Fallen Earth will go F2P October 12th, which is also my birthday. Coincidence? I think not.
In addition to the free-to-play model, there will be a three-tiered subscription model, which breaks down thusly (click to embiggen):
ALL content will be available to ALL players, but the F2P players will face slight nerfs to some non-combat skills and abilities, as well as hard caps to how much money they can carry and how long they can craft each day (primarily to combat goldfarming).
The thing I like about that model is that they're effectively lowering the monthly subscription rate to $10, though the $15 model does seem to be the sweet spot. $30 seems ... absurd.
Okay, after three hours or so I'm really enjoying myself. I can see the grind getting annoying, but the fact that I'm earning points somewhere for just about every activity is a much better incentive to do things than the normal leveling system.
And I totally love the crafting, which is why I decided to give the game a shot in the first place. Totally enjoying the crafting. There's SO much crafting to do. Awesome.
The lack of storage space will get very old once you start making second tier crafting items, and you will still need first tier mats when you start gathering third tier mats. Not. Enough. Space. Love the crafting, HATE the storage system, it was enough to turn me off the game.
Oh, I can definitely see space being an issue. I'm planning on collecting horses and other vehicles just for the space. Not fun.
There is more storage space than there appears at first blush... In addition to the regular sector vaults, there are also barter and banker vaults with equal amounts of storage space, and many of the high-end mounts have plenty of storage as well. You can also purchase vault expansions fairly cheaply.
There is more storage space than there appears at first blush... In addition to the regular sector vaults, there are also barter and banker vaults with equal amounts of storage space, and many of the high-end mounts have plenty of storage as well. You can also purchase vault expansions fairly cheaply.
Wish it were real world money. I'd rather spend that then time grinding. It's the sort of thing that is fair in terms of gameplay.
Do we have any idea what will be in their marketplace?
Wish it were real world money. I'd rather spend that then time grinding. It's the sort of thing that is fair in terms of gameplay.
Do we have any idea what will be in their marketplace?
There is actually already a Fallen Earth Marketplace, it was instituted last year, long before G1 took over. It primarily stocks vanity clothing/accessories, unique mounts, and the aforementioned vault expansions, as well as more mundane things like extra character slots, name changes, extra mount/pet slots and respec injectors. While the selection is currently a bit small, I imagine it will expand a bit once it officially goes F2P.
Even with bank, barter, VIP and 4 or 5 mounts (horses and vehicles), it wasn't enough. And most it was annoying to use - have to run to the few spots on the map with the special storage, for example, with no fast travel, or having to have a mount 'towed' to the garage I was at to use its storage (assuming I remembered which mount had the item I wanted, if not, pony up the chips to tow the next one). Admittedly I didn't buy additional storage, but that's because I'm not going to spend real cash on top of a monthly subscription. Not a chance. And while its true it you can make those vault expansions in game without spending real cash, its also a real pain in the ass to do so. So, all that not withstanding, I'll stick with my original statement.
Just a reminder bump. Fallen Earth goes Free to Play on Wednesday, October 12.
Oh good. Lookin forward to getting back to it after I let that first month die.
Anyone with an active subscription during the f2p transition will receive a veterans reward bundle, including but not limited to:
The Spiked Chopper, a brand-new unique vehicle. Sweet.
F2P launch apparently went well (outside of lag) as they had the most people on at once since launch.
Anyway, they posted a blog about the stuff they're currently working on: World Events and Faction Territory Control.
So, I saw someone playing this on STEAM, enjoying it?
I like it. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely interesting, especially if you like crafting.
I tried it for an hour or so today via steam. Lag in teh starting area made it nearly unplayable, 3 to 6 second lag on all actions, but the area was just absurdly flooded with steam free players in the noob yard.
I'm real big on swtor but i could see playin this very casually as "something different". I'll probably follow one of t hose guides i saw on the forum make a guy who can craft basics like ammunition and stuff and be a killer.
I'm assumin all the lag was just flooding the noob area with steamers.
Anyhow, i'll play it a bit here and there, but it sure aint pullin me from SWTOR
There are 8 or 9 "starter towns," but when you are cloned after leaving the dam you only get to pick between 3 or 4 of them, I think. All of them use to be available, but apparently so many choices were too confusing for most players. Those towns still exist and have the starter tutorials in place, though, so if you are getting population lag in one area I would just advise climbing on the horse you're given early on and heading off to one of the lesser known towns.
There are 8 or 9 "starter towns," but when you are cloned after leaving the dam you only get to pick between 3 or 4 of them, I think. All of them use to be available, but apparently so many choices were too confusing for most players. Those towns still exist and have the starter tutorials in place, though, so if you are getting population lag in one area I would just advise climbing on the horse you're given early on and heading off to one of the lesser known towns.
I had about 6 show up as options, every last one of them was listed as player population = full.
So i figure they're all slammed atm with the steam advertising going on.
