A reminder that the game is up over there on Gamecal, feel free to sign up. I think we ought to try and play with the expansion this week, so those planning to buy it but who have been thus far a little lazy on the process (I'm looking at you, Pyro) should go ahead and pick it up.
Lookit me I have a beard and am too good to talk on teamspeak! Also here's the IP to join.
I sure plan on playing!
Thrones and Patriots is installed and ready to rumble!
I tried RoN recently and it was great fun. I stayed up until 4am two nights in a row playing it. I want to join you guys, however I''m afraid that once I get Doom 3 or Rome: Total War, this game and its expansion will collect dust.
Count me in, I just got the game.
I just picked up the game and its expansion too, but I don''t think I''ll be able to play tomorrow night. =(
Have fun though, I''m looking forward to joining you guys eventually.
Can we try one game with Nukes? Kinda like everyone gets one to use in dire situations (or not so dire), provided we don''t count down to ARMAGEDDON!!!
Hopefully I last long enough to even get to NUKES.
*Puts on his lead suit in advance*
*Puts on his lead suit in advance*
No nukes! No! Bad Demos!
So looking through the expansion races still leaves me wanting to play Japanese. The Americans look like they get crazy bonuses however. I might try a few practice matches with them.
I cannot be responsible for my actions if I am going down hard and one of my evil scientists ""happens"" to research Nukes.
I think I pretty much just got Nukes disabled before the match.
If you''re looking for another, I may try to join you this evening. I''m a veteran to the RTS genre, but as green as they come with RoN. Nevertheless, I''d make a good step stool for the more advanced player.
You''re more than welcome Chum. Nice avatar too!
Everyone sign up on gamecal too guys... Remember 8 player limit, sadly, though if there''s more, we may host a second game at the same time... I think my computer could handle it, I''m sure some of the supercomputers you freaks are using could do it too ^_^
There''s the IP, join up!
Damn! Why do I always end up working late on Tuesdays? MIssed it again.
Great couple games tonight guys! Full house too which is always nice to see.
I have to say Pyro has grown leaps and bounds in his skill since last week, pretty amazing difference! Even so, Sly Frog and I managed to beat and cripple Elysium early to keep him in check both games which made a huge difference and secured the victory both times.
Sway, Demos, I love you guys but you have GOT to practice building up some military and using them to help your allies. In the second game you just stared at each other until I moved in to attack Demos as part of the mop up efforts near the end
Watch the game replays, see how Sly Frog play it. He''s my hero.
I totally got gimped the 2nd game. No wonder the native americans only have casinos now!
Good game all. Thanks for the lesson Certis. I won''t soon forget it. Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for the lesson Certis. I won''t soon forget it. Looking forward to the next one.
Why do I imagine this being said through gritted teeth and a crazy glare?
After all this RoN love going around I decided to check out their website. I just played the demo for a few hours and though it was pretty slow at first it got pretty fun once I got going. I wanted to save my game and return to it but when I quit I lost it. I did get to conquer one city, though. 8) This is my first experience with an RTS and it''s better than I expected. Is multitasking the name of the game?
I''m wondering how the multiplayer works. Can someone explain how it works and I''d like to know how possible it is to find good matches (against random people - not GWJ''ers)?
Oh yeah, Ely did a review. Maybe I should go read that...
Glad to read that a good time was had...it kills me that The Amazing Race 5 has to be scheduled during possible gaming time. <heavy sigh>
But I look forward to these RON Without Pity recaps, though.
Maybe in the Fall, I can take the field.
Damn I missed out again, last week I got sucked in by NCAA 2005 and this week ESPN 2K5. As long as no new football games come out next Tuesday I will be there.
I''ve become timid due to not being able to defend myself from counter-attacks. Also, I seem to be missing all the messages you guys are, presumably, sending. Unless you use some sort of in-game code. Maybe we need to split off into teams on Teamspeak so I can tell where you''re attacking and when. I had a lot of guys just standing around.
I have to say Pyro has grown leaps and bounds in his skill since last week, pretty amazing difference! Even so, Sly Frog and I managed to beat and cripple Elysium early to keep him in check both games which made a huge difference and secured the victory both times.
I think that everyone has gotten notably better. I think we are now at the stage where games are being decided by strategy and tactics; who gets doubled, who responds to help, etc., rather than just a big margin in gameplay ability between players.
Watch the game replays, see how Sly Frog play it. He''s my hero.
Awww, big hugs all around. I''m playing, ""I Need a Hero"" in the background from Footloose the next time we play. ""I''m holding out for a hero ''til the morning light, He''s gotta be sure, And it''s gotta be soon, And he''s gotta be larger than life!"" Awwwwyaaaaa!
Seriously, I think that Certis and Elysium do a lot better job than I do at the ""help the neighbor"" situational awareness part of the game. One thing that I know I do is get too absorbed into clicking, rather than step back and look at the minimap and figure out what is going on. Pyro and Demo are getting good quickly, and I still remember the game from last week where Sway kept stabbing me in the side while Elysium pounded on me as particularly good teamwork.
What? No mention of my brilliant play? It takes a brave man to run away...
In all seriousness, I feel I should be up to competition speed by the next time you guys get together. Thus far it feels like the game play from the ""Age of"" series (a favorite of mine) combined with the scope of Empire Earth with some Civ aspects for taste (rare resources, governments, etc).
PS. Certis - thanks for the mic help.
What? No mention of my brilliant play? It takes a brave man to run away...
In all seriousness, I feel I should be up to competition speed by the next time you guys get together. Thus far it feels like the game play from the ""Age of"" series (a favorite of mine) combined with the scope of Empire Earth with some Civ aspects for taste (rare resources, governments, etc).
I''m not mentioning you because I''m afraid of you. I''m a hack who has apparently played this particular game more than most people, but I generally suck at RTSs. Therefore, I''m capped out in my development (you can''t teach talent, you can teach knowledge). You sound like you have some actual skill and talent at RTSs, but simply aren''t fully up to speed yet. That frightens me.
PS. Certis - thanks for the mic help.
No problem, I''ve had so many mic issues in the past I''ve pretty much got it mastered
I''m getting better?
Wait... ME?
Hehe, anyway, I''m trying harder and trying to expand faster and get bases for everything set up quicker, I''m just no good when it comes to dealing with short resources. That last game was killer on metal. I had one mountain, and Newt expanded to the side to take mine. I was working off of a +50 mine the entire game. Admittedly, the smelter helps a bit, as does the metal tech''s and the Dutch''s resource power was a big help for that part, but still... I could never totally overcome it -_-;
Anyway, I''m still trying to get better, playing harder and harder computer enemies for now.