Any updates with the good ol' game night? I think I missed the few last ones due to work, and losing my life (or rather, what part of my life wasn't at work 10hrs a day) to Aion. ^^; (I even quit checking the board for a month o.o;;) I know I was supposed to host one mid Feb at my place but as it turns out we're looking to move and the next place we head to will likely be smaller and without a clubhouse. So I think I'm out of the running for the time being.
I went back 6 pages here then I got bored looking, so I made this instead.
Feb is looking crazy busy for me, but by my schedule clears out by the last weekend of the month, and March is wide open.
And I want to play some games.
And I'll offer my place as a venue.
My schedule is a bit crazy until mid-Feb., but it would be great to see you all again.
Jonathan Coulton is at the Triple Door on Sunday, February 20th, and I am probably going to come up to Seattle for that show. If we could make it more of a Seattle Game Afternoon on that day, I'd totally be up for that.
Mid to late Feb would interest me, as well.
It looks like the end of feburary or the begining of march seems to be the better of the two. I'd love to go see Johnathan Coultron but it falls on a sunday and likely one i'd be working :/ I'll wait to see if we can get any of more of us regulars to respond but if jonman is willing to be our host that sounds like it might work out well. :)
I have plans for the weekend that JoCo's in town, unfortunately.
I was thinking the weekend of 26th/27th Feb, or 5th/6th March. Saturday or Sunday works just as well for me.
So this one fell off the back burner then, didn't it kids - shall we try again? This time with feeling.
How does Sat April 9th sound for a game day at Casa Del Jonman, in the North End?
Alternate date: Sun April 17th
We can do the 9th, but we have a game on the 17th so that's no good.
The 9th should work for me. The 17th is my little brother-in-law's wedding, so I'm out.
I can make April 9th.
This sounds like a plan then.
Sat April 9th, 2pm until whenever, Casa Del Jonman.
Bring games, bring tasty treats for sharing, bring fun.
I'll get a PM out a bit closer to the time with directions to my place. Short version - it's 2 blocks from the N 145th St exit off I-5, right on the border of Seattle and Shoreline.
I think I and maybe my brother should be able to make this
Well looky here! The Seattle game night has been resurrected from the dead! God, I wish it was easier to keep up with threads on these boards!
I'll work on getting free April 9th too.
Gotta make it if only to see the new Jonman. According to the podcast guys he's some kind of svelte greek god these days!
Gotta make it if only to see the new Jonman. According to the podcast guys he's some kind of svelte greek god these days!
At Mr. Jonman's request the topic has been re-named. I'm not sure if I can make it yet, though. :/
Thanks! And hope that the stars align and you come out to play.
Thanks, Tekman, for letting me know about this. I will see if my wife and I can make it. I'd sure love to come, it just depends upon our recently crazy schedule.
EDIT: We are on for this get-together. As fate would have it, our son will be at a birthday party/overnight meetup. We're also going to see if my wife's brother (CreatureParade) and his fiancee' can make it, too.
If you've already posted with interest in this thread, you should have a PM from me with directions to my house and wotnot.
If you're a Johnny-Come-Lately, post here or PM me and I'll send you the deets.
See you on Saturday!
By the way, I had an awesome time at Jonman's. It's so nice to see the locals again. I played Pandemic (twice) for the first time. We lost both times, but it was quite fun.
Oh, and I got to sit in on the latter half of a Ravenloft game, which we actually won, which is sure something.
Can't wait to do it again.
Is there any interest in reviving this?
I'm game. I can host my place as like I did for IGWJ of 2011.
I'm game. I can host my place as like I did for IGWJ of 2011.
Sounds great. Is anyone else interested?
Let me know when and what I should bring.
I'm interested, but I'm also insanely busy right now. I put the odds of me being able to attend at about 1:3
Wow. That would be the day after Sakura Con. But if I'm not feeling all socialized out, I will totally try and make it. Don't count on any food though. I will come armed with as many funny anime convention stories as possible though.
Wow. That would be the day after Sakura Con. But if I'm not feeling all socialized out, I will totally try and make it. Don't count on any food though. I will come armed with as many funny anime convention stories as possible though.
Oh no that's an old date from last year. I just bumped this thread to see if people would be interested in doing a monthly (or so) game night again.