They must have re-added some of the towns after they switched to f2p to handle the extra traffic then- I stopped playing right before they made the switch.
I wouldn't touch a starting area after showing up on Steam as F2P. I'd ... wait.
Luckily I don't have any characters still in Sector 1. I'd like to return to the game at some point, but I'm sort of waiting for them to implement craftable player housing, which they've been promising since release. After G1 took over they've been focusing mainly on the pvp systems, which frankly NEEDED to be done, but I want to build a shack out on the plateau, dammit!
EDIT: according to Massively, G1 announced earlier today that they are working on fixes to performance issues caused by the Steam player influx, including but not limited to tweaking server memory management and moving the starter towns onto more powerful hardware.
I had been interested in this one. Maybe I'll try it out now that it's free.
I played some more this mornin.
They improved the lag situation a ton and a half, not perfect, but totally playable now.
It's a complicated as hell game to figure out when yer dropped in, especially since the help channels full of screamin idiots atm.
But, i'm figurin it. The key is to follow the starters missions and get a couple levels then wander all over the town right across the street from the startin lifepod. pick up tons and jack tons of mothertruckin tons of quests...and do em all. Cause it gets you all kinds of books so you can do all the starterin crap. Like make horsefeed? i havn't made any yet..need to...havnt found where to harvest tainted grain for it quite yet. But there's all kinds of knowledge books ya get through these lil quests that let unlike the skills you'll need for whatevers and doin basic thangs...like makin horsefeed i guess.
And there's some fun multipart killin and fetchin quests too that get you some basic crappy stuffs and help you learnin the game stuffs.
yar, thas about et.
I lernin'
Ber the lunger i'r en hep chat the durmer i gut.
I need to reinstall this on my new system and see if I have any goodies you noobs can use. I was working my way up the guns & ammo crafting lines. I know I HAD a bunch of shotgun ammo made before F2P.
Yea, I've been meaning to reinstall this and dig out my account, but I just have too much game and not enough time.
Played a lil more yesterday. Man it's been a long time since i played a game that throws you off a deep end so fast wondering what the hell you're missing or needing to do next or to prep yourself for the next level range or area or even where to put your points.
Without the ultimate guide on the new players thread on official forum i'd be dead lost and quit already i think. it at least gives me some ideas, though not a progression of do this do that then go here and do this.
While i don't, clearly, have to be led along by the hand at every turn (as i am progressing), some clear guidance in such a complex game is nice so you're not scared of losing your way completely.
I spent an hour last night riding around looking for a garage/horse merchant someone told me show up together but wouldn't specify where as the guide says a great idea to to upgrade to a better horse asap before i gave up finding that and went back to running all the quests my starting area of south burp (:P). I figure i'm getting lots of stuff unlocked there maybe i'll get guided to it eventually. At least i can make enough horse feed now. Locations list of places to harvest in ultimate guide thread for each startin area was a goldmine...that helped a lot.
so, another 2 hours played...up to about 4-5 hrs now over the last week played and i'm level 4 or 5 and figurin it out. I'm not subbing till i totally "get" the game though lol, still scared i'm gonna hit a wall going "w t f do i do now and nobody is bein real helpful". This is one of those games that feels like it was made some old fashioned text adventure players who discovered 3d:) lol. It's neat but very little by way of hand holding.
Yep, complicated game back in beta, and its just gotten more complex as time passed. To make matters worse, the sweeping changes make a lot of the really good user created documentation obsolete.
Sally Smith's guide is pretty good, little dated, still has a lot of good info in it. Decent starting place if you can't find anything else you like.
Fallen Earth is like an Umberto Eco novel, you just have to get through the beginning. Female Doggoing your way through is a proper way to get through it.
Totally diggin this.
Lots of slow play from me in this game on the side. Playing rifle.crafter still.
Think i'll be able to make myself a nice medium rifle very soon now, by the time i actually get the player level for it (15). It's a pretty cool game for the crafter since actually fully this rifle together is really going to feel like a major accomplishment. You don't just stock a few mats and churn out a rifle in this game...oh hells no....it requires several different crafting skills, more than a dozen types of mats in various quanitites, some of which are uncommon and more difficult to obtain and a whole lotta intermediate crafts....barrel, action, stock, gears, fasteners...then assemble the whole thing.
crafting this rifle for a level 15 player is like killing a raid boss in SWTOR:P haha.
It's pretty awesome as an apocalypse survival game
Just realize you will not be a pvp badass if you're also a crafter...heh. 1 toon cannot do everything. There is no do it all like games like TOR allow you to do....be fully combat and fully a crafter etc. This is a much more hardcore mmo.
If any of ya'll are still playin this or with a guild or whatever, i'd love to join up. Level 11 now and have subscribed.
Yowzers, played the turorial last night up to the horse part. Game definitely looks like AO graphics wise.