Amazingly, Teppy is going forth with another Telling. There will be a few new tests, and if you haven't played it in a few years, some UI improvements occurred (unless there are drastic unannounced changes though, its still painful).
I suspect this Telling will launch and receive Teppy's attention for all of a few days before he goes back to his new shiny, which is some sort of real money casino game.
Citizens of Egypt,
In case you haven't seen it, The Game Archaeologist recently covered A Tale in the Desert. It's official - we're now "a classic:"
I'm writing to announce the grand opening of A Tale in the Desert VI. Our first Tale launched in February of 2003, and since that time we've become known for a unique mix of crafting and competitive-social gameplay that - almost nine years later - still hasn't been duplicated by any other online game.
We'll start our next Tale:Saturday, Dec 3, 2011 at Noon EST (GMT-0500)
If you've never experienced the beginning of a Tale - don't miss this chance. Early Tales are always fast-paced, as new technologies get unlocked, and new social groups form.
Four Monuments were completed in A Tale in the Desert V, so in addition to new Technologies, we'll have four Tests designed by our Oracles. The Test of Isis's Bounty will challenge you to explore Egypt's shores and waterways in boats. In the Throne of the Pharaoh you'll be working in teams to produce elaborate decorative thrones, showing off Egypt's craftsmanship. The Test of the Messanger is a cooperative puzzle in the Discipline of Worship. And finally, in Harmony's Test of Promotion you'll be figuring out which of your fellow Egyptians will soon advance in their Disciplines.
A few other odds and ends before I return to coding last-minute touches: As many of you know, New York University is studying A Tale in the Desert to learn about "Trust and Collaboration in Online Games." Many of you have helped out with the research by filling out surveys, and as a thank-you, an extra cornerstone was given. Those cornerstones will carry over into Tale VI. If you didn't get a chance to fill out a survey but would like to, see me in-game after launch and I'll make that happen.
Finally, a word about our next game, "Dragon's Tale," which is in Alpha testing. When I started designing A Tale in the Desert back in 2000, the big question in my mind was "what would a competitive MMORPG look like if there was no combat?" A Tale in the Desert was the result, and though our community is small, the game is known by nearly every game designer because we tried something so radical. Dragon's Tale brings radical game design to real-money gambling. It's the first online casino presented as an MMORPG. You won't find Craps, Blackjack or Roulette in Dragon's Tale, but you'll find 43 novel games, both luck-based and skill-based. I'll have more to say about Dragon's Tale in a future newsletter, and we'll have a special preview for ATITD players.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to another amazing Tale in the Desert...Dawn on the Nile,
Teppy (Pharaoh)Standard Stuff:
Download for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
Official IRC chat channel:
irc.sorcery.net port 6667 channel #ATITD
Mailing list removal and radical privacy policy:
To reply to this email, use my main email address:
[email protected]
Totally forgot about this game. It was my first MMO experience.
These things happen to other people.
So tempted to go back... Used to roll in that world during Beta. My Beta in-game wife eventually became the first demi-pharaoh. Good times!
I'm just surprised that it took that many years before real scientific studies started using this gameworld for data. Since day one I thought it was an incredible treasure trove of anthropological data.
In many ways its a different game then it was back then. You do get the first 24 hours of game time free!
What was your in-game name? I chatted with Amira a good bit (before she disappeared anyway), and ended up joining House of Bes in the second Telling.
Steam, Grouvee
Take two of deez nutz and call me.
Avus nethrolis
My name in the game was Ahmeses (crudely translated: son of moon). Unfortunately, as the First release telling came out, I was busy with other things in my life and couldn't really play. Which set me back enough that I just ran out of steam.
If anyone does swing by, I'm there as Hirokache, making a home in River Plains.
Steam, Grouvee
Take two of deez nutz and call me.
Avus nethrolis
I'm really tempted... but the pile is so large... oh boy!
Man, I remember this game. Played a fair amount during...beta... telling 1? Can't really remember now. Not sure if I'll go back though - minecraft fills my crafting itch.
Steam | Site | Saxton Hale's Fire Safety Tip: Grizzly Bears Burn!