would probably have more problems with the gameplay/interface/mechanics than the graphics anyway.
A sequel (Baldur's Gate 3)? Maybe. I suppose a smaller studio could release a new game using the Infinity Engine but I can't see it as a major release.
Most likely scenario is an iOS release, quite possibly timed to go with the upcoming iPad 3 release.
I think a little more detail could really add a lot to the game. You could finally know just how disgusting and distracting Aerie's wing-stumps are, and see the tears pouring down her face when you inform her that they are, in fact, "totally gross."
I think a little more detail could really add a lot to the game. You could finally know just how disgusting and distracting Aerie's wing-stumps are, and see the tears pouring down her face when you inform her that they are, in fact, "totally gross."
Someone's been writing fanfic I see.
LobsterMobster wrote:I think a little more detail could really add a lot to the game. You could finally know just how disgusting and distracting Aerie's wing-stumps are, and see the tears pouring down her face when you inform her that they are, in fact, "totally gross."
Someone's been writing fanfic I see.
It isn't often you can carefully nurture a relationship with an emotionally fragile and physically abused character for the sole purpose of teaching her what happens when she mistakenly believes she's worthy of love.
(I'm sorry Aerie, I'd never really do that to you, but I am happy that I had the option.)
(I'm sorry Aerie, I'd never really do that to you, but I am happy that I had the option.)
BS! You did it to me.
BG is completely married to Second Edition, so if they re-used the Infinity engine, it would have to be a new 2E game.
Now, that's the version of D&D I played, so that makes me kinda tingly, but it's a LOT different than the newer versions. Lots of weird corner cases and strangenesses to exploit. I found that fun, and when they so carefully rebalanced everything, I felt like they'd filed off all the fun bits, and left behind a very bland and boring system. But newer players would probably find it powerful strange.
I'd LOVE a new Infinity engine game. I'd buy it in a heartbeat, if it was properly voiced and everything, and if it wasn't just endless combat. (I'm looking at you, Icewind Dale.) But I think people like me are probably way too small a group to make a game successful financially.
Oh, and man, I just replayed through BG, all the way through, start to finish, last year. I think I despise Jaheira even more than I did when I was young.
I dunno if it was the mod package I was running, but she started flirting so quickly that I was shocked. I mean, I don't think Khalid's corpse was even cold yet, and she was hitting on me. Telling her to can it was a real pleasure.
Loathe that character.
Hmm...I'm on the fence on this one. If Dragon Age taught me anything, it's that the magic of those games wasn't the combat system, but the incredibly fleshed-out plot and characters and extremely well-written dialogue -- something that Bioware has long since forgotten how to do. Or anyone else in recent memory, for that matter. I enjoyed the battle system of the BG games, don't get me wrong, but that's not where the magic was. So a remake? Maybe. A new game in the universe? I dunno...